Enders Cluster

Enders Cluster is a globular cluster orbiting the Thundercloud galaxy. however, it is a very atypical Cluster, similar in composition to a "micro-galaxy", with younger stars, star forming regions, nebula, and other stellar objects not seen in normal globular clusters. There are signs that the cluster was engineered into this form over a billion years prior, and seeded with life in the process. What ancient race or races could perform stellar engineering on such a scale is unknown, nor is it known whether the ancient artifacts scattered throughout the cluster are truly the creations of these "precursors."The Cluster is inhabited by a wide variety of alien races, most which have developed space travel along lines different than the rest of the three galaxies. this is due to unique conditions within the cluster that interfere with the use of Contra-gravitic drive technologies, which form the standard in all other inhabited regions. However, while their space technology has developed along different lines, their over all technology level is often equal to, and sometimes superior to, standard three galaxies technology in many respects.

Stellar Conditions and Structure of the Cluster:

Tannhouser gates

Races and Political Entities found within Enders Cluster:

The Chor'ii Totality

The Sherdena

Enders Cluster Technology:

Tachyonic FTL and related technology

Ender's Cluster is Located 30,000 lightyears above the Annach Gulf region.