Forbes Magazine



001. 30 Under 30 - The Future Of Energy Is Nuclear

Energy 12/17/2012

Christopher Helman, Forbes Staff

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

With wind, solar, tidal, rubbish and hydro-electric power plants, if and when disasters happen, we can certainly go to those sites and repair or clean them after a safe time. But if it is at a nuclear power site that such a disaster happens, we won’t be able to go anywhere near that place for either clean up or at least for an evaluation in several years or even centuries. Japan trying to evaluate damages caused in the Fukushima power plant is an example. That country, famous for industrial robots, found their technology insufficient, had to borrow an experimental robot from America, and witnessed this robot stumble and fall inoperable inside the affected plant, years after the incident. Still, the world is incapable of surveying the inside of a plant for damages where a nuclear holocaust has occurred. Where Japan and America failed technologically, who are going to succeed, India and Russia? Many countries boast, they have state of the art technology which only means belonging to what level of achievement the world has reached, and we all know up to where the world has reached. So state of the art technology does not mean sufficient technology. The world does not even sufficiently know how to make energy by fusing atoms which is why this technology is still in the infancy state. To be technically correct, atomic fusion technology is only at the embryo stage. When switch from coal to nuclear occurred, it was termed advancement. When switch from nuclear to coal, wind, solar, thermal and tidal occur, it need only be called more advancement or apt advancement. Switch to safer energy production technologies is not at all a going back. When something is proved perilous, we simply abandon them. That is only wisdom, the faculty which enabled mankind advance through ages instead of perishing.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

All nuclear plants functioning now in the world, nearly 475 are based on fission technology, the defects and harm from which also are now known to the whole world, with these plants functioning now for about 60 years since 1950. They cannot stand public opinion and go on functioning for another decade. Before it is 2022, all countries will have to dismantle their nuclear power plants. Either nuclear plants will go, or governments will go. It is people’s money and resources spent on nuclear plants anyway and they can decide what they are to have or have not. Drastic changes in the world’s political structure are already on the way. Military, constitution, law or parliaments do not anymore stabilize prime ministers and presidents in their thrones. Since nuclear energy is becoming one of the prime concerns of the world’s people, energy policies of a government would be what determining its future or not. Once people decide to survive at any cost, no other human being, illusion of establishment or man-made system can obstruct that urge without perishing itself in the move. We know, negative energy of amassed masses was what brought about the results of the Second World War, with imperialist hopes of Japan, Germany and Italy shattered to pieces without giving a chance to rise up again. Why did these very countries unwillingly decide to abandon the chance to once again emerge as world leaders in sophisticated nuclear technology? They get the wind and smell of nuclear hatred becoming strong in the world’s conscience and foresee industrial imperialism going to be crushed up once again. Who will know and feel in advance the coming horror of world’s retaliation except those who have experienced it earlier? Plants based on fusion technology and thorium is the only hopes for the world now. Even when their technologies are sufficiently developed and they come into existence, perfecting them and proving their safety would take still more decades. Wise people, that is why, are arguing for solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and rubbish electricity as an industrialized world, all of a sudden, cannot revert back to agricultural economy for want of power. Countries with democratic inclinations wind up their nuclear plants one by one. Countries with shadow democracies go on building more of them. Only despotic countries can build them in the future. Or, to retain nuclear reactors, governments will have to become despotic. Power is the key to authority, not authority is the key to power.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

Nuclear Power Plant building companies who base their products on fission technology are invested with huge amounts pooled by large corporations, governments and industrial and business tycoons. The sharks in this field five years ago suffered a fall of 70 percent in their share prices. They are all fighting mad for survival. They know that in Europe, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany and Britain they cannot survive or even exist in the future due to banning of nuclear plants. They are prepared to grease any nation head’s palm and release any amount from their reserves as bribes to any politician, bureaucrat, broker or parliamentarian. They are now turning to Asia to try their luck where governments are still considering opposing nuclear plants an anti-national activity. In Asia, these countries operate under military agreements which is safe for them to resist people’s opposition and to keep things under wrap. It is not strange or out of ordinary that the price of their shares goes up or at least stabilizes when each government in Asia reiterates that they will not go back from nuclear energy. We can guess the enormity of the amounts for which the safety and futuristic interests of these countries were compromised. It is true, nuclear power has considerably lost its power with the advent of the Twenty first century and the majority of the world’s people have already tuned against it, with the remaining population also sure to take the same stand. But these large manufacturing companies convince Asian governments that their lesser developed technology will not allow renewable energy sources to take over fully even though they will dominate in the future.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

The list of countries in the supposedly dark African Continent which have decided to remain non-nuclear is startling: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Chad, Comoros, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and continuing. Remember, even Uganda! Who is in the dark, the Americans, Indians, Russians and the Chinese or the Africans? That large continent listens to and obeys the calls and instincts of science and technology and abhors putting into their people an abominable form of energy. Many nations in the South American continent and elsewhere, pictured as war-torn and brainless by many ‘civilized’ nations also have declared their allegiance to non-killing energy sources. They are Barbados, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Pricipe, Sao Tome, and Surinam. Note, even Cuba is there. America, Brazil, Canada, China, England, France, India, Korea, Russia, Spain and Sweden still has not got the wind, light or courage. Can anyone say that the people living in the aforesaid countries are living in illusion and moon light because their countries are smaller? Light reaches first mountains and those people who are open-minded; then only would it reach pits and chasms of ignorance and selfishness and those people who live in darkness. There are many other countries which remain undecided. When countries small countries rich in rare metals and elements decide to stop mining and exporting of their rare earths as the next step, these countries also will take their decision which we all know would be what. The end result would be only those countries with their own rare earths to mine from their own sites, their own facilities to process the ore, their own technology to make use of, would be able to produce their own nuclear electricity, under the constant threat of the opposition of their own people. So, how many countries would be there remaining in the world nuclear club? Once it was a privilege, dignity and status to join this club. Soon it would be like going into a bar with one’s face covered and hidden under a hood.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

2100 Kilo Watt Hours of electricity can be produced from a tonne of rubbish if skillfully used. In Britain alone, 40 million tonnes of rubbish are left to decay in vacant lots. Using half this rubbish would produce enough electricity to meet all the electrical needs of the world, making oil, gas, coal and nuclear resources redundant. Rubbish in cities contains biogenic waste such as food, vegetables and meat and non-biogenic waste such as plastic and paper. When they burn or are processed, non-biogenic waste produces more heat and produces more electricity. Thus plastics are an ideal source of renewable energy. Due to liberal use of plastics and their finally reaching rubbish heaps, the Heat Content per Kilogramme of municipal waste is increasing nowadays, compared to that of a few years back. Producers of electricity from rubbish consider this an ideal situation to break even their business. Mixing non-biogenic waste with biogenic is the method for obtaining ideal raw material because when mixed thus, the former burns more fiercely. City rubbish is becoming a more viable fuel for producing electricity. One tonne of paper waste would have more than six million British Thermal Units of heat content whereas plastic has twenty million Btu. Mixing enhances the heat content of one. Using Refuse-Derived Fuel is an ideal way of producing electricity without damaging much our environment. When rubbish is used as Refuse-Derived Fuel for electricity, harmful gases cease to emanate from the site, polluted liquids cease to seep into below-ground water flows and mosquitoes and flies cease to propagate in that place. Though the cost of setting up the plant would be nearly four times higher than that of setting up a conventional power plant, the benefit of lesser harm to the environment would handsomely compensate the higher cost. But one thing is sure. Once the plant is broken even, it would be cheap electricity that it produces. Clearing prime city sites of rubbish, making them available as real estate, the possibility of reducing electricity bills and escaping from power cuts is what motivates many city administrations in setting up plants for making electricity from rubbish. Many city administrations just turn Refuse-Derived Fuel into pellet form and sell them for money to energy producers who badly need them, without bothering to setting up generating plants and running them. Most often power plants of this type would not require more than a quarter area of the rubbish disposal site to sit and the land thus released would be sold by the city for development which itself would bring more than enough money to set up the plant. The residual vitrified slag which is much sought after by road contractors for filling purposes also is sold at bargain price. Considering the fact that the raw material for the plant is free and the city is not paying any money to citizens for producing rubbish, the plant is profitable anyway for the city administration.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

All nuclear reactors are safe before they blow away. All the nuclear reactors in the world that blew apart were claimed to have been proved safe and well protected, claimed by ‘dignitaries’ and ‘experts’ in those countries’ Atomic Energy Regulatory Agencies and Disaster Prevention Establishments. Any human error, miscalculation or purposeful wrong doing in the designing, making or running can make any human installation go rowdy. Not one human creation has ever been an exception to this. We believe many mighty things erected by man on the face of the earth, inside and above it, to be flawless because we do not know about the internal problems contained in them. People who daily run those things know better and they almost always are prevented from speaking. When the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and the National Disaster Management Authority claim that everything is ship shape and under control at these reactors and that the plant is well protected, we will begin to think that these kind of organizations are going to move their headquarters to inside these plant and those experts and authorities are going to live there, inside the safe plant, for the next five years. When bridges were built in the past, the engineer and his family would stay beneath in boats in the river, while the heaviest of vehicles moved along the bridge during its inauguration. Since no one no more has to keep such respectful models in social commitment and responsibility, any one can say anything. If we are to believe what the Disaster Management People said, no disasters would have occurred in the world during the past two centuries but they continue to occur out of human error, miscalculation and wrong doing. Disaster management is, in practical terms, management of disaster once they have occurred, not one hundred percent preventing it. If it one day blows away, these nuclear power plants will burn out entire states. Authorities in every country want to open and make function these plants noiselessly, that is without any protest from their people. They split people and make them fight against each other over the issue of whether to acquiesce to construction of a plant at their place and accept the offered new jobs or obstruct its construction on the grounds that the convenience and ease of the availability of cheap nuclear energy for three or four decades do not justify burdening with nuclear waste the next thirty or forty generations. If there are persistent struggles ongoing against a nuclear power plant in a country, the government there will do some other atrocity against its people so that a new issue will come into the fore and the anti-nuclear agitation will go behind. Every nuclear country does this. Japan, Germany, Russia and India were no exceptions. The governments do this now in the fashion of a formidable war. It is in this brutal treating of their people that these nuclear countries imitate China, in the matter of suppressing people’s freedom for opinion.

Reply to Tyler Brown

What we ask about any type of industry while evaluating its viability and worthiness is, what would they do with its waste. No nuclear engineer has ever said that their industry does not produce waste, or that their waste is not harmful or that they have developed a system by which to dispose of their waste within, say, a thousand years. The carbon dioxide emission per kilowatt-hour of nuclear energy is certainly low, nearly a meager 50 grams per k Wh. But even in comparatively green wind mills, the same comes to around 40 times higher. This argument is a favourite of the supporters of nuclear energy. The drawback is that they do not consider the sure radiation effect accompanying nuclear energy, a phenomenon totally absent in all other energy producing protocols. Nuclear wastes produced in different countries in the world are all kept at temporary storage places which are going to travel a lot in the future. Before they cause irreversible damages, they have to be safe-custodied anyway. Since no permanent place would be available for their safekeeping until ample technology is developed in the world, they are sure going to go to space. Perhaps that is why world countries are spending huge amounts on space research and space travel technologies, searching for some galaxial beings for which plutonium is food, so that the world’s nuclear wastes can be dumped in their places or even sold to them as food. Nearly 150 countries in the world are now non-nuclear who have declared that they will not build nuclear plants in the future and that if they have any existing, they will be pulled down within a fixed time frame. The technically and technologically advanced countries, especially nuclear technologically advanced countries, such as Germany and Japan are included now in this category.

P.S.Remesh Chandra. In reply to Tyler Brown

Suspension of civil rights is a measure governments adopt everywhere to crush people’s opposition to nuclear power. When the construction of a new nuclear plant is going on or raw materials or processed materials are being moved through public roads, government blocks traffic on these roads for hours or for weeks. The area around the construction sites would be banned for protestation marches. Protestors are treated like terrorists, they are forced away, beaten, houses raided, hones tapped and employment terminated. Hundreds of them are arrested, imprisoned and maimed, with or without court orders. Rules and regulations stipulate that reactors must belong to latest technologies and safety and protection measures should also be latest. But reactors continue to open without interference from law but when people, fearing hazards and accidents, protest and assemble, there is every law and judicial presence there to stop and persecute them. Governments like India who boast about being the largest democracy in the world are never ashamed to counter nuclear protestors with guns, grenades, water cannons and latthi charge. For every penny of lobbying money they receive from energy cartels, they save two shots for every nuclear protestor. No government in this world has any substantiating argument to justify nuclear energy against the Aeons-long radiation effect, so they turn to violence like barbarian clan chiefs. For centuries, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism have been dividing people and making them fight against each other. Now it is the turn of nuclear energy, making people take stand on two opposite sides and war till the end of their lives. This war which had been going on for more than 60 years had a small respite a decade earlier when large electrical manufacturing companies agreed to a truce whereby they consented to a gradual nuclear phase-out in return for many concessions. They enjoy these concessions but continue to build more and more nuclear reactors everywhere. Even though the first nation in the world to build a nuclear power station, Germany, declaring itself non-nuclear in the future was a shock to them, these companies found it much solacing and a relief to seduce India, China and Russia to go on firmly on the path of the nuclear. As a consequence, the aforementioned civil rights violations and suppression of people’s freedom too are going on in these countries. Actually they are emerging as a nuclear lobby and cornering Nepal, Pakistan, Burma, Tibet and Sri Lanka. If any of these countries go non-nuclear, declare that Indian, Chinese and Russian reactors which are very close to them are a threat to their people and demand dismantling of these reactors, it would start another political polarization and unrest in the sub continent which is the common fear of these three nations which made them unite nuclearly, defying all other previous political attachments.

002. Oil In 2013: New Era For Global Markets As U.S. Marches Toward Energy Independence.

Markets 12/13/2012

Agustino Fontevecchia, Forbes Staff

Bringing You The Bull And Bear Case From The Markets Desk


P.S.Remesh Chandra.

* It was in the 1930s that the American government joined with the Saudi Royal House to form ARAMCO, the Arabian American Oil Company, the largest oil company in the world, to ensue free flow of Arabian oil to America. As America began to depend more and more on Saudi oil, the American government had to extend so many unprecedented concessions to the Saudis. President Eisenhower consented to train Saudi soldiers in the time of King Ibn Sa’udi. In John F. Kennedy’s time, American jet planes were deployed to defend Saudi air space. Saudi Arabia equipped itself with missiles as a concession from President Lyndon Johnson. These militarist assistances increased American defense expenditure abroad but made sure uninterrupted oil flow from the Gulf. Through ARAMCO, the Saudi city of Al Khobar on the Gulf coast became practically under the control of America. It is the co-ordinating centre for all oil movements from Saudi Arabia to America. From there oil tankers move regularly to America, of course under American military security. When in 2011 the Arab Spring spread across the middle East, toppling the administrations in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and nearly imbalanced Syria, many feared that someday it would pass through Saudi Arabia also and oil flow to the West would be shut off. Since the 1950s, SA had been witnessing people’s uprisings demanding democracy, civil and political freedom, corruption-free government and equal rights for women. It was expected that series of such uprisings would again happen, oil production facilities would be seized by people, oil industry would collapse, government would fire and Ian would interfere with money and arms for the rebels. The rain clouds have not yet gone past. Why the Americans in the 1950s established tie ups with the Saudi Regime was not only for oil which was not a major issue then but was for countering communist Russia’s increasing presence in the Middle East also. Possible geographical invasion from Russia was a fear of the Saudi Royal House also then. Another thing that tormented the Saudis and made possible this new American Saudi deal was the spread of atheism from communist Russia to counter which the Saudis with American help trained, armed and financed religious fanatics to fight atheism who now are turning against both these two countries, a true modern day paradox. Jimmy Carter had advised America to develop fast technologies for utilizing renewable energy sources. Alternate energy was his substitute to heavy energy cost and military spending. America depended much on Saudi Arabian oil and was spending a fortune for providing military security to oil vessels from the Gulf which would have become unnecessary had they depended equally much on alternate energy. Unfortunately, this peanut grower-turned president was not given a second chance in presidency lest he would do what he advised.

[Called-out comment]

003. Shut Down The World Bank: Jim Yong Kim Should Be Its Last President.

Op/Ed 7/23/2012

Doug Bandow, Contributor

I write about domestic and international policy.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

People, organizations and banks with money in the west are on the continuous search for markets in Asia to invest their money in. Before the Asian countries start building their own Asian Monetary Fund and Asian Development and Reconstruction Bank, they seduce governments and politicians in Asian countries to agree to have their investments, with provisions for arbitrations and return of investments and payment of compensations in the agreement, if under any circumstances the agreement blotches and they have to pull out. They know they certainly will have to pull out someday, so they skillfully bribe politicians and make them sign investment agreements hastily. In a way, they ensure their opportunity for investing and insure the safety and the surety of the return of their investment with profits if anything goes awry, which it sure will. This is the trick international financing agencies apply on Asian countries. Their trick is to finance key sectors such as electricity, house construction and public distribution from which it would be most cumbersome and strenuous to disentangle them and pack them away when these countries build their own financing agencies in their time. A Russian conglomerate which invested heavily in the telecom industry in India utilizing the Rupee-Ruble funds was asked to participate in the re-auction of permits when the earlier issued permits were involved in a scam and were cancelled following the Comptroller of Audit General of India’s timely intervention. They simply were not willing to participate in the re-auction like the other aggrieved companies but threatened to pull back from the Indian scene and demand arbitration and return of their investment along with damages and compensation. They do have the support of the Russian government; otherwise they could not have utilized the investment fund constituted under government pool. When and if their compensation is paid off, where would money for that be taken from, from public treasury? Help them with permits, and when they get into trouble, help them again, that is what we see on the authorities’ part.

004. The Truth About Wind Energy Subsidies: They Blow.

Op/Ed 12/19/2012

Capital Flows, Contributor

Select commentary curated by the Opinions editors

By Jason Stverak

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

Why government pays subsidies to renewable energy sources is to get rid of the deadly nuclear energy. It is not a matter of money but a matter and immediate concern of life or death. Like the 150 plus countries in the world that have already opted out of nuclear energy solutions, the United States also will have to opt out, out of wisdom or out of the world’s compulsion. Countries which have nuclear reactors experience heavy difficulties in disposing their nuclear waste. News of ships roaming oceans flying flags of the countries or obscure flags for that matter is not news to the world. No sensible port in this world will allow them to even for refueling or for replenishing stores. They are like the ghost ship in the ‘Rime Of The Ancient Mariner’, every harbour forbidden to their berthing. We will wonder who would enlist willingly for working in these ships. Perhaps they might be being manned by the death-row prisoners of those countries, forcefully recruited clandestinely. Why can’t these countries which are skilled enough to design, install and run a nuclear power plant unable to process and dispose their waste in their own countries? Spent fuel is the main waste of a nuclear reactor which is a cocktail of plutonium, strontium and caesium, all deadly. Exposure to them for 15 minutes at a distance of 30 feet will leave a person dead. Countries like USA store them in the original form of spent nuclear rods in 1 meter concrete-covered, double-walled stainless-steel tanks, immersed in deep water reservoirs, and cooled continuously at very low temperatures for 50 years, which is temporary storing. Someday, when science becomes able and equipped enough to find a permanent solution to store them safely for a thousand years, they will remove these deadly canisters from temporary storing to a more permanent kind of storing. In Britain they keep it in the molten form inside concrete-covered steel tanks, water-cooled without stop. In France they mix it with silica and boron and heat to 1500 degrees of centigrade, almost making it glass which is them stored in concrete-surrounded steel containers, cooled down continuously and stored temporarily, always fearing when they would corrode away and leak. A 2000 megawatt nuclear reactor will produce 30 such canisters each year and one can imagine what a vast and enormous kind of deadly arsenal the nuclear countries of the world is storing away for the coming generations of a thousand years. 50 years’ satisfaction and pleasure for an abundance of electrical energy for the presently living generation, and a 1000 years’ agony and calamity for the coming unborn generations. Are we blind brutes to utilize a power source without being able to dispose of its byproducts safely and permanently? Not only wind energy projects but those tidal, geothermal, solar and wastetricity projects also will have to be subsidized heavily. Even though nuclear energy is baseload, comparatively cheap and carbon-free, we will have to say farewell to it permanently because we have not yet learned to dispose of nuclear waste successfully or even store them for at least a 1000 years safely. To escape from accusation of genocide on future generations, we will have to abandon nuclear power, promote renewable energy projects and sustain them through state subsidies. In fact what we pay as subsidies to renewable energy projects is unmentionably meager because whatever amount that can be spared from public exchequer had been heedlessly diverted to research and development on nuclear energy. What ever money that can be made available under defense heads also had been being diverted to nuclear power field as most nuclear plants have been functioning as military installations also. If we take into account the amounts the state spent on nuclear energy so far, we can see that it is 100000 times that on renewable energy. This was because, nuclear energy was being considered the official energy form. When expenditure on these nuclear and renewable equals, we can rethink and stop state subsidizing of energy projects other than nuclear.

005. Intelligence Community Warns Solar Storms Could Collapse Electric Grid.

Washington 12/19/2012

Loren Thompson, Contributor

I write about national security, especially its business dimensions.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

One nation, one grid, is the folly of all pompous governments. Because electrical authorities are authorized to spend big, they tend to think big and build massive power grids instead of many smaller ones. When there is only one great massive power grid and something like an intense solar storm occurs with considerable geomagnetic disturbances, the whole nation goes dark. Smaller power grids with smaller areas of distribution would have been wise for construction and maintenance. The greatest power grid failure in the world in recent years was failure of the Indian power grids in 2012. When the northern power grids of India failed one after the other, the energy minister of India was not willing to accept that there indeed was a problem but he commented instead that North America too has such frequent power failures and black outs. The people of India, especially those who had to undergo the ill effects of this total black out for days, were startled at the arrogance of this union minister who within days had to resign from power ministry, though after being given another covetous position in the same cabinet. But it is now here made clear that America, in spite of having all the futuristic planning that has been going on for decades and the abundant resources at hand that had been plundered throughout those years to avoid the same power situation that the world is now threatened with by way of intense solar storms, also is suffering from similar regular power failures. Incompetence of governments headed by ignorant ministers advised by indolent executives is the reason for the insufficiency in maintenance, overhauling and upkeep of the distribution systems in a country. 50 crore Indians going without power was a wild dream a few years ago, but now that it has actually happened once, it can happen again a number of times. It can happen in all countries with massive power grids. Because atomic energy enjoys the status of official power source in many countries including America, research and development of natively usable other rural common energy sources such as gases produced from cow dung, etc, which is in plenty in all countries, especially in villages, is discouraged. Methane from cow dung could have been trapped and used to light up and cook food in homes locally or large dairies could be established attached to power stations. Instead of producing and distributing energy locally from locally available materials, or even from local waterfalls, countries turned to producing electricity at one or two places massively and distributing it to dozens of distant regions, provinces and states by building elaborate and extensive grid systems. Not only methane gas from cow dung but that from vegetable waste and a thousand other such things and rubbish in villages also could have been well made use of for producing energy locally. Not only would have villages become energy sufficient locally but the power grids also would have become smaller to build and easier to manage and maintain. In a large power grid, solar shock at a junction will reach far distant places through the grid and collapse power distribution throughout the nation. But had the grids been smaller and many, most of them would escape from severe damages and not all the nation would go dark at one solar strike.

006. Mosquitoes And Malaria In India Are No Match.

ForbesWoman 12/19/2012

Denise Restauri, Contributor

I amplify the voices of girls and women.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

Indian authorities claimed last year that Malaria has gone but those who know these authorities warned that it will come back. Considering the instances of a number of diseases sweeping India such as dengue and chikungunya and the resulting death of thousands of victims due to lack of treatment facilities available to poor people after the privatization of the health sector in the country, there is every possibility of Malaria again coming to India. The health authorities in the nation has no future-reaching vision as to the possibility of this killer disease again coming to India, as is evidenced by their act of winding up the National Malaria Eradication Programme[NMEP]. Each time a disease strike, what we see is the sudden assembling of futile task forces, the hasty distribution of insecticides and the belated deployment of health inspectors to the affected areas who otherwise are pleased to work inside their cool office buildings. The disease takes the toll of a few hundred human lives, the mosquitoes continue to rule as usual and a considerable portion of national revenue is consumed by fools by way of transportation, petrol, hotel rooms, T.A. and D.A. and incentives. It is like a national carnival there, a time for festivity. Ask any disease-affected and incapacitated person, he will tell it is exactly the truth. When Arboviral infections including chikungunya claimed hundred thousands of human lives the world over, these so called experts behaved like they were hearing about Zoonosis diseases for the first time. Everyone knows that all Zoonosis viruses need an animal reservoir host to multiply which were dogs in this case. Nothing in nature suddenly changed to affect the outbreak of these diseases except the number of dogs increasing due to anti human laws. Because it was the dogs, the authorities carefully avoided mentioning the presence of an animal reservoir host. Even W.H.O. carefully remained silent about the role of dogs in originating outbreaks of Arboviral infections. Everyone blamed mosquitoes and no one accused dogs for obvious reasons. The Indian health authorities are playing with the lives of citizens. Experts have excellently laid out measures for preventing yet another outbreak of Malaria but if it happens we can see in advance that nothing as envisaged by the experts is going to happen. A very large empire is eagerly awaiting the outbreak of this disease because it is the private hospitals, doctors and medicine manufacturing companies that are involved on the profiting side. It is we people who are going to suffer and it is they who are going to profit. And do not forget that after passing laws banning the killing of stray dogs in the streets, the government-owned Anti Rabies Vaccine Manufacturing Facility was ordered to stop production. It was a sign of not madness in the health sector in India but of the horrible greed of Indian politic to please and squeeze private manufacturers by creating and spreading diseases.

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

First get rid of those dogs, then Chikungunya and Dengue will go away. Dengue Fever is a Zoonosis, a disease occurring primarily in mammalian animals that can be transmitted to humans. The viruses responsible for this disease survive in nature as infections in animals; human infection is not necessary for their survival. Dengue Fever is an Arboviral infection, the viruses being transmitted by arthropod vectors such as ticks. House dogs and street dogs are the common Animal Reservoir Hosts to these viruses, as almost all of these animals are tick-affected. The recent outbreaks of Dengue Fever in Kerala were exclusively caused by the millions of dogs roaming the streets and in the houses. Otherwise the healthy and clean people of Kerala would not have succumbed this much easily to this disease and this much frequently too. Actually, reports from Kerala and many other states indicate that the country has been in the grip of dog-transmitted diseases for long. Thousands of people there are daily admitted to hospitals following severe group attacks by dogs in the streets. The recent outbreaks of Dengue Fever rendered health services helpless, claimed hundreds of human lives and incapacitated tens of thousands more. Everyone talked about mosquitoes, stagnant pools, dirty canals and the like, but no one admitted the possibility of these diseases being spread from dogs, lest it would be commented as trivial. With this many dogs on the loose in streets and houses, there may occur yet more outbreaks of Dengue and Congo Fevers in India which would be fatal. The health authorities and dog lovers know this but they fear revealing this for fear of retaliation from amorous dog lovers. Chikungunya is a viral disease closely similar to Dengue fever that recently swept through Africa, Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Europe and America. As the African name denotes, it causes a contorted and stooped appearance and may take years and decades for the patient to get a slight relief. Full recovery is never. There is no treatment or vaccine available for this disease. Victims are incapacitated and cannot work or earn a living for many years. The destructing power of this virus is such that it is considered as an ideal agent for future biological weapons and warfare.

007. What Investors Need To Know About Clean Tech In India.

Green Tech 12/11/2012

David Ferris, Contributor

I write about eco-friendly technology and the people who make it.


P.S.Remesh Chandra.

In many cities in India like Bangalore, electrical connection is provided to houses, apartments and commercial buildings on the condition that solar energy also shall be used as and when appropriate. Water heaters are essentially to be solar devises. Chennai also is giving much importance to solar power devices. In a building, there can be many private rooms which can use electricity from the grid but common rooms like sit-outs, porticoes and dining rooms must essentially use solar power. That is the condition on which new electricity connections are nowadays being given. Solar panels placed on roofs are becoming standard in many Indian cities. But solar power is suitable for light devices only and cannot be depended on for industrial productions which need continuous electricity flow at undiminished, un-fluctuating strength and voltage. Solar power can be used only for lighting bulbs, powering water heaters, lighting up basements and car sheds, etc, but cannot be used for running kitchen grinders, water pumps, ventilation fans or air conditioners. Solar cells would provide power only during shiny days, and during clouded and rainy days, people will have to switch entirely to electrical power. Moreover, almost all Indian states have continuously blowing dusty winds and the dust settling on Photo Voltaic Panels would make the solar power source ineffective in no time. In the present circumstances they can only supplement electrical power but cannot substitute it. Solar panels are also costly as they are now being imported from foreign countries. Manufacture of Poly Vinyl Carbonate used for assembling solar panels needs generation and accumulation of the toxic waste Silicon Tetra Fluoride which many countries in the world are reluctant to allow produced in their countries for the reason that it will eventually reach water streams and kill people, taking its time. Countries with loose environmental and ecological regulations alone are now in a position to manufacture Poly Vinyl Carbonate in a massive scale. China is such a country which puts more weight on massive gross production and revenue from export than on caring for people’s health and safety. Consequently China is the country where PVC is available at the cheapest rates and almost all solar panels used in India arrives from China. The more solar power is planned to be tapped in a country to replace hydro-electric and nuclear power, the more use of solar panels will be necessitated. Since more and more countries are becoming acutely conscious of toxic industrial pollutants creating health hazards among their people, they will only turn to banning production Silicon Tetra Fluoride. Availability of STF and therefore that of PVC is evidently unsure of in the future. Even non-caring countries like China will have to go forward in environmental policies. Unfortunately, the scientific world has not yet come up with something to substitute Silicon Tetra Fluoride in solar panel production.

[Called-out comment]

P.S.Remesh Chandra.

People generally complain about power plants being built in their locality even though power is needed for running industries, producing goods and providing employment for the multiplying population. Except from increasing the production capacity of existing power plants, government cannot go on much in the matter of generating more power because new plants will become practically unable to be built due to people’s resistance. Restoring the water-retaining capacity of hydro-electric dams by regular dredging and sand and silt removal is the only way left before the authorities. It would also bring enough sand for construction purposes without depleting sand in the rivers eventually killing these rivers. Even though the expenses for regular sand and silt removal from dams would be enormous, it is the only available option left before the authorities to keep dams fully functional. Every grain of sand washed away by rain from mountains and from the land finally reaches these obstacles called dams which we built across rivers and remains there, diminishing further the water storage capacity of dams. Because this de-silting was not done, their storage capacity dwindled steadily through years and is now only a mere 2 or 3 percent of their original capacity at the time of their commissioning. Therefore there is no wonder the numerous hydro-electric projects in India cannot supply their intended power for the country. If these dams were de-silted regularly, there would have been no need at all for building nuclear reactors or thermal plants. If we ask the government how many times were these dams de-silted, they would answer that they were de-silted never. How can this happen when there are so many government agencies to monitor the functioning of dams? Even though hundreds of power ministers and electricity board chairmen have issued hundred thousands of press releases in the past, not one of them concerned the urgent need for de-silting rivers. So, it is assumed, not one among the authorities and bureaucrats of India is concerned about generating more power for people in the least-ecologically damaging way but they all are parts of a decades-old plot to sell this country to the world’s most cunning flock of energy barons, whether it is Canadian, Russian or French. So, the energy problem in India is government’s own creation, which a corrupt government created for the sole purpose of building massive nuclear plants and pocketing money. Not de-silting dams for 50 years was their fault. Of the thousands of power engineers and bureaucrats India pay salary for, not one among them insisted that silt removal from dams is mandatory and without doing it, power generation cannot go on. It took 50 years’ cunning to create this situation. It is not laziness or neglect of officers that led to this situation of power crisis but cleverly-calculated strategy and tactics involving decades of advanced planning by world power brokers to prepare way for nuclear power.

[Updated 20th December 2012]