E.B.S.I.S. Mecha

The Baltic States employ a number of home grown mecha based on pre-war United Earth Defense Force technology and locally developed and produced systems. Unlike the UEDF and its post-war successor the Armies of the Southern Cross, E.B.S.I.S. military doctrine does not rely on mecha as a primary front line unit, instead employing mecha as part of combined arms formations alongside conventional vehicles and infantry. This combined arms doctrine and the limitations of the Baltic States mecha production industry restricted the number and complexity of mecha developed. however these limitations have driven the Baltic States to develop new approaches and systems for mecha to better integrate

them into their forces and increase capability.

Pre-War United Earth Defense Force Mecha in E.B.S.I.S. Service:

The E.B.S.I.S. inherited several battalions of Mecha from the pre-war U.E.D.F. Many of these Mecha were lost during the Belarus crisis, and most of those that survived where damaged and retired from service, subject to study for reverse engineering by E.B.S.I.S. industrial corporations. however some mecha possessed sufficient intact examples for them to remain in service. Non-transformable mecha in E.B.S.I.S. service have been fitted with mountings for smoke grenade launchers and anti-personnel cluster mines on their lower legs.

ADR-04-Mk.X Defender - The Defender is the only Pre-war design the Baltic States are capable of producing, although until 2025, the E.B.S.I.S. Model (classified as the ADR-04-Mk.X (N) ) employed a Fission based nuclear reactor powerplant instead of the U.E.D.F. standard Stable Liquid Metallic Hydrogen (SLMH) fusion power plant. Surviving pre-war Defenders with SLMH fusion plants continued in use, as the Baltic States could produce SLMH in quantity. After 2025, local production of SLMH fusion power plants was solved, and all new Defender's were built to original specs. The Fission powered model was gradually removed from active service, and relegated to reserve formations and export to allied nations.

MBR-04-Mk.VI Tomahawk - less than a dozen Tomahawk's survived the Belarus crisis in functional condition, and many of those only by cannibalizing parts from damaged Mecha. The Baltic States military reserves their Tomahawk's for Elite formations, and rarely deploys them without the support of other mecha and conventional forces. Tomahawk's in E.B.S.I.S. service were refitted to use E.B.S.I.S. standard missile systems to simplify logistical issues.

MBR-07-Mk.II Spartan - Less than two dozen Spartan's survived the Belarus crisis, many of them only through cannibalization of damaged mecha. The majority of Spartan mecha have been assigned as test mecha for reverse engineering purposes. these test mecha were the most patchwork and least reliable of the surviving examples, and undergo frequent modifications to weapons and control systems as new concepts are explored. these test mecha do see front line combat, to field test the new systems in actual combat conditions. the last six fully functional Spartan's are assigned to the E.B.S.I.S. Capitol Guard, defending the E.B.S.I.S. governing council building in Kaliningrad. Positions in this unit are highly sought after, open only to the most elite pilots. As with all other UEDF designed mecha in E.B.S.I.S. service, the missile systems of the Spartan's have been refitted to use standard E.B.S.I.S. missile munitions.

VF-1 Valkyrie Veritech Fighter - Three Squadrons of U.E.D.F. Veritech fighters had been assigned to the region prior to the 1st War. Two U.E.D.F. defense squadrons were assigned to Poland (53rd Fighter Squadron U.E.D.A.F. "Tigers" at 32st airbase - Poznan and U.E.D.N.F. VF-92 "Silver Kings" at 22nd airbase - Malbork) as well as one U.E.D.A.F. Training squadron (72nd Combat Training Fighter Squadron, 6th airbase - Deblin) for the defense of the region. All three Squadrons deployed as part of the Belarus crisis, and suffered notable casualties. After contact with the New U.E.G. in North America was made, many individuals of North and South American origin were given release to return to their homes, and the remaining personnel reorganized into demi-squadrons to preserve the existing units. The Baltic States cannot produce Pre-war VF-1 Valkyries (prior to 2020), and repair parts and repairable Valkyrie's are high on their priorities for salvage. as of 2015, the Baltic States possessed less than two dozen VF-1's, mostly VF-1A's and VF-1D trainers. these fighters are early production models, without the nose lasers or attachment points for Fuel-And-Sensor-Tactical (FAST) "Super" packs which were retrofitted onto the SDF-1's air wing and post-war new UEG "Super" Valkyries.

After 2020, the alliance with the Amur Freehold in Eastern Siberia gave the E.B.S.I.S. a source of new VF-1 Valkyrie fighters, allowing them to replace losses and gradually deploy additional squadrons. The Baltic States receives roughly two thirds of the Amur Freehold's production, largely in exchange for E.B.S.I.S. produced Destroids and Vehicles to bolster the Freehold's ground defenses. This gives the Baltic States military access to nearly a squadron and a half each year of new VF-1 production, mostly variant VF-1J and VF-1D models. by the late 2020's and the arrival of the Robotech master's, the E.B.S.I.S. had multiple Air Wings of VF-1 Valkyrie fighters.

VF-1 Valkyrie Variants in use by the E.B.S.I.S.:

VF-1J - The VF-1J has become the standard Valkyrie model in use, with all surviving VF-1A's either retired or refit to VF-1J specifications by 2025.

VF-1JE - Interceptor variant of the standard VF-1J, with inline two seat cockpit (derived from the VF-1D) configured for pilot and sensors officer, and upgraded radar system comparable to that found on UEDF VF-1S Valkyries.

VF-1JC - Command variant. fitted with command computer copied from UEDF VF-1S Valkyries.

VF-1D - Standard two seat trainer model.

VF-1DS - Strike variant, the second seat is optimized for a weapons officer, enhanced engines have been fitted, and wing weapon stations reinforced for additional payload (4 stations of 4000lbs each)

VEF-1 - Standard Electronic warfare variant.

Domestically developed Mecha, 1st Generation. (Introduced between 2014 and 2018):

MBR-05-Mk.I Hussar Main Battle Robot

(Introduced 2014)

The MBR-05-Mk.I Hussar Main Battle Robot was the creation of the Eastern Baltic Sovereign Independent States, a non-U.E.G. political entity comprised of Baltic nations and ex-soviet republics which survived the Rain of death largely intact. having banded together to resist political pressures to be subsumed into the new post-rain U.E.G., these nations quickly exploited their intact industry and lack of U.E.G. mandated socialized labor programs to become an industrial powerhouse, although their trade connections remained politically fragile after the U.E.G.'s hold on earth was cemented in the early 2020's. Early in the nation's existence, the production of new mecha units was given priority, to supplement their largely conventional military defenses. at the time the E.B.S.I.S. only had a single mecha production line, an ADR-04 Defender production facility in Lithuania. due to their limited numbers of MBR-04-Mk.VII Tomahawk Mecha, which formed the primary assault force of U.E.D.F. mecha units, a new design was required. although several design proposals were tendered, the winning proposal used the ADR-04 Defender chassis as a base, remodeled to include reverse engineered HPC-155 particle Beam cannon arms, and a conventional fission based nuclear power plant. Capacitor banks replaced the Defender's ammunition bins, allowing the PBC's to be employed at full output despite the lower power output of the Fission powerplant. This does however restrict their use to no more than 15 shots per cannon, with a recharge rate of 1 shot every 15 seconds (1 melee). The mecha mounts no integral secondary weapons in its original model, however the MBR-05-Mk.II upgrade fitted the design with a 14.5mm Machine gun on a Remote Weapons station mounted in front of the Cockpit (atop the primary sensor mount) for anti-personnel and anti-missile defensive use. the MBR-05-Mk.III refit added mounting lugs on the legs for Smoke grenade launcher assemblies and Anti-personnel cluster mines. The MBR-05-Mk.IV, the last model produced before the switch to purely locally designed advanced mecha in the late 2020's, included a SLMH fueled fusion power plant, solving the model's power issues. the Capacitor banks were stripped out and replaced with box launchers for 6 Short Ranged anti-armor missiles, providing the mecha with a total of 12 missiles. this model replaced the Mk.III in E.B.S.I.S. service, with the remaining Mk.III's sold to friendly and non-aggressive nations which shared the E.B.S.I.S.'s non-U.E.G. status. both models were operated well into the 2030's, even after the E.B.S.I.S. switched to more capable mecha designs, albeit in second line roles. When the E.B.S.I.S. was forced to go underground with the invasion of the Invid, all remaining Hussar's saw extensive use by E.B.S.I.S. aligned resistance groups in Europe. it is likely the MBR-05-Mk.IV will see a resurrection in the post-invid world as the remaining E.B.S.I.S. forces reassert and recover their old nations.

SDR-05-Mk.I Riesengarde

(Introduced 2015)

Due to the lack of surviving SDR-04-Mk.XII Phalanx, the Baltic States were forced to develop a Missile defense unit to provide rocket artillery and surface to air missile capability to mecha forces. the SDR-05 Riesengarde is an Air Defense mecha based on the MBR-05 Hussar Chassis, and powered by the same Fission based pebble bed reactor. however the Riesengarde has a custom built torso unit, housing a 3D search radar and an AESA engagement radar, as well as a 40mm/L70 bofors anti-aircraft cannon on a Remote Weapons Station. this cannon is connected to targeting and tracking systems which allow it to be employed as an automatic anti-aircraft weapon and as a direct fire anti-vehicle cannon. each arm is a weapon station with hard points capable of holding up to three SA-25 'genie' Heavy Surface to Air Missiles (Fragmentation LRM, 4D6x10md to a 160ft/48.8m radius, mach 6 speed, range 120miles/200km, has additional +3 to strike aircraft. masses 4000lbs), per arm. however standard Long range missiles may be mounted as an alternative load out. lastly the Riesengarde is equipped with short range missile launchers on either hip, holding 3x 125mm ATGM's each, for close in defense. The Riesengarde remained in service throughout the Baltic States existence, and although never produced in large numbers, proved itself a vital component of the E.B.S.I.S. military's air defense strategy. The Riesengarde, unlike the Hussar and nuclear Defender, did not see much success however during the invid occupation, as its specialized munitions were in short supply, and the mecha could not carry sufficient standard missiles to survive in extended combat with the invid.

PZL-260 Orzel Vertol

RV-42 орел Vertol

(Introduced 2018)

The Orzel (Eagle) is a joint development between Aerospace corporations in the E.B.S.I.S. and Caucasus Autonomous Region, developed to provide Veritech Fighter functionality at reduced cost and resource use. The aircraft posses only Fighter and Guardian modes, eliminating the need to design a complex transformation system. similarly, the aircraft mounts no arms, or similar articulated upper limbs. this effectively makes it a legged conventional aircraft, and reduces the amount of retraining required for conventional fighter pilots to a minimum. The Orzel is conventionally powered, with four SLMH fueled after burning turbofan engines (one per leg, and a pair on the rear fuselage), all connected to a pair of inlets below the wing roots. Supplementary inlet vents on the aft fuselage and lower leg allow for additional airflow during Guardian mode high speed flight, when airflow from the main inlets may become insufficient or obstructed. Primary power for Non-flight operation is provided by a SLMH fuel cell auxiliary power unit (APU). all four Turbofan engines are equipped with thrust vectoring systems, providing high agility in both flight modes. Guardian mode operation provides Vertical Take Off and Landing capability, flight speed of up to 420mph/672kmh as well as ground mobility of 30mph/48mph. Fighter mode is capable of flight speeds of up to Mach 1.5 (1065mph/1704kmh). both modes have an operational ceiling of 59,100 feet/18,013 meters, and an effective range of 888 miles/1430km on internal fuel. The fighter is equipped with a retractable refueling probe alongside the right off the cockpit allowing for extended operation supported with modified tanker aircraft. The aircraft is a two seater, and optimized for anti-mecha combat. The primary weapon is a 73mm recoilless cannon mounted in the nose. this weapon is capable of firing rocket propelled High Explosive Anti-Tank and High Explosive-Fragmentation rounds, or Light guided Missiles. this cannon has an auto-loader holding 30 cannon rounds and 8 guided missiles. The auto-loader is capable of being loaded with a mix of cannon rounds and missiles, and munition options may be selected before firing. (EBSIS 73mm guided missiles include Laser-guided HEAT warhead ATGM's, passive IR tracking Surface to Air/Air to Air Missiles, and Semi-active Radar Homing Surface to Air/Air to Air Missiles.) in addition, a 30mm Automatic cannon with 150 rounds is mounted in the left wing root, primarily for anti-aircraft use. each wing mounts a single hard point, allowing for up to 4000 pounds/2000 kilograms of munitions to be carried. Each wingtip mounts a Countermeasures pod providing radio, Radar, and IR jamming capability. Further defensive measures include chaff/flare launchers mounted in the legs. The Aircraft is equipped with a Pulse-Doppler radar with track-while-scan and look-down-shot-down functions, as well as a under fuselage FLIR/Laser designator system. The PZL-260 Orzel is deployed by both the E.B.S.I.S. and in the Caucasus Autonomous Region, where it is manufactured under the designation RV-42 орел (Eagle). Both nations employ it as their primary aerial support mecha.

Domestically developed Mecha, 2nd Generation. (Introduced between 2019 and 2030):

LRR-03-Mk.I Uhlan Light Reconnaissance Robot (core concept by Chris0013, refinements by me)(Introduced 2019)

The first destroid developed from the ground up by the Baltic States, the Uhlan is a product of BrSTU Robotics of Belarus. Work on the Uhlan began in 2014, as several corporations worked to remove the Lithuanian Rossum Universal Robotics corporation's near monopoly on mecha production within the Baltic States. Unable to secure government contracts and access to complete mecha chassis examples for reverse engineering, BrSTU Robotics was forced to start from scratch. The mecha that was developed was as a result blocky in design and less mobile and armored than the larger U.E.D.F. derived designs, but was far more robust and simpler to build. When the E.B.S.I.S. military opened up contracts for a reconnaissance and light combat mecha units in 2018, the Uhlan was selected for its lower cost of procurement and operation, roughly a quarter of the costs of a standard sized destroid. The Uhlan is a single pilot mecha which stands only 20 feet tall, and masses 13 tons, roughly two thirds the size of a E.B.S.I.S. Hussar main battle robot. Despite its smaller size, it carries only 25% less armor protection than that larger mecha. Its smaller size allows it to reach higher speeds, up to 80mph/128mph across open terrain. Compact indirect cycle nuclear-thermal turbofans with thrust vectoring mounted in a back assembly allow for jet assisted leaps of up to 100 feet (30.48 meters), although frequent use of this feature causes excess stress on the leg actuator assemblies. The Uhlan uses a compact nuclear fission power plant with a lifespan of 20 years before requiring refueling. Although using simpler, more robust components, the Uhlan's sensor systems and communications gear, or Vectronics, have ranges and capabilities only 25% less than standard destroid systems. In addition to the standard vectronics suite, the Uhlan has been equipped with a Laser designator system for guided missiles and a target recognition computer able to use radar, visual, and thermal imagery and/or passive electronic signals detection to identify up to 500 different Human and Zentraedi combat systems. The Uhlan's integral armaments are limited to two modular weapons bays in the mechas chest region. Although occasionally the focus of jokes due to their location, these bays can hold a variety of weapons systems, and can be customized to the Uhlan's mission requirements. Standard weapons modules include 9x 73mm guided rocket tubes, 4x 125mm guided Missile tubes, 40mm grenade launcher with 250 rounds, 14.5mm machinegun with 1500 rounds, 30mm GSH-301 automatic cannon with 150 rounds, and ECM pods. The Uhlan can make use of standard E.B.S.I.S. military gunpods, as well as UEDF/ASC gunpods and Zentraedi handheld weaponry, although the mechas small size can be an issue. The Uhlan became a standard export mecha to non-aligned entities due to its low cost and ease of maintenance, many of which employed it as a front line combat unit. During the Invid invasion, the Uhlan's conventional power plant and robust design saw it used extensively by resistance fighters, often with custom weapons modules to take advantage of locally available munitions. Post-Reflex Point, many of these export Uhlans are expected to become the backbone of regional reconstruction.