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. The Greeks did not work art for art; beauty was always meant to serve life. And the bodies wanted the ancients beautiful and strong, so that they could receive a balanced and strong mind. And yet, in order to be able to defend the city.

There is a beautiful world !. There is a beautiful Greece. A Greece that gave birth to masterpieces of art.

Culture of centuries is hidden in every small or large statue of this place.

A civilization that traveled, deliberately or unintentionally, to the ends of the world.

Many of these statues are lost, but we know them from Roman copies that were made centuries later.

Fortunately, some original sculptures are still in the museums of Greece and other countries.

Travel with body, eye, soul, imagination ...






this is a Great Scandal ...

the World's Museums and the Illicit trade in Ancient Greece Antiquities

The Hunt for Looted Ancient Greek Antiquities in the World's Museums

Greece demands return of stolen heritage



Published on Jan 14, 2016


duration 1:22:54 hours

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La escultura griega


Published on Jan 11, 2008

La época dorada de la escultura griega corresponde a los días de Pericles, la segunda mitad del siglo V a.C.

Mirón será el maestro interesado por el cuerpo humano en movimiento como se puede apreciar en su Discóbolo. El escultor nos presenta a un atleta en el momento de lanzar el disco, inclinando su cuerpo violentamente hacia delante, en el límite del equilibrio, y elevando su brazo derecho al tiempo que gira su cuerpo apoyado sobre su pierna derecha.

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duration 01:53 minutes

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Greek Sculpture (BBC: How Art Made The World)

babylonianman's channel

Uploaded on May 27, 2008

How greek art created something more human than human.

Excerpt from the BBC documentary "How Art Made The World" concerning greek sculpture.

Presented by Dr Nigel Spivey (University of Cambridge).

Music: "Enfer (La Double Vie De Veronique)" by Zbigniew Preisner.

duration 10:00 minutes

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Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos


Published on Jun 25, 2009

Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos

Hugh McCague, Ph.D., F.R.C.

duration 10:13 minutes

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Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos (Part 2)


Published on Jun 25, 2009

Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos

Hugh McCague, Ph.D., F.R.C.

duration 09:57 minutes

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Published on Oct 9, 2012

There are three main periods of Greek Sculpture; Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. The Greeks were blessed with a large supply of marble, which was what they used most in their sculptures. Bronze was also used in their artistic work of humans. Many of the original sculptures were damaged or destroyed. Yet, many still survived because the Romans make copies or duplications of the original works. The Archaic period was the earliest period in Greek Sculpture which started around 600 B.C. and lasted until 480 B.C. These works have a stiff and ridged appearance similar to that of the Egyptian sculpture. The second period, the Classical period, was between the Archaic and Hellenistic times. The Classical period shows a very large shift from the stiff Archaic to a more realistic and sometimes idealistic portrayal of the human figure. Females, after the 5th century B.C., were depicted nude, often with flowing robes. The robes gave the sculpture the idea of movement and realism in an effort by the artist to show humans more realistically. The third period, the Hellenistic period, started a little before 300 B.C. To the average person, it is more difficult to see the distinctions between the Classical and Hellenistic period. Both periods did the majority of their sculpture as nudes. The Greeks portrayed a young, vigorous, and athletic person in their works. These works idealized the individual and in a way, attempted to capture the idea of youth and strength in their design. The works reflect the commonly held views of youth, strength, and courage which were encouraged in the Greek City states. A couple of interesting notes about the Greek sculpture. Greeks portrayed the gods in very similar fashion as they did the regular humans. There were no distinctions of size or body make up in their sculpture which would suggest that the gods where greater or more powerful then the humans. This is also similar in Greek stories, where the gods are shown to have very human characteristics, both good and bad.

duration 13:05 minutes

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Greek Archaic Sculpture,Kouroi / Ελληνική Αρχαϊκή Γλυπτική, Κούροι


Uploaded on Dec 26, 2009

Greek Archaic Sculpture,Kouroi / Ελληνική Αρχαϊκή Γλυπτική, Κούροι

duration 05:05 minutes

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Kouroi Biton and Kleovis – About at 610 BCE – Found in Delphi - Archaeological Museum at Delphi

Kouros of Sounion - About at 600 BCE – Found in Cape Sounion of Attica – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros of Keramikos - About at 600 BCE – Found in Keramikos Athens – Keramikos Museum at Athens

Kouros of New York - About at 600 BCE – Found in Attica – Metropolitan Museum at New York USA

Kouros Moschoforos - About at 570 BCE – Found in Acropolis at Athens – Acropolis Museum at Athens

Kouros of Samos - About at 570-550 BCE – Found in Samos Island – Museum at Samos Island

Kouros of Tenea - About at 570-550 BCE – Found in Tenea of Corinth Peloponnese – Glyptothek at Munich of Germany

Kouros of Milos - About at 550 BCE – Found in Milos Island – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros of Volomandra - About at 550 BCE – Found in Volomandra Attica – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros of Merenda - About at 540 BCE – Found in Merenda Attica – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros of Attica - About at 530 BCE – Found in Attica – Glyptothek at Munich of Germany

Kouros Kroisos of Anavyssos Attica - About at 530 BCE – Found in Anavyssos Attica – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros Milani - About at 530 BCE – Found in at Osimo of Italy – Museum at Florence of Italy

Kouros of Ptoon - About at 520 BCE – Found in Thebes of Boeotia – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Kouros Aristodikos - About at 510 BCE – Found in Mesogeia of Attica – National Archeological Museum at Athens

Apollo of Anaphe - About at 510 BCE – Found in Anaphe Island – British Museum at London of England

Kritios Boy - About at 490 BCE – Found in Acropolis at Athens – Acropolis Museum at Athens

Ephebe of Agrigento - About at 480 BCE – Found in at Agrigento of Italy – Museum at Agrigento of Italy


How Greece Influenced Roman Art

Allison Nickens

Published on Nov 26, 2012

For my art history class I had to create a digital story, so I chose to illustrate how Greece influenced Roman art. I decided to use the theme from "300" to add a little fun to the project.

I do not own any images or music in this video.

duration 03:11 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 1

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 06:43 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 2

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 07:32 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 3

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 07:50 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 4

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 08:54 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 5

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 08:13 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 6

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 09:24 minutes

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Episode 1: The Classical Ideal part 7

Leo Rivera

Published on Sep 13, 2013

The Greeks created a classical ideal against which all subsequent art would be measured; Rome's genius lay in architecture and civil engineering. Featured: the Parthenon, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, the Pantheon, the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

"Episode 1: The Classical Ideal." Art of the Western World. Presented by Michael Wood. Dir. Geoff Dunlop et. al. WNET/Thirteen, 1989. DVD.

duration 08:59 minutes

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Greek Art - 4 Archaic Period: Sculpture

Fegefeuer Anilmathiel

Published on Dec 9, 2014

Fourth video of the Greek Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.

Land of the Art blog:

Land of the Art in facebook:

The birth of Greek culture and art were born between the IX and VIII centuries before Christ on the peninsula of Attica, the Peloponnese peninsula, the peninsula on the west coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean islands. The importance of their art and culture is enormous.

The Archaic period in Greece (800 BC – 480 BC) is a period of ancient Greek history that followed the Greek Dark Ages. This period saw the rise of the polis (city-states), the founding of colonies, the annexations by the Persian empire, as well as the first inklings of classical philosophy, theatre in the form of tragedies performed during Dionysia, and written poetry, which appeared with the reintroduction of the written language, lost during the Greek Dark Ages.

All the sculpture was polychromed.

A kouros (kouroi in plural) is the classic archaic sculpture, hieratic and with the known archaic smile. They had funerary use, as funerary sculpture of young men.

Archaic bronze horse: from 750 BC.

Kleobis and Biton: they were sons of a priestess of the Temple of Hera at Argos. A day, they had to take his mother to the sanctuary and they acted like horses, and so the goddess Hera gave the brothers the eternal dream.

Kouros of Tenea: just a kouros with the classic characteristics.

Kouros of Anavyssos: other kouros.

Moschophoros: this kouros have a sheep in his back.

Kouros' head to horse (rider): this kouros is in a horse.

Aristodikos kouros: another kouros. More realistic.

Kouros of Anaphe: other...

Korai (Kore) are the feminin sculptures. Very plain, hieratic, with bit feminin features.

Peplos: kind of dress.

Berlin Goddess: kore very hieratic and not very well done.

Lady of Auxerre: polychrome, and is like a block. The dress had decoration.

Hera of Samos: other...

Peplos kore: simple and well done, this kore is more advanced. Elegant.

Doric chiton: kind of dress.

Ionic chiton: kind of dress.

Nike of Delos: this sculpture represents the Victory. It had wings.

Kore 674: very realistic kore.

Kore 675: in these korai you see more realism. Preciousism.

Kore 682: same. Very realistic and almost an individual portrait.

Kore of Euthydikos: very realistic.

Hekatompedon fronton: the Hekatompedon was the temple before the Parthenon.

Music by Age of Mythology

-Chocolate Outline

Photos taken in Google images.

No copyright infringement intended.

duration 04:16 minutes

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Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.

Published on Dec 18, 2014

A brief explanation of the term "contrapposto" comparing two ancient Greek sculptures: the New York Kouros and an ancient Roman copy of the Doryphoros (or Spear Bearer) by Polykleitos. Although these particular objects may not have been known in the Renaissance, the ideas and form of contrapposto were revived in the Italian Renaissance.

duration 09:30 minutes

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A brief history of representing of the body in Western sculpture

Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.

Published on Dec 30, 2014

Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris

duration 07:56 minutes

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Mary Batson

Published on Oct 26, 2016

duration 07:29 minutes

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The Human Body in Ancient Greek Art and Thought

Portland Art Museum

Published on Oct 15, 2012



Jenkins explores Greek notions of ideal beauty in both nude and draped images of the male and female human bodies. He contrasts the moral aesthetic of sound mind in sound body with other representations to show how the human form served as a bearer of many meanings. Anthropomorphic gods, larger than life heroes, part-human part-animal monsters of myth are all considered as a visual language. His talk concludes with the legacy of the Greek experience in the Roman era and its transmission to the present day.

duration 1:11:08 hours

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[ARTE] Grecia - Escultura


Published on Dec 10, 2014

¡Ábreme para descubrir más!

Tema de arte griego (contexto, escultura) con los aspectos más importantes e imágenes.

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Música de la Biblioteca de Audio de Youtube: How About It (Topher Mohr and Alex Elena), From Russia With Love (Huma-Huma), Sleepy Jake (Silent Partner), Payday (Silent Partner).

Esquema del tema:

GRECIA (La búsqueda de la belleza)


- Civilización griega

- Influencias. Culturas prehelénicas: Minoica, micénica

- Edad Oscura

- Cultura griega

- Épocas: Arcaica, Clásica, Helenística


- Modelos

- Aspectos técnicos: Materiales, obras

- Temas

- Características

- Evolución: Período arcaico (Korai y Kurós), Período clásico (Estilo severo - 2ª mitad s.V a.C - S.IV a.C.), P.helenístico

[ARTE] 140 obras para Selectividad-PAU (IMÁGENES):

[ARTE] Grecia - Arquitectura:

[ARTE] Grecia - Partenón de Atenas:

[ARTE] Grecia - Dama de Auxerre:

[ARTE] Grecia - Kurós de Anavyssos:

[ARTE] Grecia - Discóbolo (Mirón):

[ARTE] Grecia - Doríforo (Policleto):

[ARTE] Grecia - Friso de las Panateneas (Fidias):

[ARTE] Grecia - Afrodita de Cnido (Praxíteles):

[ARTE] Grecia - Laocoonte (Escuela de Rodas):





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duration 07:07 minutes

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1/2 The Body Beautiful - Ancient Greeks...Secret Knowledge

Art Documentaries

Published on Apr 8, 2015

First broadcast: April 2015.

Episode 16/16 Writer and classicist Natalie Haynes leads us on a journey into ancient beauty and modern glamour, examining how our current obsession with the body beautiful goes back thousands of years to an era of stunning artistic achievement. With unique access to the British Museum's major exhibition which opens on March 26th, Haynes explores the Greek preoccupation with the human form ranging from objects of abstract simplicity to breathtaking realism.

duration 15:00 minutes

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2/2 The Body Beautiful - Ancient Greeks...Secret Knowledge

Art Documentaries

Published on Apr 8, 2015

First broadcast: April 2015.

Episode 16/16 Writer and classicist Natalie Haynes leads us on a journey into ancient beauty and modern glamour, examining how our current obsession with the body beautiful goes back thousands of years to an era of stunning artistic achievement. With unique access to the British Museum's major exhibition which opens on March 26th, Haynes explores the Greek preoccupation with the human form ranging from objects of abstract simplicity to breathtaking realism.

duration 13:36 minutes

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Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World Ancient Greece

Secrets of the Universe

Published on Aug 8, 2015

duration 46:12 minutes

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The beauty of the body. Art and Thought in Ancient Greece

Diputación de Alicante

Published on Mar 9, 2016

"The Titans were sons of the god of the Sky and the goddes of the Earth. According to he Greeks a member of the race of the Titans, Prometheus was the one who formed man from a lump of clay. After life, the most importants gift from Prometheus to the Greeks was fire and with fire, the arts". This documentary film takes a journey through the influence of the world of the ancient Greeks .

Year of production : 2009.

uration 21:22 minutes

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La belleza del cuerpo. Arte y pensamiento en la Grecia Antigua

Diputación de Alicante

Published on Mar 9, 2016

"Los titanes eran hijos del dios Cielo y la diosa Tierra. Según los griegos un miembro de la estirpe de los titanes, Prometeo, fue quien modeló al Hombre de un trozo de arcilla. Después de la vida, el mayor regalo de Prometeo a los Griegos fue el fuego y con él las artes". Documental que realiza un viaje por la influencia del mundo de los antiguos griegos.

Año de producción: 2009.

Más información en:

duration 21:15 minutes

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The Greek Canon of Proportion in Art

Peter Beal

Published on Apr 25, 2017

A short introduction to the principles of the Greek canon of proportions in classical visual art

duration 14:04 minutes

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GREECE - ancient art wasn't black&white

amarildo topalis

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2009

Its a video about ancient art, every statue had colors.

by Amarildo Topalis

duration 07:30 minutes


Painting on Greek Statues 2


Published on Nov 25, 2012

Second attempt to get my video to work for my art history professor.

duration 04:12 minutes


for more information, please visit the "The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture" web page

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The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture







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