MiG-29SMT Super Fulcrum II

Developed for the Soviet Unions Frontal Aviation in the 1980's, the MiG-29 became the standard light fighter of the Russian Federation in the 1990's and all through the age of peace. near constant refit and design improvements kept the fighter a competitive design in its air superiority role. with the advent of super-materials and the start of the 2nd cold war, the Russian Federation continued this process, redesigning the MiG-35, which was the most advanced version in service at the time, to incorporate ultra strong materials in the airframe and skin. the updated variant, the MiG-35SMT+, served in the Russian Federation's air force until the great cataclysm, never fully replaced by more advanced designs. while the new Sovietski possesses the blueprints required to produce the design, it has elected to focus on the more advanced designs developed before the great cataclysm. however, several of the Russian warlords have recovered pre-rifts manufacturing facilities, and produce the MiG-35SMT to provide air combat capability.The MiG-35SMT is rough field capable, and equipped with old fashioned but durable avionics and power plants. it is capable of carrying a variety of air to air ordinance. although capable of strike missions, it was not optimized for multi-role capability. in its air to air role, the aircraft’s 3D thrust vectoring, helmet mounted weapons cueing system, and defensive chaff/flare and jammer system make it an effective combatant, even against most advanced aircraft.Model Type: MiG-35SMT 'Super Fulcrum II'Class: Advanced Front line FighterCrew: oneM.D.C. by Location:*Wings(2)- 20 eachReinforced Pilots Compartment- 20*Main body- 80Vertical Tails (2)- 10 each

Horizontal Stabilizers (2)- 15 each

***Engines (2)- 10 each


Flying: 1,520 MPH/2,450 KPH (mach 2.2) maximum velocity. Typical cruising velocity is 650mph/1040kph (mach 0.9) the minimum velocity required to stay aloft is 110 mph (176kmh), any lower and the plane will stall.

Max flight Altitude: 55,775 feet (17,000 meters)

Range: 1,370 miles (2,200 kilometers). fitted with external fuel tanks, range is doubled (2740miles/4384km). If fitted with a center line external tank, range is also double. If fitted with all three, range is tripled.


Length: 56 feet 10 inches (17.32 meters )

Wingspan: 37 feet 3 inches (11.36 meters)

Height: 15 feet 6 inches (4.73 meters)

Wing area: 409.04 sq_feet (38.0 sq_meters)

Empty weight: 24,030 pounds (10,900 kilograms)

Loaded weight: 40,785 pounds (18,500 kilograms)

Cargo: none

Power system: Twin Klimov RD-66 After burning Turbofans, with 3D thrust vectoring.

Cost: 12 million credits on the black market. only the Russian Warlords are known to produce this aircraft Post-Rifts.

Special: +2 to dodge (thrust vectoring)

Weapon Systems:

GSh-301 30mm single barrel cannon.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft

Secondary Purpose: Ground attack

Damage: 5D8 M.D. (10 round burst.)

Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots Hand to Hand attacks per melee.

Effective Range: 2 miles

Payload: 150 rounds in an ammo drum behind the cockpit. this is sufficient for 15 bursts.

Hard points(8): The primary armament of the Super Fulcrum is the air to air missiles mounted on it's eight wing hard points, four per wing. Of these eight, the inner two are capable of carrying one Long rang or two Medium range missiles, or 1500 pounds (3300kg) of Ordinance. The other six on each wing can carry a single Medium Range Missile or up to 500 pounds (1100kg) of ordnance each.Rate of fire: varies depending on the equipped missile load. Singly or in volleys of 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8.Damage: varies based on warhead typeRange: varies based on warhead type.Payload: varies.Equipment:all standard robot systems, plus;1.) Phazotron "N-010 Zhuk-M Multi-Mode radar system. can simultaneously identify and track up to 24 targets. 150 mile (240km) range, limited to a 140 degree arc in front of the aircraft.2.) Laser Range-Finding- Infra-Red Search and Track System: This system uses a Thermal Camera to located and identify objects warmer than their background, including aircraft, tanks, people, and buildings. It then uses a laser range finder to discover the distance to the target, feeding this information into the aircraft targeting system. The system has a range of 120 miles (192 km), and can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously. The system is mounted just ahead of the cockpit, and has a 45 degree viewing cone.3.) 'Smart Helmet' Vision Target Acquisition and Heads up Display: this helmet mounted system provides the pilot with an augmented reality heads up display built into the helmet visor. in addition, cockpit sensors track the movements of the pilots head, following his line of vision. this allows the pilot to designate targets by a mere glance, which greatly increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft. this augmented reality system, combined with the HOTAS control’s, means that the pilot never has to rely on standard instruments. a full set of standard HUD's and displays is includes however for redundancy. with the system active, the aircraft has a +2 to initiative.

4.) Flare/chaff launchers. this system ejects a quartet of flares and chaff packages on either side of the aircraft, which has the advantage of confusing missile guidance systems. (this system can be activated as a free action. it provides the equivalent of a +2 'autododge' against missiles. +3 if the missiles are employing only IR tracking methods.)

5.) Radar and IR Jamming system: effects every enemy aircraft and missile within a 20 mile (32 km) radius of the fighter. While the jamming signal makes the aircraft easier to detect (+10% to read sensory instruments to detect), it makes it more difficult for enemy missiles to target and strike. (-20% to the enemies weapon systems skill for lock ons, and enemy missiles are -6 to strike.)


Pre-rifts Update Models of the MiG-29:

The MiG-29 and it's many variants were popular export aircraft in the time before the Age of peace, and remained so even after the Age of Peace. The Aircraft was so popular that during the 2nd cold war Russian Federation officials began selling off retired airframes on the international black market, and firms in India, China, and even the United States offered refit packages to extend the service life, improve the aircraft’s durability, and allow it to use more modern munitions. These Refit planes saw extensive service around the globe, particularly in south America, Africa, and South East Asia. When the supply of older airframes dried up, firms in South America and East Asia began producing knockoffs for export, to tap the demand for new aircraft and parts. As these aircraft were built with a minimum of exotic materials, they could be produced cheaply and earn larger profits.

(all of these use the above game stats, with modifications listed in the entry for that particular aircraft. I'm only going to list the most notable variants from the real world..there are many more that are just the result of different countries upgrade programs, or as the result of soviet downgrades for export)

MiG-29B Fulcrum-A

No original airframe MiG-29 models still exist, however this simpler design was a common knockoff model produced in South America. Reduce effective range by half, radar range to 75 miles, no Radar Jamming system, no smart helmet, no thrust vectoring (no dodge bonus), is not equipped for in flight refueling, the aircraft only has 3 hard points per wing (inner capable of holding one MRM or LRM, outer two 1 MRM), and reduce MDC on all locations by 1/2th. This model sold for only 4 million credits Pre-Rifts, and if found Post-rifts would sell for roughly 3 million credits.

MiG-29S Fulcrum “Fatback”

An update of the MiG-29B, this model included a hump behind the cockpit that housed a powerful ECM system. No original airframe models exist, but this design was a common 'deluxe' variant produced in South America. Reduce effective range by half, radar range to 75 miles, no smart helmet, no thrust vectoring (no dodge bonus), is not equipped for inflight refueling, the aircraft only has 3 hard points per wing (inner capable of holding one MRM or LRM, outer two 1 MRM), and reduce MDC on all locations by 1/2th. This model sold for only 4.2 million credits Pre-Rifts, and if found Post-rifts would sell for roughly 3.5 million credits.

MiG-29M “Super Fulcrum”/ MiG-29SMT

The first Russian model to use an electronic cockpit and advanced systems, the MiG-29M formed the core of the obsolete models sold off by the Russian Federation in the early days of the 2nd cold war. Although the refit kits for these aircraft came from multiple sources, they all produced roughly the same results. Reduce effective range by half, radar range to 100 miles, is not equipped for inflight refueling, only has 3 hard points per wing ((inner capable of holding one MRM or LRM, outer two 1 MRM), and reduce MDC on all locations by 1/4th. This model sold for only 6 million credits Pre-Rifts, and if found Post-rifts would sell for roughly 4.5 million credits.

MiG-29K Fulcrum-D

MiG-29M modified with folding wings, reinforced landing gear, and an arrestor hook for operation from Aircraft Carriers. Used Primarily by the Russian Federation Navy and the Indian Navy. Produced by contract by India until the Great Cataclysm. Relatively uncommon, due to the limited market for naval aircraft pre-rifts. Reduce effective range by half, radar range to 100 miles, only has 3 hard points per wing (inner capable of holding one MRM or LRM, outer two 1 MRM), and reduce MDC on all locations by 1/4th. This model sold for only 6.2 million credits Pre-Rifts, and if found Post-Rifts would sell for roughly 4.6 million credits.

MiG-35 Fulcrum-F

The last model to be produced in number before the advent of golden age technologies, and the most popular refit model. Refit kits for this model focused on weapons and armor, unlike the more complete redesign it's successor the MiG-35SMT underwent. This model was produced under contract by India until the Great Cataclysm, and sold to nations around the world. However, competition from export versions of the MiG-35SMT prevented this aircraft from becoming too widespread. Reduce effective range by half, radar range to 100 miles, and reduce MDC on all locations by 1/4th. This model sold for only 8 million credits Pre-Rifts, and if found Post-rifts would sell for roughly 6.5 million credits.