Johnathan Isle, UEEF Veritech Pilot

This is my long held, Robotech RPG character. he began as an old RPG "REF Veritech pilot" from the Sentinels era, and in several roleplay sessions has flown against the Invid in the old Robotech Master's empire, crash landed on earth not long before the Battle of Reflex Point after a failed scouting attempt, and even fought in the Siege on Tolkeen against the Coalition States on RIFTS earth, where he wound up shot down and capture by the Coalition after crippling a grounded Firestorm Fortress. Aside from a few free form games on various forums which i don't count mainly due to their being a tad munchkin and very weird, i've not played him since.

With the start of a new RPG edition, i've remade him, using the new RPG's OCC and details, only carrying over the attributes and those skills i could. Fortunately when i rolled on the random tables for background and personality i would up with results not far from how i had played him years ago, so things worked out well. i offer him as an NPC for use. as with the other portions of this Annex, i've removed the skill percentages and other game mechanic specific elements, but those can be easily added back if you have the Shadow Chronicles RPG and Macross Saga Sourcebook.

At the moment this version of the character doesn't have an in game history, but if and when i get a chance to play him in games i definitely will update this page.

Jonathan Isle

OCC: UEEF Veritech Pilot

Gender: Male, Race: Human, Age: 29, Height: 6ft 2in , Weight: (muscular), Eye Color: Brown, Hair Color: Black

Place of Birth: Colony World (Wunderland, Alpha-centauri*), Birth Order: Middle child. Parents and older brother died in combat., Outlook on earth: Sense of duty to liberate and defend., Prejudice: Non-human Transforming Mecha., Disposition: Career Officer., Special aptitude: High perception and solid gut instincts.

IQ: 13 ME: 10 MA: 7 PS: 12 PP: 12 PE: 15 PB: 15 SPD: 10

OCC Skills:

Computer Operations, Language: English, Literacy: English, Math basic, Climbing, Forced March, Military Etiquette, Pilot Airplane, Pilot Jet aircraft, Pilot Jet Fighter, Pilot Spacecraft (light and medium), Radio Basic, Read Sensory Equipment, space Survival, Swimming, WP energy pistol, WP energy rifle, WP handguns, HtH expert

MOS: Reconnaissance Veritech pilot

Camouflage, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Land Navigation, Intelligence, MECT: Alpha, Mecha Pilot: Veritech, Mecha pilot Specialty: Alpha, Military fortifications, Military History, Military Tactics, Wilderness survival

OCC related skills:

Language; German, Literacy: German, Combat Flying, MECT: Cyclone

Secondary skills;



* The place of birth i rolled was just a 'colony world', so i picked a name and location from Larry Niven's Known Space and Man-Kzin Wars Novel setting that i liked. using that i could provide details on culture and environment easier. Feel free to change this to any colony world in your version of the setting.