Full Thrust Annex

In Full Thrust, players assume command of fleets of starships complete with escorts, cruisers and capital ships . Although it does come with its own detailed background and plot line, Full Thrust is designed to be generic and can be easily converted or used to work in any sci-fi background including movies, television and books.

This page will house not only the Starship stats for the several fleets of miniatures i have been working on, but also details on setting and background for each faction.

Although there are many fan created rules variations currently in use, my ships and factions have been designed for use with Full Thrust Remixed, which is the most recent edition of the official Ground Zero Games rules. (it is effectively the 2.5 edition of the rules) These designs are compatible with the various fan created rulesets (like Cross Dimensions and Continuum), but my preference is for the much simpler FTremixed.

The core rules for Full Thrust Remixed can be found in PDF form here, totally free. in addition to the core rules, my fleets make use of the 'Alien technology' weapons and systems options found in Fleetbook 2, also available free (from the publisher), as well as the 'playtest' weapons and equipment options, and the revised points system, created or approved by the publisher (developed for the 3rd edition of the game, but released early for a '2.5 edition' due to long delays) these options can be found here. Beyond that there are only one or two fan created items and rules which i have adopted (due to being very common), these will be addressed on a fleet by fleet basis as needed.

Most of my Fleets originate from the Star Trek universe, due to my love of that setting, and the existence of very good quality models. other settings and fully original factions may also be found in my works in Progress Fleets. The setting i am creating assumes that all of these factions exist within the same universe at the same rough time, allowing for fun crossover battles and campaigns.

(Star Trek)

The United Federation of Planets

The Klingon Empire

The Tholian Holdfast

The Romulan Star Empire

The Cardassian Dominion

The Maquis

The Borg Collective

The Mirak Star League

(Babylon 5)

The Minbari Federation

The Narn Regime

The Centauri Republic

The Shadows

(Battlestar Galactica)

The Twelve Colonies of Man

The Cylon Alliance

(Larry Niven's Known Space)

The Kzinti Hegemony

(Star Wars)

**The Granida Cluster**

The Imperial Pact

The New Republic

Star Trek Fleets and Factions

My Star Trek Factions combine elements of the TVshows and first 10 films, as well as many elements from Star Fleet Battles by ADB and many Star Trek Novels. my Star Trek fleets are nominally set in the "Motion Picture" era of the late 23rd and early 24th centuries, between The original series films and the start of the Next Generation TV series. However i have also rewritten some timeline elements to allow for the inclusion of some of my favorite factions from The Next Generation earlier than in canon.

Non Star Trek Factions

These Factions come from other sources. as with the StarTrek Factions, they are my own take created using elements from TV, Movies, Novels, and other games