EBSIS History - Early Reconstruction Era

2011 - The Year the World changed.

When Dolza's Fleet appeared in orbit around earth, the Baltic nations implemented blackout conditions, as per U.E.G. emergency plans. as it turned out, it was unnecessary. the region was relatively untouched by the orbital bombardment, with only a handful of hits in the Baltic sea and in the largely uninhabited countryside. Military analysts believe that the lack of obvious military, industrial, or urban centers placed the region as a low priority target. however the region managed to survive the bombardment so intact, the environmental and societal disruptions still effected it. since the governments of these nations survived mostly intact, they did not fall into anarchy as did so many other surviving enclaves, but with the influx of refugees from Russia and Germany did tax their resources. with no communications with any other U.E.G. nations for most of a year, the Eastern Baltic nations began negotiations to establish a mutual support structure. during this time the primary problem they faced was the impact of zentraedi warships falling from orbit, and continued refugee influx. Not long after this proto-E.B.S.I.S. was formed, it encountered its first major military crisis. several Zentraedi ships from Dolza's fleet had made emergency landings near Chernihiv in the Ukraine, and had begun moving north into Belarus in search of supplies. the Belarus military faced a sizable army of mecha and giants with largely unmodified ex-soviet hardware. with the destruction of Minsk after it was hit by a reentering wrecked Zentraedi Landing-ship, and with no support from the now devastated Russia, the civilian government was effectively non-existent, and the surviving military faction requested the assistance of Poland and the Baltic States. although the alliance was still new, and integration of the respective military's, forces were dispatched to reinforce the Belorussian forces. Between the Mecha units available to the Baltic States and the upgraded and better trained conventional forces, the Zentraedi force was defeated in the Homiel region south of Minsk Crater. however the Baltic forces suffered substantial losses, particularly in the non-upgraded Armored units. With the previous civilian government effectively non-existent, and facing an uncertain future, the Provisional Belorussian leadership asked to join the Baltic States, offering their still sizable military force and natural resources in exchange for help in reconstruction. not long after, the Baltic states were contacted by the North American centered New U.E.G. this contact proved to be the impetus of the formation of the E.B.S.I.S. The New U.E.G. had automatically assumed that as survivors from the pre-war U.E.G., the Baltic States would automatically be subsumed into the 'reconstructed U.E.G.' forming around the surviving North American communities and New Macross City. The Baltic states however maintained that as their governments were intact and members of the pre-war U.E.G., they represented the legitimate successors of the pre-war U.E.G., and that with no continuity from the previous U.E.G. government, the 'North American Entity' could not legally claim to represent the United Earth Government, and as such the Baltic States would not Subjugate themselves to an illegitimate political entity. The Baltic State's offer to allow the North American communities to join as junior partners in a Baltic led U.E.G. was rebuffed. During negotiations the North American U.E.G. brought up its alliance with the Zentraedi Imperioclas fleet and possession of the SDF-1. intended to help present themselves as a capable and legitimate organization, the Baltic states interpreted these statements as thinly veiled threats of potential military action. Facing the possibility of invasion by North American forces, the Baltic states hammered out a more complete alliance treaty, forming the E.B.S.I.S. This treaty would form the basis of the E.B.S.I.S. constitution.

2014 - The Rise of the Baltic States

Even while it was ironing out its existence as an alliance of nations, the E.B.S.I.S. began humanitarian and reconstruction efforts in the devastated regions of Central Europe. initially, these efforts were focused mainly on the ruins of Russia and Germany, both of which had been devastated by the orbital bombardment, and which had large refugee populations as well as potentially surviving supplies and infrastructure. Despite the assistance provided by the Baltic States in pacifying and beginning the reconstruction of Germany, the newly reformed German Republic elected to join the militarist north american U.E.G. in 2014, an action many in the Baltic States viewed as a betrayal of trust. Afterwords the E.B.S.I.S. was unable to offer assistance to nations in the Western portions of Europe, due to geographic and logistical difficulties. In late 2014 a new difficulty developed, with the arrival of the first Zentraedi refugees. Initially these were individuals and small groups who had become enamored with human 'culture'. Those that did not fight back when Baltic military units arrived in response to their appearance were stripped of their armor, weapons, and mecha and placed in internment camps until a longer term and humane solution to the issue could be found. The issue became of paramount importance in early 2015. exposed to human media broadcasts and human communities in their occupation zone, the Zentraedi survivors from the Belorussian crisis had experienced rapid culture shock and acclimatization. After their supplies began to run low they sought peace talks with the Baltic States through local human intermediaries. The Baltic State commanders on along the border were understandably skeptical, but reported the contacts and an official meeting between E.B.S.I.S. diplomats and the Zentraedi commanders was arranged. The Zentraedi, low on food and ammunition, offered to return the territory they held in exchange for supplies. The Baltic representatives agreed to the deal, adding an additional condition. the Giants would be allowed to remain, provided they agreed to ally with the Baltic States and fight along side humans. The Zentraedi army agreed after several months of tense negotiations, which brought not only peace to the southern borders, but also several thousand giant warriors to bolster the military. The agreement was not well receipted by the E.B.S.I.S. populace however, and unease and distrust would remain for years. Recognizing the giant aliens would not integrate well with human military's, the E.B.S.I.S. created the 'Varangian Legion', comparable to the pre-war Légion étrangère, as an organization that could absorb Zentraedi units while bringing them into the E.B.S.I.S. Eventually the Varangian Legion would form human units as well, following a modified model of the Légion étrangère recruitment policies.

The Varangian Legion had its first trial of fire in the Balkans region. The region had survived the bombardment with only mild damage, but the collapse of global infrastructure had left it suffering, and allowed the local conflicts to reemerge violently. Both the Baltic States and the U.E.G. had chosen to back different factions in the region. the U.E.G. had chosen to back the largest regional faction, the Croatian Freedom Army (C.F.A.), led by Milos Tezloff. This military faction had seized large amounts of military hardware in the chaos after the bombardment, and seized what remained of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Within their territory they had brought a degree of order and peace, which was what brought the U.E.G. To their side, but the C.F.A. was a military junta with racist and totalitarian ideology and had achieved that order by killing or driving out other ethnic groups in their territory. Tezloff's military government was courting the U.E.G. to gain access to more weapons, especially armored vehicles and mecha, with plans to expand his zone of control eastward into Serbia. The Baltic States however were already in Serbia, providing assistance to the coalition government that arose there after the bombardment. Serbia had become a gathering point for refugees from the surrounding regions, including many of the people forced out by the C.F.A. The government they had built to manage what remained of the local infrastructure and handle the refugees included representatives from most of the local ethnicity's, and was mostly focused on solving supply crisis's and maintaining local order. Because most of the Serbian military had been destroyed by the Zentraedi bombardment, the coalition government had limited ability to defend against C.F.A. raids. The E.B.S.I.S. Sent the coalition government supplies, including military hardware, as well as E.B.S.I.S. military units to serve as advisers. Varangian Legion Zentraedi were also sent, largely in a public relations effort. However the arrival of several battalions of E.B.S.I.S. troops, and almost a thousand Zentraedi, appeared to the U.E.G. to be a prelude to an attack, leading to the U.E.G. to move several mecha units to the region. Which in turn looked to the E.B.S.I.S. as a prelude to an attack by the U.E.G.. It is likely that this perceived saber rattling would have ended after several rounds of high level diplomacy between the U.E.G. and E.B.S.I.S., but in December 2016 several C.F.A./U.E.G. military base were attacked by what appeared to be Serbian coalition irregulars. In each case the attack occurred in a similar fashion. Military trucks filled with explosives (several tons of ANFO) attempted to enter the base, but were detonated at the entrance, blowing holes in the base defenses, through which infantry in more trucks used to gain entry. Mortars, RPG's, and Satchel charges were employed to destroy vehicles and buildings, before the attackers withdrew. Many were killed on both sides, including some high ranking officers of the U.E.G. units. Most of the attackers were armed with E.B.S.I.S. produced weaponry, and several of the attackers which were killed were from Baltic ethnicity's. All of which made it appear that the Serbian coalition government, with the assistance of the Baltic States, had performed an act of war. The U.E.G. response was quick, moving on the E.B.S.I.S. and Varangian Legion bases, while the C.F.A. forces attacked along the Serbian border. The official declaration of war, along with the details of the attacks, did not reach the Baltic States until several days after the U.E.G. responded, leading the Serbians and E.B.S.I.S. to believe the U.E.G. had conducted an unprovoked attack. The end result was a shooting war between the U.E.G. and the E.B.S.I.S., as both sides funneled units into the region. The U.E.G. had the upper hand, only the tenacity of the Serbian and E.B.S.I.S. defenders preventing a complete loss, but in the summer of 2017, records of C.F.A. atrocities finally reached the U.E.G. command. Visual records of massacres and ethnic cleansing brought the true nature of Tezloff and his organization to light, leading the U.E.G. forces to withdraw from the front lines. The U.E.G. informed Tezloff it was a temporary measure to allow for rest and refit before a final push, but it allowed the units to surround Tezloff's capitol, allowing U.E.G. inspectors to arrest Tezloff and his junta. Without U.E.G. military support, the C.F.A. forces were pushed out of Serbia, the surviving units being forced to surrender to the U.E.G.. The war officially ended in September 2017, although a cease fire was in effect between the U.E.G. and the E.B.S.I.S./Serbian forces for several weeks prior. During Tezloff's war crimes trial it was discovered that the attacks which had triggered the conflict had been a false flag operation conducted by dissidents in Serbia, who had been organized and equipped by agents acting on the behalf of Tezloff and the C.F.A. in order to provide an act of war to 'justify' the C.F.A.'s invasion of Serbia. The Serbian crisis, despite the positive outcome, proved to be a black eye for the U.E.G., and became a wedge between the U.E.G. and the Baltic States politically. Because of the bad relations, the Baltic States began building a network of allies, states which shared similar independent views. In late 2017 the Baltic States allied with the Caucasus Autonomous Region, and in 2018 the Amur Freehold in Eastern Siberia. By 2019 the Baltic States had begun assisting in the reconstruction of Eastern Africa, with peacekeeping efforts in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia.