January 1

In the Morning...

In the coming year, we will be reading, reflecting and reacting to selections from the chief Stoic writers. We start this year with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, possibly the only man to achieve the lofty title of Philosopher-King. In this reading, he reminds us of the impact of the choices of those around us, and through this we are reminded of the first Stoic principle: the autonomy of choice.


Remember a time when you blamed another's behavior for your own choices. Who was in control of that situation? Who was in control of you? Was the outcome what you desired?

Read The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Book X, ¶13




Begin this year by keeping a journal. In it, you can keep track of the events of the day, what you have learned throughout the day, and thoughts you have had that you may want to revisit later. You will also be using the journal daily to record your journey and the effect of the daily reflections on your life. For today, try to record an example of using the 'gap' to regain control of your ability to choose during the day.