Chor'ii Starships

The starship technology of the Chor'ii Totality is shockingly primitive to the inhabitants of the Three Galaxies. most races from the Three Galaxies proper have had Gravity Control, Anti-matter power plants, Contra-gravitic stardrives, and gravitic shielding systems for millennia, if not longer, and it has become so common that it is considered "galactic standard technology". even races that only recently ventured into space, or were discovered by other races, quickly obtain this standard technology. The Chor'ii lack all of these technologies. their starships use fusion power and drives, using large tanks of water as a hydrogen source. they lack gravitic shields, and rely on plates of armor to protect them from attack and cosmic radiation. they have no internal gravity, not even a centrifuge section to simulate it. they make do with regular exercise, elastic clothing, and magnetic footwear in a freefall environment. Their ships are spindly things, a small crew module and a fusion drive system at opposite ends of a rod like central shaft. large radiators extend from the fusion drive, important heat dissipators that keep the ship's internal temperature at safe levels in the vacuum of space. above these radiators are the large cylindrical fuel and remass tanks, arranged around the central shaft. in front of these are the ships weapons. the design of these ships are similar to many space faring races first in system sublight vessels. the open construction of modules on a central shaft is easy to build and repair, and uses less resources than a more aesthetically pleasing design.

the one piece of technology that most three galaxies races would recognize is perhaps the one most taken for granted. a zero-point field generator built into the engine. it creates a magnetic field around the vessel that modifies it's inertial mass, reducing it's effective mass. in effect, it makes the universe think the ship is lighter. because of this manipulation of mass, the vessels drive can reach higher accelerations, and the effect of acceleration on the crew is reduced. if the field is made strong enough, the vessel effectively becomes negative mass, which makes it immediately leap to faster than light velocities. the realm of faster than light in the regular universe is home to particles called tachyons, which because they possess negative mass, can never travel slower than the speed of light. thus this state of traveling faster than light in the normal universe is dubbed by spacers as "the tachyonic realm" or "tachyonic space". these drives are very slow compared to the Contra-gravitic stardrive, but it allows a race to build vessels capable of traveling to the stars. in the Three Galaxies most races that develop their space technology to this level quickly encounter races with Standard Technology, and thus rapidly adopt the faster Contra-Gravitic stardrive, but the Chor'ii and the other races in the cluster have never discovered gravity control, and until the arrival of the Consortium of Civilized Worlds and the Trans-Galactic Empire, have never encountered anyone with the technology.

The Chor'ii Ships, while primitive in their construction, are still a threat to more advanced races. their weapons are still effective, despite being low tech, and the Chor'ii build and deploy their ships in such large numbers that their individual weaknesses are made up for.

Black Claw Destroyer

Denmother Transport

Striking Fang Lander