Su-50 PAK-FA "Flatfish" Stealth Fighter

Developed in the early 21st century, the Su-50 Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsi ("Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation"), or 'PAK-FA', was the russian counterpart to the American F-22 Raptor Advanced Tactical Fighter. An advanced stealth fighter, the PAK-FA represented the cutting edge of Russian military aviation. The PAK-FA combined stealth capability with advanced avionics, large weapons capability, and a highly agile design, producing one of the premier 5th generation fighters in the world.Unlike it's cousin the F-22 Raptor, the PAK-FA was designed with export in mind, and was sold to many countries around the world. by the mid 21st century it had become the most common 5th generation aircraft worldwide, with several thousand produced. The PAK-FA was designed to counter stealth aircraft. it is equipped with two distinct radar systems. in the nose and stern is an X-band Actively electronic scanned array radar system, which is capable of greater accuracy and range than standard radar systems, and on the leading edge of each wing is an L-band phased array radar system, which is capable of penetrating most stealth technologies. The nose also houses an infrared search and track optical system, which detects enemy planes via heat. this combination of sensors allows the PAK-A to oppose stealth aircraft more effectively. It is designed with equipped with multi-axis thrust vectoring nozzles and a fly by wire control system, giving it extreme agility and the ability to remain in controlled flight even in times of extreme flight maneuvers. a helmet mounted heads up display and target designator system, combined with rear facing sensor systems and missiles able to perform extreme maneuvers upon launching allows the pilot to locate, target, and fire missiles at any target he can detect, and even fire backwards behind the aircraft. Although designed as a Frontline Air Superiority Fighter, the PAK-FA-was designed to fill a secondary air to ground strike role, and is capable of carrying both air to air and air to ground ordnance. The PAK-FA served as a frontline fighter all the way up to the great cataclysm, with most nations purchasing updated new-build models incorporating mega-damage materials and technologies, or refitting their older models with mega-damage structural reinforcement, armor, and weaponry. (these refitted models typically possess 25% less M.D.C. per location.) In Russia the PAK-FA was relegated primarily to reserve units by the time of the Great Cataclysm, with newer aircraft such as the Su-85 "Fairy" taking it's place in frontline units.

Type: Su-50 PAK-FA

NATO Reporting Name: "Flatfish"

Class: Advanced Frontline Fighter

Crew: one

M.D.C. by Location:

[1] Wings(2)- 50 each

Reinforced Pilots Compartment- 30

[2] Vertical Tails (2)- 20 each

[2] Horizontal Stabilizers (2)- 25 each

[2] Engines (2)- 30 each

[3] Main body- 120

[1] Destroying a wing will cause the plane to become dynamically unstable. The pilot must immediately return to base (RTB). Any serious maneuvers are at -50% to all piloting rolls. If the pilot fails, he must eject immediately because the plane will crash. Destroying both wings will cause the plane to crash.

[2] Destruction of one of the Tail planes or horizontal stabilizers will still allow the aircraft to be controlled by the varying of power levels of the engines and adjusting the control surfaces, but aircraft has a penalty of -5 to dodge and a -10% penalty to all piloting rolls. Destruction of two or more of the canards or horizontal tails will force the pilot to reduce top speed by 30% and impose a -25% penalty on piloting rolls because of aerodynamic instability. RTB is highly recommended. Destruction of one of the engines will require an immediate piloting check to transfer power to the second engine (-30% penalty), reduce maximum and cruising speed by 50%, and impose a -35% penalty on all piloting rolls. Destruction of both will require an emergency ejection. the engines are small targets, requiring a called shot at -4 to strike to hit.

[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the aircraft down completely, rendering it useless, and causing it to crash if in flight.


Flying: 1,615 MPH/2,600 KPH (mach 2.45) maximum velocity. Typical cruising velocity is 808 mph/1300 kph. (mach 1.2) the minimum velocity required to stay aloft is 110 mph (176kmh), any lower and the plane will stall. the Su-55 has a high enough thrust to weight ratio to accelerate while in a vertical climb.

Max Flight Altitude: 65,616 feet (20,000 meters)

Range: 2,230 miles (3,568 kilometers). fitted with external fuel tanks on wing hard points, range is increased 50% (3345 miles/5352km).

Special: the aircraft is +2 to dodge due to the use of an unstable design and 3d thrust vectoring.


Length: 65.9 feet (19.8 m)

Wingspan: 46.6 feet (14 m)

Height: 19.8 feet (6.05 m)

Wing area: 848.1 square feet (78.8 square meters)

Empty weight: 40,785 lbs (18,500 kg/18.5 tons)

Max weight: 57,300 lbs (26,000 kg/ 26 tons)

Cargo: none

Power system: Twin Super cruise capable after burning turbofans, with 3D thrust vectoring.

Cost: 60 million credits on the black market. there are no known producers of this model post-rifts, and only the Russian Warlords are known to use this aircraft, however the type was exported to India, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe during the 2nd cold war.

Weapon Systems:1.) GSh-301 30mm single barrel cannon.Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft

Secondary Purpose: Ground attack

Damage: 5D8 M.D. (10 round burst.)

Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots Hand to Hand attacks per melee.

Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2km)

Payload: 150 rounds in an ammo drum behind the cockpit. this is sufficient for 15 bursts.

2.) Weapons bays: Su-55's primary armament are Missiles and bombs contained within internal bays on the underside of the fighter. the two central bays can each carry either 4 medium missiles per bay, two long range missiles, or up to 4000 pounds (1818kg) of Bombs and ordnance, while the outer bays carry a single Medium Range Missile Each.3.) External Hard points: Two External hard points, one per wing, allow for the carriage of additional ordnance. Each hard point can carry Two Medium Range Missiles, one Long Range Missile, or up to 1500 pounds (682kg) of bombs and ordnance. Carrying external ordnance reduces the stealth capability of the aircraft. (+20% to attempts to detect the aircraft using radar, per hard point used. with both hard points loaded with missiles or ordnance, the combined penalty is +40%)Equipment: All standard robot systems, plus;1.) Multi-Mode PESA radar system. can simultaneously identify and track up to 24 targets. 150 mile (240km) range, limited to a 140 degree arc in front of the aircraft. -20% to read sensor instruments for other aircraft to detect it, and reduces enemy jamming effectiveness by 50%. a secondary radar system with a 90 degree arc is located facing aft, providing the aircraft with the capability to lock on and fire air to air missiles backwards, against enemies threatening it from the rear.2.) L-band radar system: built into the leading edge of each wing is an L-band phased array radar system. Standard radars are X-band systems, using higher frequencies and energies. the L-band system, while less powerful than standard radars, is less effected by conventional stealth technologies, giving it the capability of detecting, targeting, and tracking stealth aircraft. (receives a +40% bonus to read sensory instruments against stealth targets.) 300 mile (480km) range, limited to a 140 degree arc in front of the aircraft3.) Laser Range-Finding- Infra-Red Search and Track System: This system uses a Thermal Camera to located and identify objects warmer than their background, including aircraft, tanks, people, and buildings. It then uses a laser range finder to discover the distance to the target, feeding this information into the aircraft targeting system. The system has a range of 120 miles (192 km), and can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously. The system is mounted just ahead of the cockpit, and has a 45 degree viewing cone. secondary thermal imaging camera turrets are mounted behind the Cockpit, and below the rear radar mount between the engines, providing 360 degree coverage and allowing targets to be tracked outside the coverage of the main IRST.

4.) 'Smart Helmet' Vision Target Acquisition and Heads up Display: this helmet mounted system provides the pilot with an augmented reality heads up display built into the helmet visor. in addition, cockpit sensors track the movements of the pilots head, following his line of vision. this allows the pilot to designate targets by a mere glance, which greatly increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft, allowing it to launch missiles at any target within range of its sensors. this augmented reality system, combined with the HOTAS control's, means that the pilot never has to rely on standard instruments. a full set of standard HUD's and displays is includes however for redundancy. with the system active, the aircraft has a +2 to initiative.

5.) chaff/Flare launchers. this system ejects a quartet of flares and chaff packets on either side of the aircraft, which has the advantage of confusing missile guidance systems. (this system can be activated as a free action. it provides the equivalent of a +2 'auto dodge' against missiles. +3 if the missiles are employing only IR tracking methods.)

6.) Radar Jamming system: effects every enemy aircraft and missile within a 20 mile (32 km) radius of the fighter. While the jamming signal makes the aircraft easier to detect (+10% to read sensory instruments to detect), it makes it more difficult for enemy missiles to target and strike. (-20% to the enemies weapon systems skill for lock ons, and enemy missiles are -4 to strike.)

7.) Stealth Features. Imposes a -60% penalty to any attempts to detect the fighter using radar. Opening the main ordnance bays greatly increases the aircraft's radar signature from the underside of the aircraft and negates the radar detection penalty. Stealth bonuses are lost should any part of the aircraft be reduced below 50% of it's MDC.

8.) Expert system: The avionics of the Su-50 are programmed with an Expert system, a form of pilot assistance program designed to monitor the aircraft in flight and automate much of the complexities of employing the aircraft's sensors and systems. while not a true Artificial Intelligence system, this program makes the aircraft simpler to operate. the Expert system provides a +10% bonus to the following skills; Read sensory instruments, Weapon systems, Navigation (air, land, sea), Pilot jet fighter, Electronic Countermeasures, and Radio Communications. the Expert system cannot however perform any skill other than to serve as an autopilot (pilot jet fighter 60%). it is merely creative programming which simplifies the pilots tasks.