Book III

I. Of personal adornment.

II. The fields of study in which the man who expects to make progress will have to go into training; and that we neglect what is most important.

III. What is the subject-matter with which the good man has to deal; and what should be the chief object of our training?

IV. To the man who took sides, in an undignified manner, while in a theatre.

V. To those who leave school because of illness.

VI. Some scattered sayings,

VII. A conversation with the Imperial Bailiff of the Free Cities, who was an Epicurean.

VIII. How ought we to exercise ourselves to deal with the impressions of our senses?

IX. To a certain rlietorician who was going to Rome for a law-suit.

X. How ought we to bear our illnesses?

XI. Some scattered sayings.

XII. Of training.

XIII. The meaning of a forlorn state, and the kind of person a forlorn man is.

XIV. Some scattered sayings.

XV. That we ought to approach each separate thing with circumspection.

XVI. That one should enter cautiously into social intercourse.

XVII. Of Providence.

XVIII. That we ought not to allow any news to disturb us.

XIX. What is the position of the layman, and what that of the philosopher?

XX. That it is possible to derive advantage from everything external.

XXI. To those who enter light heartedly upon the profession of lecturing.

XXII. On the calling of a Cynic.

XXIII. To those who read and discuss for the purpose of display.

XXIV. That we ought not to j'earn for the things which are not under our control.

XXV. To those who fail to achieve their purposes.

XXVI. To those who fear want.