The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike of Samothrace) - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for


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01. [ ENGLISH ] The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike of Samothrace) - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for.



timos 555 months ago

Belongs to Greece...the ancient Greeks give the lights of civilization and Europe still stole the history...keep turn off the lights...

Reply 4

SeriousBoe1 year ago

I couldn't hide my ecstacy when I finally found her after wandering for 2 hours in Louvre. Being an absolute beauty, she truly deserves her name.

Reply 3

View 2 replies

ILoveParis1 year ago

I agree. I was in the louvre a week ago. I couldn't resist and had to change my path to see it again...

Reply 1

SeriousBoe1 year ago

ILoveParis same here!!! I spent the last 30 minutes of my visit around her because the rest of exhibition seemed to have lost its shine

ingrid3 years ago

I think THE most magnificent video you've ever done! Thank you! More art in Paris vlogs please~~~


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ILoveParis3 years ago

@ingrid You're so kind..thank you!

Ernesto4z1 year ago

Great video...! I was there in 2015 and want to go back. There is too much to see and read. The Winged Victory is such an attraction. I did not want to stop looking at it. Who plays the music?


The Winged Victory of Samothrace, Louvre Museum MUST SEE


Published on May 10, 2015

Visiting the Louvre Museum in Paris can be overwhelming and provoke a kind of sensory and intellectual overload if you attempt to take in too much. Visitors end up feeling overwhelmed or claustrophobic. On a first visit to the Louvre, many, if not most, people make a beeline to the Mona Lisa. This is perfectly understandable, but make sure not to overlook some of the less well-publicized treasures housed at the museum. One work of art that inspires awe, without question, is the Winged Victory of Samothrace; a beautiful ten foot work of art from the Hellenistic period of Greek culture.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace, considered the finest Hellenistic Greek sculpture, portrays the goddess of victory alighting on a ship’s prow, with her wings spread and her clinging garments rippling in the wind. The broken sculpture was discovered on the Aegean island of Samothrace in 1863 and immediately sent to the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was discovered by Charles Champoiseau, French Vice-Consul to Adrianople (Turkey). The goddess of Victory (Nike, in Greek) is shown in the form of a winged woman standing on the prow of a ship, braced against the strong wind blowing through her garments.

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duration 02:15 minutes

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Symphonie du Louvre, Nike

giuseppe dolce

Published on Mar 30, 2009

Symphonie du Louvre, Nike

duration 07:11 minutes

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Winged Victory of Samothrace - introduction / Louvre Museum


Published on Aug 27, 2011

A closer look at the Winged Victory of Samothrace / Louvre Museum

Winged Victory of Samothrace - introduction - Louvre Museum


Winged Victory of Samothrace


An original Greek statue probably destroyed by an earthquake, this work was found in countless pieces in 1863 on the island of Samothrace, in the northeast Aegean. The right wing is a plaster copy of the left wing, the only one to have survived. The cement base beneath its feet is also modern; the statue initially stood on the sculpted prow of the ship. It loomed out of a hilltop sanctuary at an angle, which explains why less attention was paid to carving the right-hand side. The Victory — "Nike" in Greek — is shown as if she were just alighting on the prow of the ship to which she is bringing divine favor. Discovered in 1950, her right hand enabled her original gesture to be restored: with her raised hand, she announces the coming event. Staged in spectacular fashion very much in keeping with Hellenistic taste, she could be seen from afar by ships approaching the island. The proportions, the rendering of the bodily forms, the manner in which the drapery flapping in the wind is handled, and the expansiveness of the highly theatrical gesture all bear witness to the search for realism in sculpture dating from this period. After examining certain stylistic details, scholars believe that this monument might be a votive offering from the Rhodians to thank the gods for a naval victory around 190 BC, but André Malraux was delighted with the accidental mutilation of this statue, which turned it into a timeless icon of Western art — "a masterpiece of destiny."


Winged Victory of Samothrace - The drapery

The monument consists of a statue of a winged female figure -- the messenger goddess Victory -- and a base in the shape of the prow of a ship, standing on a low pedestal.

Overall, the work measures 5.57 m (18 feet 3 ins) in height. The statue, made of white Paros marble, stands 2.75 m (9 feet) tall, including the wings. The base (2.01 m, 6 feet 7 ins) and the pedestal (36 cm, 1 foot 2 ins) are sculpted from grey white-veined marble from the quarries of Lartos on the island of Rhodes. The darker color contrasts with the white marble of the statue, although a patina has now formed over the whole surface of the monument.

The Victory is wearing a long chiton, or tunic, of fine cloth, that falls in folds to her feet. To shorten the skirts, the cloth is gathered by a belt, hidden by the folds which hang over the hips. The chiton is held in place by a second belt beneath the breasts.

The garment's flowing lines are portrayed with great virtuosity. The fabric over the stomach and the left thigh is shot over with wrinkles that seem to skim over the skin underneath. The light cloth is bunched in narrow folds on the figure's sides, while the front of the left leg is carved with surface incisions to create an effect of light fabric drapery.

The handling of the chiton is in striking contrast with the thick, deeply carved draped folds of the cloak or himation, which covers part of the chiton. The sophisticated form of the folds of the cloak becomes clear when the outside and inside are highlighted in blue and red, following the folds of the cloth.

The himation, worn wrapped in a roll round the waist, has worked loose at the figure's left hip. A large gathering of folds have slipped between the figure's legs, leaving the left hip and leg uncovered. The right hip and leg are covered to half-way down the calf. The cloak has swept open, with a fold of cloth streaming out behind the figure, so that we see the inside of the cloth. The unfastened cloak is held against the Victory's body by the sheer force of the wind.

duration 04:33 minutes

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Botticelli and the Nike of Samothrace


Published on Jun 5, 2014

Sara Nelson and Rachel Wuerstlin discuss Botticelli's Birth of Venus and the Nike of Samothrace

duration 06:35 minutes

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Winged Victory (Nike) of Samothrace

Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.

Published on Jul 20, 2011

Nike (Winged Victory) of Samothrace, Lartos marble (ship) and Parian marble (figure), c. 190 B.C.E. 3.28m high, Hellenistic Period (Musée du Louvre, Paris). The sculpture was unearthed in 1863 after its discovery under the direction of Charles Champoiseau, the French Vice-Consul to Turkey. Please note that the theoretical reconstruction of the Nike as a trumpeter mentioned in the video has been largely abandoned; the monument is now thought to have been part of a fountain possibly commemorating a naval victory. Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.

duration 02:45 minutes

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Victoria alada de Samotracia

Roberto Besos

Published on Feb 24, 2013

Montpellier, France

duration 02:47 minutes

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victoria samotracia v1

Fernando Sanz

Published on Nov 7, 2013

La victoria de Samotracia. Museo del Louvre.

duration 01:49 minutes

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La Victoire de Samothrace : la découverte - Victory of Samothrace's discovery - Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

Published on Dec 18, 2013

Suivez la découverte de la Victoire de Samothrace au rythme du récit de Charles Champoiseau qui mena les fouilles sur l'île de Samothrace au 19e siècle. Pour en savoir plus sur la statue :

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duration 03:10 minutes

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☆Museo de Louvre.Victoria Alada,Venus de Milo y Magdalena Penitente


Published on May 20, 2014

El Museo del Louvre es el museo nacional de Francia consagrado al arte anterior al impresionismo, tanto bellas artes como arqueología y artes decorativas. Es uno de los más importantes del mundo.

Temas en Este video:

"Tim Devine, Stacey Berkley-Clair de Lune",(26:54) grabación de sonido administrado por:Audio Network

"Mark Cherrie-Fly Girls_29_instrumental 29",(21:31) grabación de sonido administrado por: AdRev for a 3rd Party

"Vangelis-Eternal Alexander",(49:30) grabación de sonido administrado por: SME

"Artful-Finest Hour, The-5 Alarm Music - Artful - Direct",(1:23) grabación de sonido administrado por: AdRev for Rights Holder AdRev for a 3rd Party

"James Morgan, Juliette Pochin-Sacred Cycle-UPPM", (18:13) grabación de sonido administrado por: APM Music AdRev for a 3rd Party

"James S.Levine-Clearwaters-Extreme Music", (3:47)grabación de sonido administrado por: AdRev for a 3rd Party

"David Arkenstone-Chosen Voices",(8:14) grabación de sonido administrado por: UMG


Los Creiditos de Este video, le pertenecen a sus creadores, realizadores, Ejecutivos y televisora, donde se trasmite. Este canal no recibe ningún tipo de beneficio Económico por la exhibición del mismo. El interés de este canal es solo compartir el video. Agradecemos la comprensión a este hecho.

duration 53:19 minutes

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Botticelli and the Nike of Samothrace


Published on Jun 5, 2014

Sara Nelson and Rachel Wuerstlin discuss Botticelli's Birth of Venus and the Nike of Samothrace

duration 06:35 minutes

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La Victoire de Samothrace : l'assemblage - Victory of Samothrace's assembly - Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

Published on Nov 25, 2014

Suivez les équipes du Louvre lors de la quatrième restauration de la statue en juin 2014.

Dans cette épisode, l'équipe se concentre sur l'assemblage des blocs du bateau. Pour en savoir plus sur le projet de restauration :

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duration 04:12 minutes

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Published on Mar 21, 2015








duration 08:13 minutes

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The Winged Victory of Samothrace, Louvre Museum MUST SEE


Published on May 10, 2015

Visiting the Louvre Museum in Paris can be overwhelming and provoke a kind of sensory and intellectual overload if you attempt to take in too much. Visitors end up feeling overwhelmed or claustrophobic. On a first visit to the Louvre, many, if not most, people make a beeline to the Mona Lisa. This is perfectly understandable, but make sure not to overlook some of the less well-publicized treasures housed at the museum. One work of art that inspires awe, without question, is the Winged Victory of Samothrace; a beautiful ten foot work of art from the Hellenistic period of Greek culture.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace, considered the finest Hellenistic Greek sculpture, portrays the goddess of victory alighting on a ship’s prow, with her wings spread and her clinging garments rippling in the wind. The broken sculpture was discovered on the Aegean island of Samothrace in 1863 and immediately sent to the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was discovered by Charles Champoiseau, French Vice-Consul to Adrianople (Turkey). The goddess of Victory (Nike, in Greek) is shown in the form of a winged woman standing on the prow of a ship, braced against the strong wind blowing through her garments.

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duration 02:15 minutes

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La Victoire de Samothrace : avant/après restauration - Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

Published on Feb 9, 2015

En attendant le 5 mars 2015, date d'ouverture de l’exposition temporaire sur l'histoire et la restauration de la Victoire de Samothrace, visionnez cette vidéo.

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duration 03:56 minutes

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La Victoire de Samothrace : avant/après restauration - Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

Published on Feb 9, 2015

En attendant le 5 mars 2015, date d'ouverture de l’exposition temporaire sur l'histoire et la restauration de la Victoire de Samothrace, visionnez cette vidéo.

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duration 03:56 minutes

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La Victoire de Samothrace, une icône dévoilée Arte 2015 03 15 17 40


Published on Mar 22, 2015

La Victoire de Samothrace, une icône dévoilée


Le chantier de restauration de la statue de Niké, une sculpture aussi célèbre que mystérieuse.

le dimanche 15 mars 2015 - Durée : 52 min.

La "Victoire de Samothrace" est nimbée de mystère. Considérée comme l'une des expressions les plus achevées de la sculpture hellénistique et datée du IIe siècle avant J.-C., elle représente Niké, la déesse de la victoire. Mais on ne sait qui l'a sculptée, ni quand et pour quelle occasion. La réalisatrice Juliette Garcias a suivi le chantier de sa restauration.

duration 51:42 minutes

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La Victoria de Samotracia en el Museo del Louvre

Museo Fernando Peña Defilló

Published on Aug 13, 2015

CONFERENCIA Y PROYECCIÓN "La Victoria de Samotracia en el Museo del Louvre. A propósito de una reproducción en la colección del Museo Fernando Peña Defilló", a cargo de la crítico de arte Marianne de Tolentino.

También la proyección del documental oficial del Louvre entorno a esta maravillosa escultura, "La Victoire de Samothrace, une icône dévoilée", dirigido por Juliette Garcias.

duration 44:45 minutes

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The Winged Victory of Samothrace Trailer


Published on Jun 15, 2015

Category: Lifestyle

Duration: 12 x 52’

Language: English

Production Year 2015


This film provides the opportunity to follow an outstanding project – the restoration of one of the Louvre Museum’s greatest icons.

Victory of Samothrace. The masterpiece of Greek sculpture attracts millions of visitors every year, yet is little known to the general public. Archaeologists and art historians have been carrying out research on it for many years in order to clear up some of its remaining mysteries.

Based on the major stages of its restoration, this film recounts the history of a two-thousand-year-old sculpture that today has lost its head and arms, and that travelled to Paris from a small Greek island nearly 150 years ago, in “kit form”. The monument - one of the most spectacular and accomplished expressions of Greek sculpture of the Hellenistic period - has dominated the Louvre Museum’s Daru staircase since 1883.

duration 03:38 minutes

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La venus de Milo y La Victoria de Samotracia

Guada Tole

Published on Sep 30, 2015


duration 02:09 minutes

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Victoria alada de Samotracia - Restauración Museo del Louvre

Sofía Oliveri Ortiz

Published on Oct 26, 2015

duration 00:49 minutes

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Liliana pp

Published on Apr 8, 2016

Vídeo produzido apenas para fim acadêmico

duration 05:42 minutes

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Comentari: La Victòria de Samotràcia

Gina Sancho

Published on Oct 28, 2016

Realizat per Gina Sancho. (ART GREC)

duration 03:58 minutes

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Victoria de Samotracia


Published on May 25, 2017

Victoria de Samotracia.

La diosa Niké, símbolo de la victoria en la mitología griega, siempre se ha representado como una mujer con alas. Según su historia, pasó sus primeros años de vida entre los mortales, pero al conocer los vicios de la humanidad así como la maldad, decidió regresar al Olimpo. Durante siglos, su figura estaba presidía enfrentamientos militares así como competiciones deportivas, incluso en el reverso de las medallas olímpicas aparece su figura portando una corona de laurel, señal de éxito.

► ¿Quiénes somos?: es la plasmación de un sueño y una vocación que a lo largo de los años ha podido llegar a reunir una de las más grandes colecciones de reproducciones de arte universal del mundo.

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duration 01:10 minutes

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AP Art History--Winged Victory of Samothrace

Mikayla Anastasia Wise

Published on Jan 26, 2017

duration 10:00 minutes

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Vitória de Samotracia - Louvre

Ana Rosemberg Margarida

Published on Aug 31, 2017

duration 03:22 minutes

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Avance: La victoria alada de Samotracia - Canal Encuentro

Canal Encuentro

Published on Sep 27, 2017

duration 00:37 minutes

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Η Νίκη της Σαμοθράκης


Published on Jan 18, 2014

duration 04:14 minutes

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Νίκη της Σαμοθράκης - Nike (Victory) of Samothrace

Χλόη Ἑλλάς

Published on Sep 2, 2015

Ἡ Νίκη τῆς Σαμοθράκης εἶναι μαρμάρινο γλυπτὸ τῆς ἑλληνιστικῆς ἐποχῆς, τὸ ὁποῖο βρέθηκε στὸ ναὸ τῶν «Μεγάλων Θεῶν» στὴ Σαμοθράκη. Παριστάνει φτερωτὴ τὴ θεὰ Νίκη. Τὸ ἔργο ἀνακαλύφθηκε τὸ 1863 ἀπὸ τὸν τότε πρόξενο τῆς Γαλλίας C. Champoiseau, ὁ ὁποῖος καὶ τὸ μετέφερε στὸ μουσεῖο τοῦ Λούβρου, ὅπου καὶ ἐκτίθεται μέχρι σήμερα.

The winged Nike (Victory) of Samothrace is a 2nd-century BC marble sculpture of the Greek goddess Nike (Victory). Made of Parian marble, the Nike is an excellent example of the expressive, Hellenistic style.

The statue was discovered in 1863 by the then Consul of France C. Champoiseau, in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods on the northern Aegean island of Samothrace. Champoiseau transferred it to the Louvre, where this masterpiece of the ancient Greek art is exhibited to date.


Ἡ κάτωθι ὑπογεγραμμένη Νίκη Ἑλληνίς,

ἀγνώστου πατρὸς καὶ μητρός,

διαμένουσα κατὰ τοὺς παρελθώντας χρόνους,

εἰς τὸν ναὸν τῶν «Μεγάλων Θεῶν» ἤ Καβείρων κατ’ ἄλλους,

τῆς νήσου Σαμοθράκης,

γεννηθεῖσα τὸ 200 π.χ. περίπου,

ὕψους 3,28 μὲ τὰ φτερά μου

καὶ μὲ ζηλευτὸν κορμὶ ἀπὸ λευκὸν παριανὸν μάρμαρον,

κλαπεῖσα ὑπὸ τοῦ καρόλου σαμπουαζό,

καὶ τὴν εὐλογίαν τοῦ πολυχρονεμένου

τὴν 15ην Ἀπριλίου τοῦ ἔτους 1863

καὶ διαμένουσα ἕως τῆς σημερινῆς πανσελήνου,

σὲ γῆς ὁποῦ ὁ πολιτισμός της ἐπιβραβεύει τὴν ἁρπαγήν μου

καὶ λέγεται μουσεῖον ἐπειδὴ κατοικῶ ἐκεῖ

μὲ πολλὰ ἄλλα μέλη τῆς παριανῆς οἰκογενείας μου,

Αἰτοῦμαι... (Δημήτριος Δεσποτάκης) http://parthenonas-hellas-acherontas-...

Δημιούργησα αυτό το βίντεο με το Πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας βίντεο YouTube (

duration 02:52 minutes

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Published on Jul 26, 2012


duration 05:02 minutes

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Victoria de Samotracia

Martin malcuori bico

Published on Oct 10, 2017

duration 09:48 minutes

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The amazing Nike of Samothrace

An idea probably adopted from the victory columm of the Nike Paionios is the Victory Column in Berlin, Germany:

Left © Land Berlin/Thie ( Victory Column of Berlin ("Siegessäule von Berlin").

Right closer look of the Victory sculpture


for more information, please visit the "The victory column in Olympia: The Nike of Paionios" web page

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GREECE - ancient art wasn't black&white

amarildo topalis

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2009

Its a video about ancient art, every statue had colors.

by Amarildo Topalis

duration 07:30 minutes


Painting on Greek Statues 2


Published on Nov 25, 2012

Second attempt to get my video to work for my art history professor.

duration 04:12 minutes


for more information, please visit the "The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture" web page

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The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture







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