The Laocoön and His Sons - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for


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01. [ ENGLISH ] The Laocoön and His Sons - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for.



Laocoonte (40 - 20 a. C) | Vojciech Kilar

Luca Vidmaker

Published on Sep 28, 2009

Laocoonte (40 - 20 a. C)

Laocoön and his sons (40 - 20 b.C)

Musei Vaticani (Roma - Italy)

Audio: 1) Fragment of dialogue by TV Movie "Odissea" (dir. Franco Rossi)

2) Main theme from the soundtrack of 'Dracula', by Vojciech Kilar

Gruppo scultoreo del Laocoonte (italiano):

Laocoon (sculpture - in english):

duration 08:14 minutes

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Artists and Forgeries: Who sculpted the Laocoön?

Museum Secrets by Kensington Communications

Published on Nov 26, 2010

Most everyone has heard the legend of the fall of Troy, and of the Greeks' clever plan to conceal their soldiers within a "gift horse." But not everyone has heard of the one Trojan who wasn't fooled -- a whistleblower who did his best to warn his fellow Trojans of the danger. His name is Laocoon. Even though his fellow Trojans failed to heed his warning, one might expect a statue of Laocoon to depict him as a wise man, or at least an independent minded one. But no. Laocoon is depicted at the moment he and his two sons are about to be killed by snakes. Why is Laocoon sculpted this way? And who was the sculptor?

Watch this webisode and find more short videos at narrated by Colm Feore.

Museum Secrets is a hit TV series and rich media website that travels to the world's extraordinary museums, revealing the stories of irreplaceable treasures, probing familiar legends and assumptions, and using cutting edge research and technology to investigate the unknown. The series is produced by Kensington Communications Inc. for History (Canada) and is narrated by acclaimed actor, Colm Feore.

Museum Secrets Vol.1 now on DVD:

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duration 02:32 minutes

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Vatican Museum, Laocoon

Lisa Rose

Published on May 14, 2011

Listen in on a few minutes of a guided tour of the Vatican Museum while viewing the famous Hellenistic sculpture called Laocoon.

duration 02:55 minutes

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05-16-2011_#02 - ROME: Laocoön and His Sons


Published on Nov 5, 2011

Laocoön and His Sons. Vatican Museums

duration 02:55 minutes

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Laocoonte y el Vaticano


Published on Mar 13, 2012

Visita al Vaticano del IES MARISMAS, de Santoña, Cantabria, en enero del 2012.

duration 05:11 minutes

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El Laoconte y sus hijos.avi

javier pozo

Published on Nov 22, 2012

duration 03:51 minutes

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Bernini-Canova.Laocoonte-Toro Farnesio (Una muestra)


Published on Jan 6, 2013

Para más información puede visitarse:

duration 03:34 minutes

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Laocoön and his sons

Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.

Published on Feb 5, 2013

Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and his Sons, early first century C.E., marble, 7'10 1/2" high (Vatican Museums) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.

duration 03:42 minutes

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Agesandro,Polydoro y Athenodoro "Laocoonte y sus hijos"

alfa life

Published on May 9, 2013

duration 03:32 minutes

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2º Bachillerato. ARTE GRIEGO. Laocoonte y sus hijos

Arte Bach

Published on Jul 19, 2013


duration 04:59 minutes

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Published on Mar 3, 2014

Modelado en 3d del torso de la escultura "Laocoonte y sus Hijos"

Escultura que muestra el momento en donde Laocoonte un sacerdote troyano es devorado junto con sus hijos por unas serpientes marinas enviadas por poseidon para matarlo y evitar que avisara a sus compañeros troyanos de que el caballo de madera era una trampa.

Y ocupe esta escultura para practicar la anatomia del torso humano masculino, espero les guste.

duration 06:52 minutes

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Agesandro, Atanodoro, Polidoro - Laocoonte (spiegata ai truzzi)

L'Arte spiegata ai Truzzi

Published on Apr 3, 2014


Agesandro, Atanodoro, Polidoro (copia?)


I sec a.C. -- I sec d.C., Musei Vaticani

Marmo, h cm 242

duration 02:43 minutes

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(nella loro lingua)

Agesandro, Atanodoro, Polidoro (copia?)


I sec a.C. – I sec d.C., Musei Vaticani

Marmo, h cm 242


Sto Laocoonte era ‘n personaggio daa guera de Troia. Si te ricordi bene, che forse si semo fortunati hai visto er firm co Bred Pitte che l'ha scaricato ‘a regazza tua, li Greci ereno dieci anni che provaveno a conquistà Troia, e staveno quasi a rinuncià quanno che Ulisse che era ‘n botto svejo cià n’idea brillante, dice “Regà stateme a sentì, famo così: famo finta d’annassene, co ‘e navi e tutto, solo che se nasconnemo dietro quee isolette; e qui, davanti a ‘e porte de Troia, je lasciamo un ber cavallo de legno, ma granne, come che fosse n’offerta a ‘i dei. Solo che er cavallo ‘o famo vòto, che drento ce se nasconneno dii sordati nostra; e quanno che li Troiani, pensanno caa guera è finita, l’averanno portato drento ‘e mura, e se saranno tutti ‘mbriacati, li sordati zitti zitti escheno daa panza der cavallo, ce apreno ‘e porte, e ecchellallà che Troia è nostra”. Appena che Ulisse disse così, tutti a appaludì e a dije “a Ulì, sei popo ‘n genio”, e così fecero, costruirono er cavallo e robbe.

Solo che quanno li Troiani videro er cavallo e decisero de portallo drento, sto Laocoonte, che era pure lui un fijo de Troia, e sacerdote de Apollo, je venne come er sospetto che ce stava l’inganno, e cercò de convince l’artri a nun portallo drento sto cavallo, e je tirò pure na lancia su ‘a panza: ma li dei che proteggeveno li Greci, quanno se resero conto che sto cacacazzi stava a fà fallì er piano, je mannarono ‘n mostro marino tipo serpente che anfatti stritolò lui e pure li fiji sua; e li Troiani, subbito subbito, portarono er cavallo in città, e ‘a fine daa storia ‘a sai pure te.

E qui ‘a statua te fa vedè er grovijo de padre e fiji che cercheno de libberasse dar serpente ma nun ce sta gnente da fà. E vedi er dramma, e ‘a disperazione, e li muscoli e l’intreccio complicato, che ad esempio pure a Michelangelo je piaceva ‘n sacco.

E è vero, ‘a statua è rotta, perché è antica. E pensa che quanno fu trovata, ner 1506, era ancora più rotta, che mancava pure er braccio destro de Laocoonte. E siccome all’epoca ste statue dovevano soprattutto da decorà, e ar papa rotta nun je piaceva, ‘n artista che se chiamava Montorsoli je la restaurò, e ce mise ‘e parti che mancaveno, e fece pure sto braccio, ma nun sapenno com’era se lo 'nventò e ‘o fece steso, verso su. Peccato che però ner 1905 un certo archeologo, Pollack, fece dii scavi vicino ar Colosseo, dove aveveno trovato ‘a statua, e trovò er braccio mancante: e peccato che era piegato, a Montò. Hai toppato, succede. E quinni, dopo, er braccio sbajato ‘o levarono e ce misero quello giusto, che ‘o vedi lì. E questo è uno dii motivi per cui oggi quanno se restaura nun se aggiungheno li pezzi che mancheno, perché se potrebbe fà na cazzata: e se pensa solo a pulì e tenè insieme li pezzi, che già è difficile.


laocoon and his sons

Marco Saccone Maxwell

Published on Nov 5, 2014

This video is about lamcoon and his sons

duration 01:23 minutes

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Marco Carminati presenta il Laocoonte Vaticano

Palazzo Ducale

Published on Jan 28, 2015

Marco Carminati presenta "Il Laocoonte Vaticano", l'incontro con Salvatore Settis del 29 gennaio 2015 a Palazzo Ducale all'interno del ciclo "I capolavori raccontati"

duration 01:06 minutes

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Un poema nel marmo: il Laocoonte Vaticano e le sue metamorfosi

Palazzo Ducale

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Un poema nel marmo: il Laocoonte Vaticano e le sue metamorfosi

Salvatore Settis

29 gennaio 2015

duration 1:05::52 hours

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Conferencia: Las pasiones de Laocoonte

Museo Nacional del Prado

Published on Feb 17, 2015

Conferencia impartida por Salvatore Settis, Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Pisa.

23 de abril de 2014. Duración del vídeo: 56min.

duration 56:42 minutes

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[ARTE] Grecia - Laocoonte (Escuela de Rodas)


Published on Jun 29, 2015

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[ARTE] Grecia - Escultura:

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duration 06:17 minutes

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"Laocoön ve Oğulları" İsimli Heykel (Sanat Tarihi / Antik Akdeniz Sanatı)


Published on Aug 21, 2015

Daha fazlası için:

Matematikten sanat tarihine, ekonomiden fen bilimlerine, basit toplamadan diferansiyel denklemlere, ilkokul seviyesinden üniversite seviyesine binlerce ücretsiz ders videosu, interaktif alıştırma ve daha fazlası Khan Academy’de.

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Laocoön and his sons

duration 03:34 minutes

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""The Tyranny of Beauty: On Art and Truth in Lessing's Laocoon" by Richard Velkley

Meem Library

Published on Oct 5, 2015

The lecture was given at St. John's College in Santa Fe on October 2, 2015. Introduction by Michael Ehrmantraut.

duration 1:00:38 hours

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Hellenistic culture

Mark Wilson

Published on Nov 8, 2015

The eastern Mediterranean world becomes a cosmopolis

duration 33:10 minutes

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Laocoön and His Sons


Published on Jan 2, 2016

Laocoön and His Sons


License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)


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☆Video is targeted to blind users


Article text available under CC-BY-SA

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duration 21:36 minutes

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Lacoonte Laocoön and his sons, Vatican Museums (manortiz)

Luigi Manfredi

Published on Feb 18, 2017

An icon of Hellenistic art, the figurative Greek sculpture known as the Laocoon Group, or Laocoon and His Sons, is a monumental statue which is on display at the Museo Pio Clementino, in the Vatican Museums, Rome. It is a marble copy of a bronze sculpture, which - according to the Roman writer Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) - depicted the Trojan priest Laocoon and his two sons Antiphas and Thymbraeus being killed by giant snakes, as described by the Roman poet Virgil (70 BCE - 19 CE) in his epic poem the Aeneid. The statue, which was seen and revered by Pliny the Elder in the palace of Titus Flavius Vespasianus (39-81 CE), the future Roman Emperor Titus (ruled 79-81), was attributed by Pliny to three sculptors from the Greek island of Rhodes: Hagesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. This attribution coincides with an inscription on a fragment from other similar marbles discovered separately from the Laocoon itself. Despite persistent uncertainty as to its date and details of its original provenance, Laocoon and His Sons is considered to be one of the greatest works of Greek sculpture of the Hellenistic Period - see in particular the Pergamene School (241-133 BCE) - and, aside from the Venus de Milo, is probably the most famous sculpture from Ancient Greece -

History and Discovery

The Laocoon statue was discovered in January 1506 buried in the ground of a Rome vineyard owned by Felice de' Fredis. One of the first experts to attend the excavation site was Michelangelo (1475-1564), the famous Renaissance sculptor. Pope Julius II, a lover of Greek art, ordered the work to be brought immediately to the Vatican, where it was installed in the Belvedere Court Garden. Not surprisingly, given Pliny's comment that it was "superior to all works in painting and bronze", the Laocoon statue had a significant impact on Italian Renaissance art in general and Renaissance sculptors, in particular.

In fact, the Laocoon rapidly became one of the most studied, revered and copied works of ancient art ever put on display. Other famous treasures in the Vatican Museums, like Leochares's Belvedere Apollo (c.330 BCE) and Apollonius's heroic Belvedere Torso (1st/2nd Century BCE) were outshone by comparison (...) As a result of its enduring fame, the Laocoon statue was removed from the Vatican by Napoleon, in 1799, taken to Paris where it was installed in the Louvre as an exemplar of Neoclassical art. It was returned to the Vatican in 1816, by the British authorities in Paris, following the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo (...)

duration 09:21 minutes

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Giuseppe Vicari

Published on May 4, 2017

duration 12:19 minutes

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Análisis de la obra Laocoonte - David Alejandro Loma Ontaneda

David Alejandro Loma Ontneda

Published on Jun 25, 2017

Este vídeo fue realizado con fines educativos en base a temas artísticos y de historia.

duration 05:25 minutes

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Hijo del Laocoonte. Alonso Berruguete y la Antigüedad pagana _ 4K UHD

Iglesia en Valladolid

Published on Jul 5, 2017

4-7-2017 - 4-7-2017 - Exposición que el Museo Nacional de Escultura dedica este verano a uno de sus artistas esenciales: Alonso Berruguete.

El Museo Nacional de Escultura regresa así al escenario internacional con: «Hijo del Laocoonte. Alonso Berruguete y la Antigüedad pagana», cuyo mayor valor diferencial es que no se trata de una antología de la obra de Alonso Berruguete, ni de un mero recorrido cronológico de su producción, sino de un ejercicio de iluminar al escultor a la luz de su «alma profana», buceando en sus fuentes de inspiración, en ese mundo de la Antigüedad que le proporcionó un repertorio artístico infinito.

Y es que, aunque su obra en España dependió siempre de encargos religiosos —retablos de altar, sepulcros, sillerías—, su sensibilidad más íntima se vio afectada por su larga e intensa estancia en Italia, adonde llegó cuando todavía no era más que un inexperto adolescente. Allí, en Roma y en Florencia, se codeó con los maestros —Rafael, Sansovino, Bramante, Miguel Ángel— y se contagió de su euforia por los clásicos y de su manera de ver el arte.

Cuando regresó a España, le acompañaba un aura de vanguardismo, de europeo avanzado. En su maleta italiana ‘traía’ ménades, grutescos, escenas de tragedias griegas o mitos romanos y, en particular, un mármol espléndido de cuyo hallazgo y fama fulgurante había sido espectador, el Laocoonte. La exposición revela cómo reinventó y entrelazó ese universo clásico con nuevas interpretaciones, y cómo construyó sobre ese inconsciente antiguo una obra independiente, desmedida, llena de emoción y vehemencia; una obra que le convertirá en el primer «moderno» de la escultura española.

La exposición se despliega en 67 piezas y 5 secciones temáticas que pretenden abordar, desde diferentes puntos de vista, la efectividad de la relación entre el artista y sus fuentes: «La luz de la Antigüedad en Roma»; «Sarcófagos y lecciones»; «Bajo la influencia del Laocoonte»; «Tomando el agua de la fuente» y «A la sombra de una gran venera». En todas ellas, piezas del mundo clásico se intercalan con la obra del propio Berruguete y de su más inmediato entorno, buscando el juego visual, una permanente comparación que ayuda a comprender mejor el proceso creativo.

El repertorio artístico reunido se nutre de fondos del centro vallisoletano, poseedor de la más importante colección del mundo de Alonso Berruguete, y de obras procedentes del Museo del Prado, el Arqueológico Nacional, el Frederic Marés de Barcelona, la Galería Uffizi de Florencia, la Biblioteca Nacional, el Archivo de la Real Chancillería, la Biblioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz (Universidad de Valladolid), los museos Catedralicio del Burgo de Osma y Diocesano de Palencia, las iglesias de Santiago Apóstol de Valladolid y Fuentes de Nava (Palencia), el Palacio Real de Madrid y las colecciones Gregorio Marañón, Furió y BBVA.

La exposición ha sido organizada por el Museo Nacional de Escultura y comisariada por el subdirector de la institución y uno de los mayores expertos en Berruguete, Manuel Arias Martínez. El apoyo de la Subdirección General de Museos Estatales del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y el patrocinio del Centro de Estudios Históricos Europa Hispánica, el grupo Europac, Prosol Productos Solubles, la Diputación de Palencia, el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid y la Asociación de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Escultura, la han hecho posible.

La muestra podrá visitarse en el horario habitual del Museo, de martes a viernes, de 11 a 14 h y de 16 a 19.30 h; en horario especial ininterrumpido los sábados, de 11 a 21 h; y de 11 a 14 horas, los domingos. Entre el 16 de julio y el 29 de octubre se realizarán visitas guiadas gratuitas cada domingo a las 11.30 h.

duration 14:54 minutes

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Exposición "Hijo del Laocoonte"


Published on Jul 5, 2017

Breve reportaje de la exposición "Hijo del Laocoonte. Alonso Berruguete y la Antigüedad pagana", celebrada en el Museo Nacional de Escultura de Valladolid entre el 5 de julio y el 5 de noviembre 2017.

duration 14:50 minutes

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Published on Aug 30, 2017

Protagonista di questo Quick Art è l'opera "Laocoonte". Il gruppo scultoreo è conservato ai Musei Vaticani a Roma, uno dei musei presenti sull'app Quick Museum, disponibile nell'Apple store.

Per maggiori info:

Sub Ita - Eng

duration 01:43 minutes

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Virgil: The Death of Laocoon (latin & english with drum!)


Published on Apr 1, 2017

From The Aeneid, Book 2, Lines 199-233

Hic aliud maius miseris multoque tremendum

obicitur magis atque improvida pectora turbat.

Laocoon, ductus Neptuno sorte sacerdos,

sollemnis taurum ingentem mactabat ad aras.

ecce autem gemini a Tenedo tranquilla per alta

(horresco referens) immensis orbibus angues

incumbunt pelago pariterque ad litora tendunt;

pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta iubaeque

sanguineae superant undas, pars cetera pontum

pone legit sinuatque immensa volumine terga.

fit sonitus spumante salo; iamque arva tenebant

ardentisque oculos suffecti sanguine et igni

sibila lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora.

diffugimus visu exsangues. illi agmine certo

Laocoonta petunt; et primum parva duorum

corpora natorum serpens amplexus uterque

implicat et miseros morsu depascitur artus;

post ipsum auxilio subeuntem ac tela ferentem

corripiunt spirisque ligant ingentibus; et iam

bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum

terga dati superant capite et cervicibus altis.

ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos

perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno,

clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit:

qualis mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram

taurus et incertam excussit cervice securim.

at gemini lapsu delubra ad summa dracones

effugiunt saevaeque petunt Tritonidis arcem,

sub pedibusque deae clipeique sub orbe teguntur.

tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis

insinuat pavor, et scelus expendisse merentem

Laocoonta ferunt, sacrum qui cuspide robur

laeserit et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam.

ducendum ad sedes simulacrum orandaque divae

numina conclamant.

Laocoon- the single burning voice of reason among those unlucky Trojans- not only dies a horribly tragic, gruesome and yet surprisingly poetic death at the clutches of sea-snakes, but is still even afterwards thrown under the bus by his countrymen, who take this false omen for an excuse to bring-in the Greek horse, without thinking twice, despite it getting hung-up at the gates, and the weapons four times in it's belly

duration 06:03 minutes

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Conferencia: "Laocoonte", del Greco

Museo Nacional del Prado

Published on Feb 17, 2015

Conferencia impartida por Leticia Ruiz, Museo Nacional del Prado

5 de octubre de 2014. Duración del vídeo: 1h 06min.

duration 1:06:21 horas

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Laocoonte , El greco


Published on May 3, 2016

duration 02:03 minutes

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"Λαοκόων" του Ελ Γκρέκο


Published on Apr 29, 2015

duration 12:26 minutes

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GREECE - ancient art wasn't black&white

amarildo topalis

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2009

Its a video about ancient art, every statue had colors.

by Amarildo Topalis

duration 07:30 minutes


Painting on Greek Statues 2


Published on Nov 25, 2012

Second attempt to get my video to work for my art history professor.

duration 04:12 minutes


for more information, please visit the "The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture" web page

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The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture







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