Robotech Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition - Errata and Suggestions

The 2nd Edition of the Robotech Roleplaying Game produced by palladium books is far closer to the Show than the old edition, but it is by no means perfect. Many of the books lack important information or present misleading information. In many cases this is the result of a failure to provide useful details, HG canon changes made mid production, or as the result of palladium adapting their megaversal game system to the Robotech setting, rather than a failure to conform to the show's canon. (indeed, the reason the 2nd edition conforms much closer to the canon is due to close cooperation of the game's authors with the Harmony Gold's creative team, although they too are not infallible.) This page is intended to provide Errata and Suggestions to fix the most major problems in each book. However it will not provide information about typo's, incorrect spelling, or other such minor editing mistakes. For information about those, as well as for Adventure ideas and help with the game system, please visit the Robotech Section of the Palladium Books forums. The material presented below represents my own thoughts and investigations, and should not be considered canon at this time.

all page numbers are taken from the Manga size editions unless specified.


Called Shots: Page 239 (pg 159 in the full sized edition) states "Note: A "called shot" can only be tried with a singe "sniper style' shot, not a burst or when shooting wild", however the very next entry, under Bursts and Rapid Fire Pulse on page 240 (pg 160 in the full sized edition), it states "It counts as one melee attack and suffers no penalty to strike except on an aimed or called shot, in which case any strike bonus is reduced by half (round down)", in reference to bursts/rapidfire pulses from energy weaponry. Thus within the space of a few sentences, the book says both that energy bursts are and are not allowed to be fired as called shots. This gives game masters a choice. They can choose to follow the limit on page 239, and allow called shots only with single shot weapons, or choose to follow the rule found on page 240, and allow called shots to be used with bursts and rapid fire pulse energy weapons, but at half the total To Strike bonus for that weapon. Having played both approaches, both are valid ways of approaching the issue. Allowing energy bursts to be used with called shots speeds up combat, but also means that the players (and NPC's) are capable of taking on much more powerful opposition, shifting the feel of the game to a more super-heroic state. It is possible to destroy or cripple most non-human mecha in one shot with a called shot burst, which means that a player group can easily defeat a large number of enemies in one round. Allowing it for only single shots means that single hit kills are less likely, making combat last longer, but also makes it possible for a handful of enemies to be a notable threat to the players. Thus game masters should weigh the kind of campaign they want to run, and the options available to the players, when deciding which option to use. It is also worth noting that the rule on Page 240 concerns energy weapons only, and that burst fire projectile weapons like the GU-11 or Wolverine assault rifle cannot make called shots using bursts, period.

Missiles and Weight:

The 2nd edition Robotech RPG simplifies the listing of what ordinance can be carried on an aircraft's hard points or in its weapons bays by providing a short list of load outs and specifying how much weight in ordinance the hard point or bay can carry, to allow game masters to create custom load outs in their games. however the weights of the different munitions are not given in any central location in the books, instead they are scattered across several unit entries piece-meal. When collected, the following table can be constructed:

Standard Earth Missiles: (weights match up over multiple unit entries in multiple books. missile size lists diameter.)

Mini-missile - 5lbs/2.25kg Missile Size: 60mm, 70mm, 78mm

Short Ranged Missile - 33lbs/15kg Missile Size: 190mm, 178mm

Medium Range Missile - 80lbs/36.6kg Missile Size: 178mm, 377mm, 530mm

Long Range Missile - 1000lbs/450kg Missile Size: 430mm, 800mm, 914.4mm

Standard Earth Bombs:

Mini-Bomb - 100lbs/50kg

Light Bomb - 500lbs/225kg

Medium Bombs - 1000lbs/500kg

Heavy Bombs - 2000lbs/500kg

Non-standard missiles: (Unique missiles with either non-standard weights, or with non-standard capabilities)

60mm rockets (MM) - about 1.3lbs/.4kg (RL-6 rocket launcher RT:SC pg145)*

HARM-80 - 800lbs/360kg (RT:MS pg69, 87)

190mm ATGMS (SRM) - 46.6lbs/21kg (MK-17 AAML. RT:MS, pg135)

178mm SAM (MRM) - 191lbs/86kg (MK-18 AAML. RT:MS, pg135)

377mm MMDS-8 SAM (MRM) - 225lbs/101kg (RT:SC pg149)

800mm HMDS-10 TBM (LRM) - 650lbs/292.5kg (RT:SC pg150)

Note that this Table does not address Zentreadi Missiles, which have unique traits that will be addressed in the Macross Saga Sourcebook Section.

Guidance: With the Exception of Mini Missiles, all missiles used by human and alien vehicles and mecha in Robotech are guided missiles with a +3 to strike. The text stating most are unguided is an unfortunate copy-paste from the Rifts RPG, where the post-apocalyptic setting and limited production abilities of most groups means that guidance systems are difficult. in Robotech, this is not evidenced in the show, and nearly all missiles maneuver and track targets in ways that reflect active guidance systems. the only exceptions appear to be the small missiles/rockets, what the RPG has as minimissiles.

for easy reference:

Mini-missiles: not guided.

Short Range Missiles: generally guided.

Medium Range Missile: almost always guided.

Long Range Missile: almost always guided, often Smart Missiles.

Note that Zentreadi weapons are an exception to this when comparing the RPG to the show, see below.

note also that Bombs may be guided, even mount smart guidance, as such weapons have been available since the early 1970's. such smart bombs usually have ranges of several miles (3-5 miles/4.8 to 8km). Glide bombs (bombs fitted with wings or oversized fins to allow them to fly over long distances) can have ranges of up to 30 miles (48km) and are always guided.

Robotech The Shadow Chronicles Role-playing Game

Page 16, "Protoculture Targeting System'

This section erroneously lists Old Destroids, Southern cross Battloids, and 1st and 2nd Generation veritechs (Valkyrie's, Logan's, Auroran'/AGAC's) as using protoculture, when in fact these mecha employed SLMH fueled fusion reactors. The Invid cannot normally detect these powerplants, however many post-zentreadi war SLMH fueled mecha employed protoculture based micro-power units comparable to the pistol mode H-90 Gallant Protoculture Energy Clips to power on board computers and life support systems when the main power plants are offline. These micro-power units (often referred to as 'protoculture chips') can be detected by the Invid when the mecha is active. It is possible to replace these micropower units with conventional fuel cell or battery systems, but this requires access to alternative parts and repair facilities in short supply on the Invid occupied Earth.

Players and GM's should remember that while the Invid cannot detect conventionally fueled or powered vehicles and weapons, they can still see them with their conventional optics, and will react if the vehicle behaves aggressively or if the Invid mecha are fired at, even if the attack would inflict no or limited damage to the Invid mecha.

Page 102, VF/A-6 Alpha fighter Backup Fusion Power System.

the VF/A-6 Alpha fighter is equipped with a Thermonuclear fusion based auxiliary power unit (APU). This unit is fueled by any hydrogen rich fluid (such as Water, Kerosine, Gasoline, Propane), with a 20 gallon storage unit. this storage unit includes a hydrogen extractor to provide fuel for the APU.

Page 117, VF/B-9 Beta Fighter Backup Power System.

The VF/B-9 Beta fighter is equipped with a larger version of the Thermonuclear fusion APU system, with a 40 gallon fuel storage unit. It has an operational Duration of 2 hours before requiring refueling.

A note on SLMH: Stabilized Liquid Metallic Hydrogen may be used to fuel the Fusion APU's of the Alpha and Beta. Since SLMH is a much richer source of Hydrogen, SLMH fueled fusion APU's can run five times longer before refueling (about 10 hours for the Alpha and Beta). SLMH however is difficult to obtain on the Invid occupied earth.

Page 126, ZBR-10 Mk.I Bioroid Interceptor Power Supply

The ZBR-10 Bioroid Interceptor uses a Protoculture Reactor, a miniaturized version of the main power systems employed on the UEEF's Shuttles and Starships. The reactor is far more efficient than the Protoculture Fuel Cell system employed on the UEEF's Veritechs and fully fueled can operate for 1 year without refueling, but uses a integral fuel tank rather than easy to replace fuel canisters (Fuel Storage equivalent to 12 Protoculture Canisters.) Mecha scale protoculture reactors are more fuel efficient, but far less reliable systems than standard protoculture power plants, requiring more frequent overhauls and more extensive regular maintence.

The Bioroid Interceptor has a cockpit that is a hybrid of conventional controls taken from human and zentraedi cockpit design, and the Neural Interface Brain Wave Control System taken from Robotech Master's Bioroid design. It is designed to use one or the other system as its primary control, with the other as secondary to offer greater capability and options. It may thus be piloted using both the Pilot Battloid Mecha skill, in which the conventional controls are primary and the Neural Interface system merely provides fine control input, or with the Pilot Bioroid Mecha skill, which uses the Neural Interface primarily and the conventional controls are employed as backups.

Page 129, MBR-12 Mk.II Condor Heavy Battloid Power Supply.

The MBR-12 Condor uses a Protoculture Reactor, a miniaturized version of the main power systems employed on the UEEF's Shuttles and Starships. The reactor is far more efficient than the Protoculture Fuel Cell system employed on the UEEF's Veritechs and fully fueled can operate for 1 year without refueling, but uses a integral fuel tank rather than easy to replace fuel canisters (Fuel Storage equivalent to 12 Protoculture Canisters.) Mecha scale protoculture reactors are more fuel efficient, but far less reliable systems than standard protoculture power plants, requiring more frequent overhauls and more extensive regular maintenance. The powerplant must receive basic maintenance after each use longer than 1 hour. If this maintenance is not carried out, there is a -5% cumulative chance (one missed maintenance period is -5%, two in a row is -10%, etc, roll when activating the mecha) the reactor will suffer malfunctions causing reduced power output (1/2 flight and ground speed, and 1/2 range on Radar, motion sensor, and communications systems.)

Page 133, SF/A-5 Conbat Strike Fighter Power Supply

The SF/A-5 Conbat uses a Protoculture Reactor, a miniaturized version of the main power systems employed on the UEEF's Shuttles and Starships. The reactor is far more efficient than the Protoculture Fuel Cell system employed on the UEEF's Veritechs and fully fueled can operate for 1 year without refueling, but uses a integral fuel tank rather than easy to replace fuel canisters (Fuel Storage equivalent to 12 Protoculture Canisters.) Mecha scale protoculture reactors are more fuel efficient, but far less reliable systems than standard protoculture power plants, requiring more frequent overhauls and more extensive regular maintenance. The powerplant must receive basic maintenance after each use longer than 1 hour. If this maintenance is not carried out, there is a -5% cumulative chance (one missed maintenance period is -5%, two in a row is -10%, etc, roll when activating the mecha) the reactor will suffer malfunctions causing reduced power output (1/2 flight speed, Particle cannons are disabled, and 1/2 range on Radar, motion sensor, and communications systems.)

Page 139, CVR-3 Personal Environmental Armor

It is obvious that the body shape of women would require some modification to the internal design of body armor. But the degree of sexism that would be required for only special light armor to be made available to female troops, when the heavier armor could be easily adapted with a new chest plate, just isn't evident in the show. It is wiser to assume that the UEEF has made available both the heavy CVR-3M and light CVR-3F armors each in both male and female versions, and that the letter's represent generation identifiers, with the CVR-3F representing an older, light version of the CVR-3 family.

Page 182, H-90 Gallant Modular Energy Weapon System

The H-90 Gallant uses a Protoculture chip micro-power unit inside replaceable Protoculture fuel containers, or 'Protoculture energy clips' (PE-clips). one larger Rifle magazine styled PE-clip slots into the attachable butt-stock, providing a large supply of Protoculture fuel for rifle mode firing. used as a pistol without the optional rifle attachments, the weapon draws from a smaller battery pack styled P-clip contained within the forward hand grip. This Pistol PE-clip provides roughly 10% of the total power in rifle mode (sufficient for 250 SDC shots, 83 MDC pistol shots, or 41.5 rifle shots), with the Rifle P-clip providing the other 90% of the payload. The system is designed to draw fuel from the rifle PE-clip when one is attached, drawing only on the pistol PE-clip once the Rifle PE-clip is drained of fuel.

Page 183-184, M-30 "Wolf" Modular Energy Weapon System The M-30 uses a Protoculture chip micro-power unit inside replaceable Protoculture fuel containers, or 'Protoculture Energy Clips' (PE-clips). Two PE-clip sizes are available for use. The standard size is a small pistol magazine styled P-clip, providing 1000 S.D.C. blasts, 310 M.D. pistol shots, 155 M.D. rifle blasts, or 31 M.D. rifle bursts. The second is an extended pistol clip style, providing almost twice the energy (the payload listed on pg 184)

Page 242, Missile Strikes:

The paragraphs detailing how most missiles are unguided are taken verbatim from the post-Apocalyptic RIFTS role-playing game, and do not match what is seen on the Show. In Robotech, all missiles are guided missiles, with very few exceptions. as such unless otherwise specified, all Missiles in the Robotech RPG should be assumed to be Guided missiles with at least a +3 to strike, in addition to those bonuses stemming from any targeting systems found on the weapon, mecha, or vehicle. Smart Missiles with a +5 to strike are available as well, but are usually reserved for special missions.

The only standard exception to this are Mini-Missiles, which while possessing basic guidance systems, receive no bonuses or penalties to strike aside from those provided by the firing weapon, vehicle, or mecha. Mini-missile basic guidance allows mini-missiles to fired from launchers not directly aimed at the target, and curve round to head towards the target, allowing them to be fired from launchers like the GR-103 system which cannot be precisely aimed.

Robotech RPG: The Macross Saga Sourcebook:

Page 13, Character Creation:

Although the OCC's are largely the same in the macross period, the training is not. There are no Cyclones, Silverbacks, or any other ground veritechs for example, and mecha are fueled by SLMH fusion and not protoculture, requiring a different set of maintenance skills. the changes are relatively simple however. i recommend the following changes, in addition to the guidelines from the book.

All OCC's: for character trained before the 2020's, Replace the Energy Weapon Proficiencies (Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol, MD heavy Weapons) with their conventional equivilents. (Assualt Rifle, Automatic Pistol, Heavy Weapons, etc.) this is to reflect the greater rarity of infantry scale energy weapons during the 1st robotech war and early reconstruction. by the 2020's however, such weapons, like the ASC's LAR-10, begin to be more common and would begin to supplant conventional weapons in training programs.

Destroid Pilot: Replace "pilot ground veritechs" with the "weapons systems" skill.

Enlisted crewman/Infantry: replace "Pilot: ground mecha" skill with choice of "Pilot: Motorcycle" or "Pilot Automobile", and all Infantry OCC MOs's replace cyclone and silverback pilot specialty and combat training with additional O.C.C. related Skills.

Special Forces: replace all cyclone piloting and combat skills with O.C.C. related skills. (in addition, you may wish to replace the mecha piloting and combat OCC skills with a choice of any two piloting skills, as mecha training for special forces is likely to not have been standard. this however is up to the GM)

Technical officer: Replace Protoculture Engineering and Starship Engineering skills on the Engineering officer M.O.S. with Robot Mechanics. (Earth during this time period only had one Starship, which they did not fully understand. very few engineers would have a full understanding of fold drives and other starship systems)

Veritech Pilot: As listed in the Macross saga Sourcebook, no additional modifications required.

Page 25-50, Destroid powersupplies:

Macross Era Destroids use SLMH fueled fusion reactors for their primary power, and SLMH fueled gas turbines for emergency power. Operational Duration and Fuel supply is not listed. Operational duration for Macross Era destroids is roughly one week before requiring refueling. Gas turbine duration is approximately 24 hours using the same fuel supply, as Gas turbine engines are less efficient than fusion. Macross era destroids require 500 gallons of SLMH per refueling.

Note that during the immediate aftermath of the war with the zentraedi some destroids, including HWR-00 Monster's, were repaired using salvaged zentreadi Micronized Reflex Furnaces (fueled by protoculture), when supplies of SLMH fusion plant parts became scarce. This practice began sometime in 2012, and ended sometime before 2022, when the supply of Protoculture salvaged from the SDF-1 and the remains of Dolza's fleet became vital to supplying the United Earth Expeditionary force starship fleet. it is likely that any destroids fitted with salvaged zentreadi power plants were either refitted back to SLMH fusion, or were retired/scrapped as the smaller more efficient ASC battloids were introduced.

M-30 Wolf MEWS Pistol mode with short PE-clip

Page 67: VF-1 Valkyrie Power Supply.

the VF-1 Valkyie carries 1700 gallons of SLMH in internal fuel tanks. In a vacuum operation this SLMH functions as both fuel for the mecha's reactors, and as reaction mass for generating thrust, causing it to have a shorter operational lifespan than the full 48 hours. in an atmosphere the mecha's turbines superheat regular air for reaction mass, similar to a conventional jet engine, allowing it to operate as long as the reactors can provide power.

Page 75, MVAS-1 Fuel and Sensor Tactical (FAST) packs:

the MVAS-1 FAST packs carry additional SLMH fuel (approximately 4000 gallons) Supplementing the mecha's on board fuel supply. The Leg units carry most of this additional fuel, as well as additional vernier maneuvering rockets. This fuel is primarily used to extend the Delta-v capacity of the mecha during vacuum operation.

Page 68, VF-1 Valkyrie External ordinance:

Although the VF-1 is capable of carrying up to two Long range Missiles per hard point, It is uncommon (as seen in the Show) for more than three long Range Missiles to be carried per wing. typically one LRM on the inner Hardpoint and Two on the outer hardpoint. Standard Load outs seen in the show Are 12 medium range Missiles (three per hardpoint) for anti-mecha duty, or 6 LRM's (typically Reflex warheads) for anti-ship strikes. During the Battle against Dolza, VF-1's are seen employing Reflex warheads capable of crippling or destroying a Zentreadi Thuverl-salan class Destroyer with a single salvo of six. whether these represented Reflex Multi-warhead missiles or a more powerful system is up to the GM.

The Book lists the VF-1 as being capable of mounting a MLOP (Multiple Launch ordinance Pod) housing 15 mini-missiles. a 15 minimissile pod would resemble a modern Hydra Rocket pod or UB-16-57 rocket pod. a device roughly fifty percent bigger than an MRM holding 15 tubes, each of which holding one minimissile. Production art from Macross Sequels show the VF-1 mounting a pod of 15 missiles on its wing hardpoints, each box holding three layers of 5 missiles arranged in an "X" pattern. According to the art, these missiles are the same types the RPG labels as Short Ranged Missiles on the MVAS-1 FAST pack system. The Box Launchers (labelled as the UUM-7 Multiple Missile Pod in the Macross source material) were never on screen during the SDF:Macross Show (and thus not in the Macross segment of Robotech), but have been used extensively in Macross Spinoff material such as Macross Do you remember Love. Robotech GM's who wish to make use of these missile options should consider the Mini-Missile MLOP from the Robotech RPG as similar to the Hydra-70 Rocket pods in use with the US Military, and allow a larger 15 SRM MLOP to be carried with a volley size of up to 10 (for two pods carried) or up to 20 (four pods carried). Note that when carrying these SRM MLOP's the VF-1 cannot fold it's wings into it's back, and must leave them deployed in Battloid mode, due to the large size of the pods. This would tend to make the VF-1 effectively larger and harder to maneuver through enclosed spaces. It also leaves the wings and pods more open to being damaged from enemy fire. (the Pods would have 20-40 MDC each)

Page 80: F-203 dragon II

The F-203 designation comes from the old pre-1962 Designation system employed by the US military, which officially ended with the F-111, and restarted with new designations (the F-4, F-5, F-14, F-15, F-16 etc.) However the US military occasionally uses the old designation system for secret projects, such as the F-117 stealth fighter, or for captured Enemy aircraft flown for testing purposes. in Swedish service the F-203 Dragon would be the J-203 Draken II, after the J-35 Draken created by SAAB in 1955 and flown by several countries until 2005.

The F-203 Dragon II has two 20mm M65 Gatling cannons, one in each wingroot, firing in unison. (double the listed damage) total ammunition storage is listed correctly (1500 rounds). The Dragon II is a STOVL (Short Take Off and Vertical Landing) aircraft, able to take off from runways as short as 2000 feet (609.6 meters), about half that of a conventional fighter, and can land vertically, although this is not commonly used as it requires the fighter to be loaded with no more than half of its total external ordnance capacity. Use of a launch ramp aboard a STOBAR Carrier can reduce the required take off distance greatly if similarly underloaded. The navalized version produced for the US Navy during the Global war is equipped with reinforced landing gear and an arrestor hook to allow for CATOBAR operation.

Page 99, ES-11 cat's eye recon plane:

Those ES-11 recon planes aboard the CVS-101 Prometheus Aircraft carrier attached to the SDF-1 were modified for space operations with the addition of SLMH fueled fusion engines in the fuselage. these Engines were adapted from the Thermonuclear turbines used by the VF-1, and provided comparable space performance.

Page 102, VC-27 Tunny

The Tunny is a STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) aircraft, designed for use on smaller airfields. it can operate off runways as small as 6000ft (1828.8 meters) fully loaded, or 3000 feet (914.4 meters) with up to 70 tons of cargo.

Page 132, M-233 Squad Automatic Weapon

Palladium has a tendency to limit the damage of machineguns and heavy weapons, in an odd effort to limit the lethality of these weapons relative to player characters. With the M-233 this tendency went a little overboard, resulting in a weapon that despite firing 20 round bursts, is less dangerous to a target than the M-21 assault rifle firing 5 round bursts of the same ammunition. To bring it in line with the other weapons in the book, I would suggest increasing the damage of the 20rd bursts (to 2D4x10 sd for FMJ, and 4D6md for SLAP.)

Page 150 onward, Zentreadi Mecha: Zentraedi Missiles are not compatible with earth built standard launchers. Zentreadi Missiles are several times larger than their earth equivalent (for example, a zentreadi Mini-Missile is comparable in size to an earth Short Range Missile), and made using bulkier, more durable components. It is believed these larger, more durable munitions were designed to allow the giant Zentreadi to store them for long periods with no maintenance and to reload their mecha easier. This larger size however offers some combat advantages, in that all zentreadi missiles, including their Mini-Missiles, are guided. (+3 to strike.)Zentreadi Mecha Powerplants: Zentraedi mecha use a miniaturized Reflex furnace to provide power. This system is more effective than Protoculture cell engines and protoculture reactors, producing more power for less protoculture usage, but to obtain the small size required, many safety systems were left off, making the engine potentially dangerous id disrupted. The engine has a lifespan of 1 year, and requires the equivalent of 8 protoculture cells to refuel. However if the mecha's main body MDC is depleted, the engine has a 10% chance of undergoing a runaway energy build up and detonation (equal to a short range missile high explosive warhead.)

Robotech RPG: Masters Saga Sourcebook

Page 80, VFA-8 Logan The Logan's power system and thermonuclear drives are supplied from internal tanks holding 677 gallons of SLMH-V. In space The drives employ this fuel as reaction mass to provide thrust, but which will empty the tanks quite rapidly. In an atmosphere reaction mass is obtained from the surrounding medium, giving effectively unlimited range. the operational duration of the mecha listed in the book is for atmospheric use. Early in the Development of the Logan conformal External fuel tanks were considered, which would have been mounted on the exterior of the legs similar to the thruster units of the VF-1 Valkyrie's FAST packs. These tanks would have supplied an additional 150 gallons of SLMH-V each, extending the operation life of the unit before requiring refueling by 40%, albeit at a 10% reduction in flight speed. Although the ASC chose not to deploy these operationally, the Logan retains the fittings to employ them, and during the War against the Robotech Masters most squadrons which did not receive the VFH-10B Ajax were supplied with external tanks in an effort to increase their combat ability. The Logan is fully VTOL capable in both fighter and battloid modes, with lift thrusters mounted on the ventral midpoint in fighter mode (which face forward in battloid)

Page 84, VFH-10B Ajax

The development name for this mecha was the Auto Gyro Assualt Copter (AGAC) Auroran, however it was officially named Ajax shortly before mass production.

The Auroran's power system and Thermonuclear drives are supplied from internal tanks holding 1050 gallons of SLMH-V.In space The drives employ this fuel as reaction mass to provide thrust, but which will empty the tanks quite rapidly. In an atmosphere reaction mass is obtained from the surrounding medium, giving effectively unlimited range. the operational duration of the mecha listed in the book is for atmospheric use.

The Ajax's wing hard points can each carry 1000lbs, with standard load outs being 1 LRM, a 4 MRM MLOP, or a 15 SRM MLOP.

Logan using VTOL lift thrusters for manuevering in space

Page92, VHT-01 Spartas Hovertank The VHT-01 Spartas fusion power system is supplied from internal tanks holding 175 gallons of SLMH-V. The MIW-20 Tri-Barrel ion pulse cannon's inability to fire in battloid mode is a design flaw easily fixed with minor hardware and software modifications, and the majority of Hovertank units have their maintenance personnel make the modifications, despite the increased fragility of the system those modifications create. Southern Cross Military command is aware of this practice, and while not supporting it directly, chooses to ignore it as it increases the combat effectiveness of the mecha. The HPW-125A1 Particle cannon can be modified to fire at up to three times its normal rate (up to 6 times per melee), however this modification carries with it a risk of weapon failure (15% chance the weapon will cease functioning; roll before each shot. if the weapon ceases to function, it will require Depot level inspection and repair to bring back on line.)

Page 101, VHR-2 Myrmidon

The VHR-02 Myrmidon fusion power system is supplied from internal tanks holding 175 gallons of SLMH-V.

The MIW-20 tribarrel ion pulse cannon's inability to fire in battloid mode is a design flaw easily fixed with minor hardware and software modifications, and the majority of Hovertank units have their maintenance personnel make the modifications, despite the increased fragility of the system those modifications create. Southern Cross Military command is aware of this practice, and while not supporting it directly, chooses to ignore it as it increases the combat effectiveness of the mecha.

The VHR-02 can be equipped with an EP-20 energy gun pod, although it is not standard issue. Many Myrmidon hover tank units in the field manage to creatively acquire EP-20 gun pods however, as the smaller gun pod is easier to store in tank mode.

Page 105, ASC Battloids

The fusion reactor that powers ASC battloids is supplied with an integral fuel tank holding 175 gallons of SLMH-B.

Page 123, ASC Powered Armor

ASC Powered armor uses a Polymer Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell power supply that generates electrical power from the chemical reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen across the membrane, producing as a byproduct liquid water and heat. The heat is exploited by advanced thermocouple systems to produce additional power. ASC powered armor carry 10 gallons of SLMH-B to fuel their power plants, which are extremely fuel efficient and ideal for such small scale applications. With minor modifications the power plant can be configured to use any hydrogen rich liquid, however this limits the operational duration to 1/20th that available with SLMH (approximately 8 hours), due to the lower hydrogen density and the additional power required to crack the hydrogen out of the material. ASC Power armor was developed after the study of Zentraedi Powered armor systems, their technology adapted to human scale and concepts. Like Zentraedi Powered armor, ASC powered Armor is controlled through a combination of cockpit style controls and bodily movement. Instead of a fighter style seat and controls, the suits have an exoskeleton framework that wraps around the arms and torso of the pilot, reading his movements and translating them into larger, amplified movements of the suit's arms and body. similar controls on the feet and legs manage the legs and steering the suit when it moves. ASC Powered Armor have very cramped pilots compartments, with little room for more than a body armor equipped pilot, although a standard survival kit and room for a compact pistol can be found in a small storage space.The Robotech Masters:Robotech master's OCC's (pg209 to pg219) Robotech master's OCC's do roll on the Special Aptitude table found on page 32 and 33. The skill Pilot Bioroid Mecha has a base percentage of 55%, +5% per level. It applies to all bioroids and mecha controlled via a robotech masters Neural Interface Brain Wave Control System. It may also be used to control a Bioroid Interceptor, which uses a hybrid cockpit with both conventional controls and a neural interface brain wave control system. The skill Pilot Bioroid Hoversled has a base percentage of 60%, +4% per level. It only applies to Bioroid Hoversleds. The Tirolian Legionnaire O.C.C. may chose mecha piloting skills as OCC related choices at higher levels if no longer in Tirolian service, provided access to formal or informal human mecha piloting and MECT training is available.Bioroid Drum Gun Pods (pg223) Bioroid Gun Pods are ion based energy weapons drawing from a capacitor system. the gun pods may be recharged from any high output power source (protoculture, reflex furnaces, nuclear fission or fusion, even fossil fuel generators and other conventional powerplants), With varying recharge times. Bioroids are not designed to recharge their own gun pods, however. (If modified to do so, the Bioroid may recharge 16 shots per minute [4 per melee], at the expense of rendering any built in weaponry useless for that time.)Bioroid Hoversled (pg224) The Bioroid Hoversled uses a compressed protoculture fuel slug supplying a standard protoculture power plant. The fuel slug provides the equivalent of 8 Protoculture cells, however the fuel slug container is a single cylinder the size of 4 standard protoculture cells. The hoverseld's 'anti-gravity' system is a reaction-less drive system. On a planet the reaction-less drive pods provide lift, while air breathing plasma engines provide forward propulsion. In microgravity the reaction-less drive pods are employed for direct propulsion. The plasma engines may be equipped with tanks of reaction mass for operation on airless worlds, where the drive pods are employed for lift and no atmosphere is present to supply the Plasma engines.

Bioroids (pg225 to 242)

Bioroids are equipped with basic maneuvering thrusters for operations in microgravity. on a planet, they are insufficient for flight, but may be employed to double the Jumping/Leaping distance. In space they provide a speed of 30mph/48kph.

Bioroids use a compressed protoculture fuel slug supplying a standard protoculture powerplant. The fuel slug provides the equivalent of 8 Protoculture cells, however the Fuel Slug container is a single cylinder the size of 4 standard protoculture cells.

Searchlight Drone (pg243)

The seachlight drone stands 20ft/6meters tall, and uses a compressed Protoculture fuel slug power plant providing 1 month of power.

Bioroid Terminator Combat armor (pg245)

The Bioroid Terminator uses a compact protoculture power plant drawing on two protoculture cells. due to the lack of thrusters and other power intensive systems, this allows the armor to have an extremely long lifespan.

Tyrolian Weaponry (pg248)

Tyrolian weaponry use replaceable protoculture micro-power units holding protoculture fuel. they are not compatible with human weapons.