.. the indirect role played by many of the world’s most prestigious museums in the illicit trade of antiquities out of Greece


This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.

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01. [ ENGLISH ] .. the indirect role played by many of the world’s most prestigious museums in the illicit trade of antiquities out of Greece - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for.


. The Greeks did not work art for art; beauty was always meant to serve life. And the bodies wanted the ancients beautiful and strong, so that they could receive a balanced and strong mind. And yet, in order to be able to defend the city.

There is a beautiful world !. There is a beautiful Greece. A Greece that gave birth to masterpieces of art.

Culture of centuries is hidden in every small or large statue of this place.

A civilization that traveled, deliberately or unintentionally, to the ends of the world.

Many of these statues are lost, but we know them from Roman copies that were made centuries later.

Fortunately, some original sculptures are still in the museums of Greece and other countries.

Travel with body, eye, soul, imagination ...







1. the indirect role played by many of the world’s most prestigious museums in the illicit trade of antiquities out of Greece

2. the “Under the counter” goings on, many offers and much competition from the world’s most prestigious museums.

3. The hunt for Looted Ancient Greek Antiquities in the world's most prestigious museums

4. Greece demands return of stolen heritage




Looted Antiques Seized From Billionaire’s Home, Prosecutors Say

By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr.JAN. 5, 2018

Several of the artifacts seized from from the home of Michael H. Steinhardt as part of an investigation by the Manhattan district attorney’s office. CreditNew York District Attorney’s Office

Investigators raided the office and the Manhattan home of the billionaire Michael H. Steinhardt on Friday afternoon, carrying off several ancient works that prosecutors say were looted from Greece and Italy.

Mr. Steinhardt, a hedge-fund manager and philanthropist, has been collecting art from ancient Greece for three decades and has close ties to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where one of the galleries is named for him.

In a telephone interview, Mr. Steinhardt, 77, declined to comment, “for now,” on the seizure of at least nine pieces from his private collection at his Fifth Avenue apartment at 79th Street, a three-floor home that overlooks Central Park. The authorities also searched Mr. Steinhardt’s office at 712 Fifth Avenue.

The seizures marked the latest action in an effort by the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., to repatriate looted antiquities discovered in New York City to their countries of origin.

Over the last year, Mr. Vance has roiled the city’s rarefied art world, seizing work from major museums, auction houses and private collections. In recent months, he has returned three ancient statues to Lebanon, a mosaic from one of Caligula’s ships to Italy, and a second-century Buddhist sculpture to Pakistan.


Mr. SteinhardtCreditEvan Agostini/Invision, via Associated Press

Last month, Mr. Vance formed an antiquities-trafficking bureau to continue the work, putting it under the leadership of Matthew Bogdanos, an assistant district attorney who is a classics scholar and has headed most of the investigations.

But the district attorney’s aggressive efforts have drawn criticism from collectors, who have argued such disputes over the provenance of ancient pieces would be better handled in a civil courts. Mr. Vance has been using a state law that allows prosecutors to return stolen property to its owner, though so far he has not brought charges against anyone for possessing the works.

Among the pieces seized on Friday from Mr. Steinhardt was a Greek white-ground attic lekythos — or oil vessel — from the fifth century B.C., depicting a funeral scene with the figures of a woman and a youth, according to the search warrant. It is worth at least $380,000.

Also seized were Proto-Corinthian figures from the seventh century B.C., depicting an owl and a duck, together worth about $250,000. The other pieces included an Apulian terra-cotta flask in the shape of an African head from the fourth century B.C.; an Ionian sculpture of a ram’s head from the sixth century; and an attic aryballos, a vessel for oil or perfume, from the early fifth century. The objects were all bought in the last 12 years for a total cost of $1.1 million, according to the warrants.

The district attorney’s office declined to comment on the evidence underpinning the search warrants. The possible charge listed on the papers is possession of stolen property.


A white-ground oil vessel taken in the raid.CreditManhattan District Attorney's Office

Mr. Steinhardt’s collection has come under scrutiny in the past. One of the pieces returned to Lebanon last month was also discovered by officials in his apartment in October: a sixth-century B.C. marble torso of a man carrying a calf, worth about $4.5 million, stolen from the Temple of Eshmun in Sidon.

In 2015, Mr. Steinhardt had bought the calf bearer from two collectors in Colorado, William and Lynda Beierwaltes, along with a bull’s head sculpture, which he had in turn lent to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Mr. Vance’s office also took possession of that sculpture on the ground it had been stolen during the Lebanese civil war.

According to court papers, the Beierwaltes had procured the bull’s head from Robin Symes, an antiquities dealer in London.

The pieces seized on Friday followed the same route, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said. Mr. Steinhardt also bought them from the Beierwalteses, who had bought them from Mr. Symes, the officials said.

Manhattan prosecutors provided photos of the Beierwaltes collection to the authorities in Italy and Greece and learned there was evidence about 10 pieces the Beierwalteses had sold to Mr. Steinhardt and another six pieces on display at the Phoenix Ancient Art Gallery on 66th Street had also been looted.

A version of this article appears in print on January 6, 2018, on Page A20 of the New York edition with the headline: Authorities Raid Home And Seize Artworks. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe





Looted Antiques Seized From Billionaires Home Prosecutors Say

News To Day Read

Published on Jan 6, 2018

duration 05:07 minutes

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Matthew Bogdanos GR subs

International Awards Giuseppe Sciacca GR

Published on Nov 18, 2016

duration 02:36 minutes

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Looters of the Gods

The Pappas Post

Published on Aug 19, 2015

Looters of the Gods is a film about the indirect role played by many of the world’s most prestigious museums in the illicit trade of antiquities and specifically, the Golden Wreath, which is considered the most beautiful gem of classical Greek art that was unearthed in northern Greece and sold to the Getty for over $1 million.

duration 56:49 minutes

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Who Owns Antiquity? Museums, Repatriation, and Armed Conflict


Published on Nov 24, 2013

The Classics Department at Stanford University presents a Lorenz Eitner Lecture on Classical Arts and Culture intended to publicize classics scholarship to a wider public audience.

The last ten years, in particular, have been dominated by discussions of cultural property--either its destruction in zones of military conflict or its involvement in litigation and claims for repatriation. This lecture reviews recent developments in the art and antiquities market, the shifting acquisition policies in museums, and cultural heritage training programs for U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

duration 1:05:25 hours

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Christopher Hitchens on Lost and Stolen Art of Ancient Civilizations (2009)

The Film Archives

Published on Jan 20, 2014

Art theft is usually for the purpose of resale or for ransom (sometimes called artnapping). Stolen art is sometimes used by criminals as collateral to secure loans. More Hitchens:https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=U...

In the public sphere, Interpol, the FBI Art Crime Team led by special agent Robert King Wittman, London's Metropolitan Police, New York Police Department's special frauds squad and a number of other law enforcement agencies worldwide maintain "squads" dedicated to investigating thefts of this nature and recovering stolen works of art.

According to Robert K. Wittman, a former FBI agent who led the Art Crime Team until his retirement in 2008, the unit is very small compared with similar law-enforcement units in Europe, and most art thefts investigated by the FBI involve agents at local offices who handle routine property theft. "Art and antiquity crime is tolerated, in part, because it is considered a victimless crime," Wittman said in 2010.

Because antiquities are often regarded by the country of origin as national treasures, there are numerous cases where artworks (often displayed in the acquiring country for decades) have become the subject of highly charged and political controversy. One prominent example is the case of the Elgin Marbles, which were moved from Greece to the British Museum in 1816 by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin. Many different Greek governments have maintained that removal was tantamount to theft.

Similar controversies have arisen over Etruscan, Aztec, and Italian artworks, with advocates of the originating countries generally alleging that the removal of artifacts is a pernicious form of cultural imperialism. Yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural History is engaged (as of November 2006) in talks with the government of Peru about possible repatriation of artifacts taken during the excavation of Machu Picchu by Yale's Hiram Bingham.

In 2006, New York's Metropolitan Museum reached an agreement with Italy to return many disputed pieces. The Getty Museum in Los Angeles is also involved in a series of cases of this nature. The artwork in question is of Greek and ancient Italian origin. The museum agreed on November 20, 2006, to return 26 contested pieces to Italy. One of the Getty's signature pieces, a statue of the goddess Aphrodite, is the subject of particular scrutiny.

From 1933 through the end of World War II, the Nazi regime maintained a policy of looting art for sale or for removal to museums in the Third Reich. Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, personally took charge of hundreds of valuable pieces, generally stolen from Jews and other victims of the Holocaust. Members of the families of the original owners of these artworks have, in many cases, persisted in claiming title to their pre-war property. In 2006, after a protracted court battle in the United States and Austria (see Republic of Austria v. Altmann), five paintings by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt were returned to Maria Altmann, the niece of pre-war owner, Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer. Two of the paintings were portraits of Altmann's aunt, Adele. The more famous of the two, the gold Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, was sold in 2006 by Altmann and her co-heirs to philanthropist Ronald Lauder for $135 million. At the time of the sale, it was the highest known price ever paid for a painting. The remaining four restituted paintings were later sold at Christie's New York for over $190 million. How to Steal a Million (1966), about the recovery from a Paris museum of a fake Cellini committed by the character's grandfather, before its discovery and exposure as such. Gambit (1966), starring Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine Once a Thief (1991), directed by John Woo, follows a trio of art-thieves in Hong Kong who stumble across a valuable cursed painting. Hudson Hawk (1991) centers on a cat burglar who is forced to steal Da Vinci works of art for a world domination plot. In the 1999 remake of The Thomas Crown Affair, the title character is a stylish, debonair playboy who steals art for amusement rather than for the money (the earlier 1968 film arranges the theft of cash from banks, not art). In Entrapment (1999), an insurance agent is persuaded to join the world of art theft by an aging master thief. Ocean's Twelve (2004) involves the theft of four paintings (including Blue Dancers by Edgar Degas) and the main plot revolves around a competition to steal a Fabergé egg. The Maiden Heist (2009), three museum security guards who devise a plan to steal back the artworks to which they have become attached after they are transferred to another museum. Headhunters (2011), a corporate recruiter who doubles as an art thief sets out to steal a Rubens painting from one of his job prospects. Trance (2013)


duration 1:17:53 hours

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James Cuno on Museums: The Case Against Repatriating Artifacts

Foreign Affairs

Published on May 11, 2015

"In the battle over cultural heritage, repatriation claims based strictly on national origin are more than just denials of cultural exchange: they are also arguments against the promise of encyclopedic museums," writes James Cuno in his November/ December 2014 article in Foreign Affairs. "Cultural property should be recognized for what it is: the legacy of humankind and not of the modern nation-state, subject to the political agenda of its current ruling elite."

Gideon Rose, editor of Foreign Affairs, recently sat down with Cuno to discuss his case against repatriating museum artifacts.

duration 11:14 minutes

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How the treasures of the past ended up in Museums

Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)

Published on Mar 15, 2016

Tiffany Jenkins, author of Keeping Their Marbles, discusses how western museums acquired their artefacts. She examines why repatriation claims of those objects have escalated over the past three decades, ultimately arguing that museums are being increasingly seen as vehicles to repair the mistakes of the past. https://global.oup.com/academic/produ...

Tiffany Jenkins is a writer, cultural sociologist, and regular commentator on social and cultural issues, with a weekly column in The Scotsman. In 2014, she presented the Radio 4 programme Beauty and the Brain, which examined what brain science can tell us about art.

© Oxford University Press

duration 04:23 minutes

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Vic Stefanu - World Travels and Adventures

Published on Mar 30, 2017

SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/c/VicStefanu - Let's go to the world famous National Museum of Denmark (Nationalmuseet) in Copenhagen which is Denmark’s largest museum of cultural history. The museum covers 14,000 years of Danish history, from the reindeer-hunters of the Ice Age, Vikings, and works of religious art from the Middle Ages, when the church was highly significant in Danish life. Danish coins from Viking times to the present and coins from ancient Rome and Greece, as well as examples of the coinage and currencies of other cultures, are exhibited also.

In this particular video we are going to concentrate on the thousands of Greek antiquities (some of them dating back to 2,700BC), which were removed from Greece under a variety of suspicious circumstances.

Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com.

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duration 15:01 minutes

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KUWAIT, GREEK antiquities in the NATIONAL MUSEUM, how did they end up here?

Vic Stefanu - World Travels and Adventures

Published on Oct 13, 2016

SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/c/VicStefanu - Let's visit The Kuwait National Museum which is the national museum located in Kuwait City. It was established in 1983 and it comprises five buildings set around a central garden, their organization is parallel to the architectural plan of the vernacular Arab mud house with its central courtyard. Here, we are going to visit antiquities discovered at Failaka Island which was an important site from as early as the Bronze Age and was colonized by the Ancient Greeks in the fourth century BC. Alexander the Great founded a Greek colony in the island during 324/3 BC and called it 'Ikarus’. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com.

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duration 12:27 minutes

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Vic Stefanu - World Travels and Adventures

Published on Apr 10, 2015

SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/c/VicStefanu - Here's a rare glimpse in the Classic collection of this famous museum in the city of Dunedin (South Island, New Zealand) of the perfect in condition Greek antiquities, some going back as far as 2,600 before Christ!! I was in the museum for other reasons and I was absolutely amazed to find this collection here, some of these pieces are absolutely priceless and I am almost certain that not too many historians that they exist in this condition and in this museum. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com. New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses – that of the North Island, or Te Ika-a-Māui, and the South Island, or Te Waipounamu – and numerous smaller islands. New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga

duration 11:13 minutes

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GREECE - ancient art wasn't black&white

amarildo topalis

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2009

Its a video about ancient art, every statue had colors.

by Amarildo Topalis

duration 07:30 minutes



Painting on Greek Statues 2


Published on Nov 25, 2012

Second attempt to get my video to work for my art history professor.

duration 04:12 minutes



for more information, please visit the "The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture" web page

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The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture







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