Frags - Fragments of Society

(Based on a concept created by Dave Deitrich and Chris Meadows)

"Do you know what I did before the war? Do you think I was in the army? I sold copying machines. I was a salesman. The talent to lead men and devise and execute a battle plan were locked away inside me. If the Invid hadn't come along, I'd still be selling copying machines. Can you imagine the wasted life? Can you imagine the magnitude of it? But war... War gives men like me a chance".

The Invid Invasion caused massive social upheavals. The world was still reeling from the war with the masters, and the Invid arrival caused the collapse of most Governments. The United Earth Government and Armies of the Southern Cross collapsed early on, destroyed while attempting to fight the Invid after the invasion. The other regional and non-aligned governments collapsed not long after. Any group large enough to keep their region functioning as a coherent entity eventually drew the Invid's attention and ire through overt military actions. With no centralized leadership, surviving communities became islands of (relative) civilization in the invid dominated wilderness. Criminals, gangs, warlords, survivalists, and ex-military renegades became very powerful, for in the new environment those with power could control those without power, and the Gangs, warlords, and renegades had access to weapons and manpower that gave them power. These groups were commonly called Frag's, short for "Fragments of Society". They came to dominate most regions. How they did this varied. Some took over communities, others survived by attacking the trading caravans between communities, others even worked out deals with the Invid, attacking resistance groups or hunting down escaped workers from protoculture farms.

Most groups of Frags are fairly small, gangs or bands of bandits. some larger communities boast multiple Frag groups, which tend to divide the area up into territory, and sometimes fight each other over territorial or personal disputes. Larger groups tend to dominate any community in which they stay. Some set themselves up as local warlords, controlling the community, others just set up in the area and exact tribute of food, fuel, and other supplies from the local populace. The largest Frag groups are practically small armies, and can end up controlling or preying on several communities in a region. The more ambitious leaders of large Frag groups often try to leverage their power into establishing quasi-states out of the communities and areas they control.


Frag groups provide an interesting alternative for GMs as opponents for players in a New Generations campaign. Characters may run across small groups of Frags on the road, or a medium sized group holding a town hostage. Or they may be forced to match wits with a large group of frags AND Invid while trying to free prisoners or steal supplies from an Invid slave camp.

Below is a step-by-step process for creating frag groups.


First, decide on a size for your Frag group. A small group of Frags is appropriate for a chance encounter on the road, while a medium group is typical of a town occupation. Large Frag groups are usually more appropriate for major occupied communities. NOTE: The Invid presence will generally not allow a frag gang to grow larger than 150 members; at that point they become too large to easily hide and usually attract hostile Invid attention.

Roll on the table below to determine the size of the Frag group, and how many heavy weapons and mecha it has.

01-50% SMALL GROUP: A small gang, 10-30 members. 1D6 Heavy weapons, 1D4 light mecha.

51-85% MEDIUM GROUP: A large gang/small mercenary force, 30-60 members. 2D6 Heavy weapons, 1D6 light mecha, 1D3 heavy mecha.

86-00% LARGE GROUP: A large mercenary force, 60-150 members. 5D6 Heavy weapons, 2D6 light mecha, 1D6 heavy mecha.

COMPOSITION Each member of a Frag group may have a different occupation. Most Frag's will be the equivalent of the Civilian O.C.C.(Robotech Macross Sourcebook, pg 226), regular people who fell in with Frag groups for various reasons. But Frags can come from all sorts of backgrounds, and most groups will have at least a few special members. generally about 1 in 10 members of a Frag group will have a special background. Roll percentile dice on the table below to randomly determine an OCC for each of the special members in each Frag group. most Frags have 1D3 levels in their OCC/RCC, Frag group leaders and their cronies will have 1D4+2 levels.


OCC (Source)

01% Non-Human (see table below)

02-05% ASC Aerospace Forces O.C.C. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

06-10% ASC Civil defense/Paramilitary O.C.C. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

11-15% ASC Infantry/Surface Forces O.C.C. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

16-25% Urchin O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

26-45% Pathfinder O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

46-60% Freedom Fighter O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

61-75% Patcher O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

76-85% Fleet Enlisted Crewman/Infantry O.C.C. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

86-90% Technical Officer O.C.C. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

91-95% Veritech Pilot O.C.C. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

96-99% Battloid Ace O.C.C. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

00% Special OCC (see below)


01-30% Invid Genetics Experiment O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

31-60% Invid cybernetics Experiment O.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook)

61-74% ASC Law Enforcement/Espionage O.C.C. (Masters Saga Sourcebook) *

75-90% UEEF Explorer Corps O.C.C. (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

91-96% Invid Simulagent RCC (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

97-00% Invid Prince/Princess R.C.C. (New Generations Sourcebook) **

* Reason for joining: 01-43%: Rogue Agent working with the Frag group. 44-86%: Undercover Agent working for the resistance. 87-90%: Undercover agent working for a Splinter faction of the GMP at odds with the Resistance. 91-00%; Undercover Rogue Agent working directly for the Invid.

**An Invid Simulagent posing as a human. In Invid allied Frag bands, often poses as an Invid Sympathizer the invid use to relay messages. Typically shadowed by an Invid Reinforcement Squad (1D4+1 fighter scouts, 1D4 troopers, and 2 shock troopers), with instructions to avoid being seen and rescue the Simulagent if needed.

Non-Human Table

01-08% Zentraedi Warlord RCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook) (60% male, 40% female. 10% chance of being full sized. full sized char's will have Zentraedi body armor and sidearms)

09-16% Zentraedi Warrior Elite RCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook) (60% male, 40% female. 10% chance of being full sized. full sized char's will have Zentraedi body armor and sidearms)

17-35% Zentraedi Auxiliary specialist RCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook) (60% male, 40% female. 10% chance of being full sized. full sized char's will have Zentraedi body armor and sidearms)

36-70% Zentraedi Warrior Infantry RCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook) (60% male, 40% female. 10% chance of being full sized. full sized char's will have Zentraedi body armor and sidearms)

71-80% Tirolian civilian OCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

81-90% Tirolian Legionnaire OCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

91-93% Tirolian Muse OCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

94-98% Tirolian Science master OCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

99-00% Tirolian Clone Master OCC (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

WEAPONRY Frags obtain their weaponry from a variety of places. Salvage from old military sites and crashed ships is a common source, as are ambushes of Resistance groups, the looting of communities, or tribute from communities in return for not attacking. In most Frag groups the collection and maintaining of weapons is an individual activity, with each member looking after their own personal weapons. Very rarely do Frag groups show enough organization for the leaders to equip and supply their members uniformly.First determine how many weapons each Frag has. most Frags will have only one or two weapons each, while leaders and special Frag's will usually have 1D4 weapons. then roll on the Frag weapon table below to determine which weapon each frag owns. The frag will have the listed ammunition for each. If an S.D.C. weapon is rolled, roll on the S.D.C. weapon table.


01-05% H-90 Gallant MEWS With Rifle Stock, 1D3 Pistol PE-clips, and 1D3 Rifle PE-clips. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

06-10% FAL-2 Pulse Laser Rifle with 1D6 PE-clips. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

11-70% SDC weapon (roll on the S.D.C. weapon table below)

71-75% SAL-9 Laser Pistol with 1D6 E-clips. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

76-78% LP-09 ASC Laser Pistol with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

79-80% LP-10 ASC Laser Pistol with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

81-83% IP-20 ASC Ion Pistol with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

85-86% IPP-5 ion Pulse Pistol with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

87-85% LAR-10 Laser Assault Rifle with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

86-92% LAR-10C Laser Carbine with 1D6 E-clips. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

93-98% M-30 Wolf MEWS With Rifle Stock, 1D3 Pistol PE-clips, and 1D3 Rifle PE-clips. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

99-00% M.D.C. Hand Grenades (1D6+2)


01-15% Ak-47 Assault Rifle with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds.

16-25% M-16 Assault Rifle with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds.

25-40% M-35 Ferret Pistol with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

41-65% MP-84 Submachine gun with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

46-55% M-25 Wolverine Assault Rifle with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

56-64% T-9 12.7mm pump Pistol with 1D3 magazines of explosive rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

65-80% M-46 Badger submachine gun with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

81-90% M-37 Weasel pistol with 1D3 magazines of SLAP rounds and 1D3 magazines of regular rounds. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

91-95% M-223 Light Machine gun with 1D3x100 rounds of regular ammo, and 2D4x50 rounds of SLAP Ammo.

96-00% S.D.C. hand Grenades (1D6+2)

Heavy weapons in Frag groups are usually not individually owned, but rather held by the group leader and his or her lieutenants, enforcers, or advisors. If a heavy weapon is expected to be needed, the leader will hand them out to group members based on loyalty and the ability to make good use of the weapon. The Frag group size result rolled earlier will specify how many heavy weapons the group owns. roll once on the Frag Heavy Weapons Table below for each heavy weapon in the groups possession.


01-05% RL-2 Rocket Launcher With 2D6+2 Mini Missiles (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

06-10% RL-6 Rocket Launcher with 2D6+2 Mini Missiles (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

11-25% RL-4 light Anti-aircraft Weapon with 1D3 magazines (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

26-55% Global War Rocket Launcher/Recoil-less Rifle (example: RPG-7, LAW, Super-Bazooka; generally 1D6x100 S.D.C., Critical hit on a natural 18, 19, and 20, blast radius of 5ft/1.5m, Range of 1200ft/400m) with 1D6+1 shots/reloads.

56-70% M-225 Medium Machine gun with with 1D3x100 rounds of regular ammo, and 2D4x50 rounds of SLAP Ammo. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

71-75% AGL-12 Grenade Launcher with 1D4+1 magazines (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

76-80% M3A2M .50cal Heavy Machine gun with 1D3x100 rounds of regular ammo, and 2D4x50 rounds of SLAP Ammo. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

81-90% Mk.25 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher with 2D6x10 rounds. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

91-95% HLW-6 Heavy Laser Squad Support Weapon with 1D6+1 Energy Clips (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

96-00% EP-37 Beam Rifle with 1D4+1 PE-clips (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)


Frags generally attempt to obtain body armor for protection. However, the supply of armor is lower than the supply of weaponry since most body armor is damaged or destroyed before the person inside the armor can be killed. Due to this shortage not all frags can obtain body armor, and what they do have is often made of mixed and matched pieces from several different suits of the same type, giving the armor a ill-maintained and patchwork look. Roll on the table below for each group member to see if the frag has a suit of body armor, and if so which type. Frags with armor attempt to keep it in good enough shape to provide protection, adding scrap armor to patch damage and replacing what cannot be patched as soon as possible.


01-30% No Armor

31-75% Reinforced S.D.C. Body armor (Typically a Class IIIA suit of ballistic cloth and M.D.C. inserts made from old mecha armor. AR: 16, S.D.C. 800, 20lbs)

75-80% CVR-3 Combat Armor (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

81-91% CBR-Mk.2 Light Armor (Masters Saga Sourcebook. Will usually be a mix of styles from the ASC branches, Civil Defense Unit and Tactical Corps armor is the most common. 30% will be EBA.)

91-97% CBR-Mk.2 Heavy armor (Masters Saga Sourcebook Will usually be a mix of styles from the ASC branches, Civil Defense Unit and Tactical Corps armor is the most common. 30% will be EBA.)

98-00% CBR-5 Tactical Armor (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

MECHA Most groups of Frags obtain at least light mecha, through salvage of old bases or theft from resistance fighters. Larger Groups of Frags can boast sizable number of mecha, including larger battloids and even the rare Veritech. Those Frags fortunate enough to have mecha usually practice regularly in operating it, though few have sufficient experience to gain advantages in combat. (Frag mecha pilots will have the appropriate piloting skills, even if only taken as a secondary skill equivalent, but unless previously trained by a military in using the mecha, will not usually have MECT bonuses)

FRAG LIGHT MECHA: (all SLMH powered mecha refit with Protoculture power plant, generally from a cyclone)

01% Tirolian TPR-L Mk.III Terminator Powered Combat Armor (Masters Saga sourcebook)

02-05% HPSI-4 Fenris (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

06-10% HADS-10 Kraken (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

11-30% VR-052 Battler Cyclone (01-60% VR-052F Survival/Heavy Assault, 61-00% VR-052T Light Assault) (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

31-50% VR-041H Saber cyclone (01-60% VR-041H Saber, 61-00% VR-041M Medic) (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

51-70% VR-038 Scout Cyclone (01-20% VR-038A Speedster, 21-60% VR-038L Anti-Armor, 61-00% VR-038R Recon) (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

71-84% HPSI-3 Basilisk (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

85-94% CDRC-1 Unicorn (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

95-97% HPSI-6 Triton (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

98-00% HOPSI-5 Manticore (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

FRAG HEAVY MECHA: (all SLMH powered mecha refit with Protoculture power plant. Most will have 2D6% less armor than normal due to unrepaired damage and less than ideal maintainence.)

01-05% Special Earth Mecha (see table below)

06-20% VHT-1 Spartas - (25% chance of being a VHT-1A1 model) with EU-11 Gun pod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

21-30% VHR-2 Myrmidon - with EU-11 Gunpod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

31-33% VHR-2S Myrmidon Widowmaker (New Generations Sourcebook)

34-38% CBL-8 Dryad Battloid - With EU-10 Gun pod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

39-48% FRB-7 Cyclops Battloid - with EU-10 Gun pod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

48-70% CBH-4A1 Salamander Battloid - With 1D6 minimissiles and EU-10 Gun pod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

71-80% SRB-9 Satyr Battloid - EU-10 Gun pod (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

81-90% MBR-12-Mk.II Condor - with 1D10 years of Protoculture, 8D6 Short Range Missiles, and one EP-13 gun pod. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

91-00% Alien Mecha (see table below)

Special Earth Mecha Table: roll on this table if the "Special Earth Mecha" result is obtained on the Frag Heavy Mecha table. These represent rarer

01-20% VFH-10 Ajax - 60% chance of being a VFH-10B with additional sensors. 95% are refit to use protoculture powerplant and UEEF engines (same Protoculture Cell requirement and duration as an Alpha). 8+2D6 protoculture cells, and 5D4x100 pounds of external munitions mounted on the hardpoints, typically short range missiles or Minimisisle pods, and one IWS-40 Ion Pulse Weapon. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

21-40% VFA-8 Logan - With EP-20 gun pod. 95% have been rebuilt with Protoculture powerplant and UEEF engines. (same Protoculture Cell requirement and duration as an Alpha) 8+2D6 protoculture cells, Typically does not carry missiles. (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

41-80% VF/A-6 Alpha - (01-45% VF/A-6I, 46-80% VF/A-6H, 81-00% VF/A-6Z) with 8+2D6 Protoculture cells, 8D6 Short Range Missiles, 1D4 Mini missiles, and one EU-13 gun pod. (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

81-85% MBR-07-Mk.II Spartan - Rebuilt with Protoculture reactor off an MBR-12-Mk.II condor with 1D10 years of Protoculture. 2D4x10% ammo load for TZ-IV clusters, 4D6 Short Range Missiles. 20% chance of having a Gu-11 gunpod with 3D6x10+40 rounds of ammunition. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

86-90% MBR-04-Mk.VI Tomahawk - Rebuilt with Protoculture reactor off an MBR-12-Mk.II condor with 1D10 years of Protoculture. 2D4x10% ammo load for TZ-IV clusters, 4D6 Short Range Missiles, and 1D6 Minimissiles. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

91-99% MBR-04-Mk.X Defender - Rebuilt with Protoculture reactor off an MBR-12-Mk.II condor with 1D10 years of Protoculture. 1D6x100 rounds of ammunition per arm. 10% chance of having 1D4x100 rounds of Airburst ammunition in addition. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

00% VF-1 Valkyrie - (01-45% VF-1R, 46-70% VF-1A, 71-80% VF-1J, 81-95% VF-1D, 95-99% VEF-1, 00% VF-1S). 95% have been rebuilt with the Protoculture Reactor and Engines off UEEF Conbats. 1D10 years of Protoculture, Gu-11 with 3D6x10+40 rounds of ammunition, and 1D6x1000 pounds of external munitions mounted on the hardpoints, typically Medium range missiles or Minimissile pods. (Macross Saga Sourcebook)

Alien Mecha Table: roll on this table if the "Alien Mecha" result is obtained on the Frag Heavy Mecha table.

01-15% Zentraedi Gluag Officers Battle Pod - Fitted with improvised applique armor (+50% to main body MDC) and human scale controls, with room for pilot and up to 5 passengers. 1D4x100 rounds of autocannon ammunition

16-20% Zentraedi Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod - Fitted with improvised applique armor (+50% to main body MDC) and human scale controls, with room for pilot and up to 5 passengers. Rarely exposed to battle directly.

21-50% Zentraedi Regult Battle Pod - Fitted with improvised applique armor (+50% to main body MDC) and human scale controls, with room for pilot and up to 5 passengers. 1D4x100 rounds of autocannon ammunition.

51-70% TBr-I Mk.I Nou'dohl (Blue) Bioroid - Piloted by Tirolian Legionaire. 20% chance of being a Mk.Ia upgraded model. Refitted to use 4 Protoculture cells instead of Protoculture Fuelslugs, reduces operational time to 7 days between refueling. has TPBG-Mk.I gunpod, fully charged. 60% chance of having a Bioroid Hoversled (similarly refitted to use protoculture cells)

71-90% TBr-I Mk.II T'siendral (Green) Bioroid - Piloted by Tirolian Legionaire. Refitted to use 4 Protoculture cells instead of Protoculture Fuelslugs, reduces operational time to 7 days between refueling. has TPBG-Mk.I gunpod, fully charged. 60% chance of having a Bioroid Hoversled (similarly refitted to use protoculture cells)

91-95% TBr-I Mk.III Gister'dohl (Red) Bioroid - Piloted by Tirolian Legionaire. 20% chance of being a Mk.IIIa upgraded model. Refitted to use 4 Protoculture cells instead of Protoculture Fuelslugs, reduces operational time to 7 days between refueling. has TPBG-Mk.II gunpod, fully charged. 60% chance of having a Bioroid Hoversled (similarly refitted to use protoculture cells)

96-00% TBr-R Mk.I T'sienramp (Scout) Bioroid - Piloted by Tirolian Legionaire. Refitted to use 4 Protoculture cells instead of Protoculture Fuelslugs, reduces operational time to 7 days between refueling. has TPBG-Mk.I gunpod, fully charged. 60% chance of having a Bioroid Hoversled (similarly refitted to use protoculture cells)

VEHICLES All Frag groups rely on conventional vehicles for getting around, even if they have mecha. In general a Frag group will have enough vehicles to carry the entire group, not counting those members who are lucky enough to have mecha. Roll on the table below to determine which vehicle(s) the Frag group owns.


01-02% M2200 Janissary APC (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

03-05% M-70 Kodiak (New Generations Sourcebook)

06-10% S.D.C. civilian Dirt-bike (AR:5, SDC: 50, Speed: 90mph/145kph, Range 120miles/193km)

10-20% S.D.C. civilian Motorcycle (AR:5, SDC: 150, Speed: 120mph/193kph, Range 350miles/563km)

21-26% S.D.C. civilian Jeep (AR:6, SDC: 300, Speed: 120mph/193kph, Range 400miles/644km)

27-35% S.D.C. civilian Truck (AR:6, SDC: 300, Speed: 120mph/193kph, Range 300miles/483km)

36-40% ST-10 sandstorm UTV (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

41-46% M99 Light Utility jeep (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

47-50% Runaround Cargo Truck (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

51-60% Cityking 5 ton truck (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

61-65% MT-21 Dauntless (New Generations Sourcebook)

66-70% MR-40 Recon Motorcycle (New Generations Sourcebook)

71-75% Warthog Armored chopper (New Generations Sourcebook)

76-80% M-32 Banshee Hovercycle (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

81-84% M-10 Hover Truck (Masters Saga Sourcebook)

85-90% ATT-40 All Terrain Assault Jeep (Genesis Pits Sourcebook)

91-95% ATT-30 Utility Jeep (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)

96-00% HACT-20 Roadmaster Armored Combat Truck (Robotech Shadow Chronicles RPG main book)