May 1

The Center of Attention

Andy Warhol is famous for having said "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." It seems that today, there are some who actively are seeking their '15 minutes.' Today's reading reminds us that, for the Sage, it is the reason behind this desire for attention that must be kept in mind.


Think back to a specific time when you, or someone you know, deliberately made a inappropriate show in order to attract attention. How was the attempt received? More importantly, what were the longer term effects of these actions?

Read The Manual, §33, v. 14-16


    • Why does Epictetus warn us not to brag about our own achievements?
    • What is the real danger of vulgarity?
    • How would you approach someone who had crossed a line to gain favor?


    • Be minful of your conversations today. Avoid deliberately displaying or talking about yourself and try stay within your morality.
    • When someone 'crosses the line' today to make a point, make a mental note of the effects their behaviour has on you and those around them.
    • Try to avoid using vulgar language today. Instead, replace expletives and derogatory terms with milder, more common phrases.


As you go through your day, watch yourself and others through the interplay of communication, bearing in mind Epictetus' warnings. In your journal, record your thoughts of the long term effects of this behaviour.