Persian Union Munitions

Kowsar Light Anti-ship Missile

Classification: Air-to-Ground

Type: Medium Range Missile

Warhead: Armor Pericing

Guidance: Optical, IR. or Radar Guided

Damage: 2D4x10 M.D. x2 damage on a natural 18 or 19, x3 damage on a natural 20.

Blast Radius: 3ft (.9m)

Range: 20 miles (32km)

Speed: 536mph (857.6kmh)

M.D.C.: 5

Special: Guided Missile (+2 to strike), with Sea Skimming mode. (-30% to detect)

(Note: the Kowsar name applies to Iranian copies of both the TL-10 and C-701 missiles developed by china, which possess the same general performance and design. the C-701 is a ship based missile, the TL-10 a land and aircraft based system.)

AIM-54E Phoenix Extended Range Air to Air Missile:

Classification: Air to Air Missile

Type: Long Range Missile

Warhead: High Explosive

Guidance: Active Radar Guidance

Damage: 5d6x10 M.D.

Blast Radius: to a blast radius of 30 feet (10 meters)

Velocity: 3000mph (4800kmh/mach 4.3)

Range: 125 miles (200km)

Bonuses: +4 to strike, plus Weapon system bonuses. Includes an Electronic Counter-Countermeasures system, which reduces penalties to strike from enemy jamming by half.)

Cost: Pre-Rifts: 200,000 Cr. each, rare due to the limited number of aircraft that can carry them. Post-Rifts: 100,000 Cr. each on the black market.

Note: Although it counts as as a Long Range Missile, it cannot be carried by ground units or unmodified aircraft.

MIM-23Ir Shahin Mk4 Heavy Air to Air Missile.

A modified version of the Shahin missile used by the Mersad Surface to Air Defense System modified for aircraft use. a Semi-active radar guided missile, the large warhead and long effective range are well suited to interception. As a Semi-active guided weapon, the target aircraft must be illuminated with a radar beam during the missiles flight. (requires a Weapon Systems skill check for each melee the missile is in flight, including the immediately after firing)

Classification: Air to Air Missile (derived from a Surface to Air Missile)

Type: Long Range Missile

Warhead: High Explosive

Guidance: Semi-Active Radar Guidance

Damage: 3d6x10 M.D.

Blast Radius: 100 feet (30.48 meters)

Velocity: 3000mph (4800kmh/mach 4.3)

Range: 90 miles (144km)

Bonuses: +4 to strike, plus Weapon System bonuses while the target is illuminated. against a non-illuminated target the missile flies towards the last known position, -4 to strike.

Cost: Pre-Rifts: 80,000cr. each, rare due to the limited number of aircraft that can carry them. Post-Rifts: 50,000 Cr. each on the black market.

Note: Although it counts as as a Long Range Missile, it cannot be carried by unmodified ground units or aircraft.