Denmother Transport
A spindly two kilometer long craft, the Denmother's sole purpose is to carry Striking Fang landing craft between solar systems. for this purpose, its four kilometer central spine is lined with 4 rows of docking collars, each able to hold a single Striking Fang, for a total of 84 embarked craft. The Denmother Transport is a common sight in Chor'ii space, particularly at the Orbital Elevator stations around the Chor'ii worlds. In order to keep up with the populations rapid growth, which doubles itself roughly every 80 standard years, over three dozen Denmothers must depart daily, hundreds of ships operating around the clock. and that is merely to move the population from the main world. hundreds of others are in service as Destroyer motherships, resource transporters, and fuel tankers. conservative Consortium estimates place the number of vessels in service as over nine hundred, but it is possible that there are several thousand vessels in operation.
Type: Transport
Class: Denmother
Crew: 400 (60 officers, 50 loyalty enforcers, 190 general crew)
MDC by location:
[1] Main Body- 500
[4] Central Spine (1.9km long)- 400 for each five hundred meters of length.
Docking Collars (160)- 50 each
[2] Fuel tanks (8)- 300 each
[3] Drive unit- 500
[5] Radiator Panels (2)- 20 each
[1] Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the living module, leaving the vessel uncontrolled.
[2] destruction of each fuel pod reduces the total fuel capacity by 4 months. destruction of all four fuel pods leaves the ship with no propulsion or power.
[3] destruction of the Drive pod will leave the ship with no propulsion or power.
[4] the central spine is the structure that all the other components are attached to. destroying the central spine will cause the vessels modules to separate from each other, destroying the ship but leaving the modules intact. destroying a 500 meter length of the central spine will result in the vessel breaking into two halves, rendering it derelict but leaving the modules intact. the Central Spine is protected by the bulk of the vessel's modules, and is thus -4 to strike.
[5] the Radiator panels are built into the central spine and are used to eliminate waste heat. the panels are fragile, and easy to damage. they can be retracted when in combat or hazardous area, but the ship will begin to overheat to dangerous levels after only 4 hours.
Sublight: mach 3 (per melee acceleration), with a maximum velocity of 10,000 mach (1% of light)
FTL: 1 light year every 36.5 days.
Atmosphere: impossible.
Length: 2100 meters
Width: 200 meters,100 meters with radiators retracted.
Height: 100 meters.
Mass: 100,000,000 tons.
Power plant: Fusion drive with sufficient deuterium fuel for 650,000 thrust points (roughly 224 days worth at one gravity of thrust). when not under thrust, it expends one thrust point every 7 days to provide electrical power. The Vessel can carry extra fuel tanks instead of Embarked Craft. When hauling cargo thrust point use is doubled for a load under half capacity, and tripled if over half.
Weapons: none.
Radar- maximum range of 30,000 km. -40% to detect small objects (fighters, missiles) beyond 10,000 km.
Infrared tracking and scanning- passive IR camera's used to detect enemy ships by their heat signature. has an effective range of 6 light minutes. -20% to detect small objects.
Radio- directional, maximum effective range of 6 light minutes.
Life Support- sufficient air and stored food for 1 year of operation.