Chor'ii Ground Forces


The Chor'ii military is organized around a large Conscript army, led by a small cadre of officers from the nobility. the smallest single unit in this organization is the Claw. for infantry, this is a unit of 50 troops, comprised on 45 "fodder", or basic conscripts, 4 Enforcers (lesser nobility), and one Officer (a member of the nobility.) Fodder from a single claw of infantry is usually armed with Assault rifles and a number of anti-tank grenades. The Enforcers and Officer are almost always armed with Auto-grenade launchers and saber like swords. Enforcers will not hesitate to execute their own troops should the fodder fail to obey orders, desert, or behave in a way deemed threatening to them or the officer. likewise higher ranking officers will not hesitate to execute lower ranking officers for the same reasons. A claw that is rendered leaderless will be absorbed into the next claw to encounter them, which helps to make up for combat losses. (it also means a claw will rarely have its book strength during a campaign.) Infantry Claws make up the bulk of the Chor'ii forces. but other more specialized Claws exist to support these units. Support Claws are Infantry units dedicated to transporting and employing heavy weapons emplacements, Auto-mortars or Missile launchers. each Support claw has 5 of these emplacements, each serviced by 5 Fodder, 4 enforcers, and one officer. Vehicle Claws are units of 25 Battle buggies, crewed by 5 officers, 20 Enforcers, and 25 fodder. the high number of Nobility in these units makes them a rare sight.

The next highest level is the Paw. these are units comprised of 5 claws, and usually assigned to the same role a Paw is commanded by a higher ranking officer with a personal Claw. a Pack is a unit comprised of 4 Paws, usually a mix of Infantry and Support. one of these paws is the command paw, led by a mid rank officer. the largest unit is the legion, comprised of 5 packs, and led by a high rank officer. it is notable that while the legion is the largest single unit the chor'ii employ, hundreds of legions will usually be dispatched to a target world, if not thousands over multiple waves.

The Chor'ii navy employs a similar scheme. a single Ship is referred to as a Claw, while a paw is a squadron of 5. A pack is a unit of 4 paws (roughly 20 vessels), and a Fleet is 5 packs. in general, a fleet never operates as a single unit except during system assault, but operates as separate Paws. This is especially true during scouting operations, where a paw might include 4 Black Claw Destroyers and a single Denmother Transport equipped for long duration logistical support.


In battle the Chor'ii prefer wave tactics, counting on their numbers to overwhelm their opponents. the increasingly widespread use of megadamage bodyarmor, weapons, and vehicles has forced them to alter their tactics slightly on the ground. larger amounts of anti-tank grenades are being issued to Fodder, while the use of micro-nuclear auto-mortar and missile rounds has been increased. The employment of orbital support fire using ship launched Thermonuclear missiles has become more common when facing fortified positions or large concentrations of megadamage troops. due to their biology's unique resistance to damage, and their willingness to sacrifice their own troops, the radiation effects from these weapons are deemed acceptable exchange for victory.


Chor'ii 'Cannon-Fodder" Assualt Rifle

General, as requested i have assembled what little we have determined about the Chor'ii weapons capability for your report. the notations in the margins are my personal speculations about the topic, and should not appear in the final document.

a simple weapon using explosively propelled .22 caliber (5.7 mm) Kinetic Projectiles, each a hollowpoint round containing an amount of chemical toxin known to be lethal to most carbon based organic lifeforms (a response to Chor'ii biology?). the toxin disrupts the electrochemical nerve impulses of the victim, causing their autonomous system(s) to shut down. the toxin decomposes within in minutes of being exposed to oxygen, including that suspended in a body. (probably so the remains will be edible after a battle. barbaric.)

the rifle itself is unable to penetrate most body armor, but is highly effective against soft tissue (like most projectile weaponry). the rifle is stocky, only 2 feet long, and appears skeletal, as the stock and frame is made out of stamped metal just large enough to house the barrel and internal workings. it has both semiautomatic and automatic fire modes, although the gas operated automatic fire rate is rather slow compared to most galactic derived assault rifles of similar technology levels. It has a box magazine that is easily swapped out (sometimes too easily, it has been witnessed falling out on its own, probably due to flaws in the receiver design). the weapon is difficult to clean, and easily jams. it has no sights, and its balance is horrific. (just as well, most fodder don't seem to know how to aim. i can only speculate that this weapon is simple to manufacture and use, leading to its pervasive presence in the chor'ii military. that the weapons used by the commanders and enforcers are superior quality supports this assumption.)

Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry

Secondary Purpose: Unintentional Self-inflicted wounds.

Damage: 1D8 sd single shot, or 3D8 sd for a 3 round burst. victims hit by this weapon must make a Save Vs. poison, a failed result causes great pain and requires a Save verses death.

Range: 400 meters (1312 feet)

Rate of Fire: single, or a three round burst.

Payload: 60 rounds per magazine.

Special: this weapon has poor design and balance. it is -2 to strike at all times, -4 to strike beyond 200 meters (656 feet), and a result of a natural 1 or 2 means the weapon has jammed, rendering it inoperable until the jam is cleared (requires 1 melee to correct)

Chor'ii Rocket launcher

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Chor'ii Automatic Grenade launcher

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Chor'ii Combat Buggy

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