Facility Use


Application for use of St. John Lutheran Church Facilities

The use of the Family Life Center or Conference Room of St. John Lutheran Church, Lincoln, Texas is intended for church members and their families, for family gatherings and celebration of special occasions. Use of the facilities is not open to the general public except for organizations such as 4-H and similar groups that must request an annual exemption. We encourage the public to support the Lincoln Community Center and other such organizations that rent out their facilities

1. Application for use of church facilities must be made through the church office. Administration of the rules and regulations will be through the Board of Trustees. Church functions and congregational organizations will have priority in using the facilities. Other reservations are on a first come basis. Confirmation of the reservation date will be given when this application is received at the church office.

2. Individuals, families and organizations use the facilities of St. John Lutheran Church at their own risk. St. John Lutheran Church will not be liable for any injuries occurred by the use of any church facilities and/or equipment. St. John Lutheran Church will not provide chaperones, supervisors for the playground, or equipment personnel to set up, maintain or remove any equipment.

3. NO ALCOHOLIC Beverages are allowed on church grounds unless the applicant is a church member.

4. The applicant will be responsible for putting away furnishings (chairs, tables, etc.) and securing the building(s), (turning off lights, closing doors, turning off or resetting thermostats, etc.)

5. Church furnishings (tables, chairs etc.) are not to be removed from church property unless prior approval has been granted by the Board of Trustees. (Currently they meet on the first Tuesday of every month) The white tables and chairs shall not be removed from church property for any reason or at any time.

6. Donations for use of church facilities:

Family Life Center - $200.00 (Sports Court, Parish Hall Restrooms, A/C or Heating,

tables (16 – round, 14 - 8 ft. or 28 – 6 ft.) and chairs (286),

A/V system, Kitchen with ice machine, refrigerator,

stove, freezer, and Janitor Cleaning Service)

Conference Room - $60.00 (Room with tables and chairs for 50, Restrooms, A/C or

heat, TV with DVD and Janitor Service)

Cooking Porch - $25.00 (Propane Connection, Sink, Tables)

Barbeque Pits - $25.00 (Pits, Coal Maker)

8. This form must be filled out and signed by the applicant wishing to use St. John Lutheran Church facilities. The applicant’s signature means that he/she agrees to all the rules and regulations listed above. This application and donation are to be turned into the church office prior to the date of the event.

St. John Lutheran Church address is 1012 Private Rd 8012 Giddings, TX 78942 Phone # 512-253-6358

NAME OF APPLICANT: _____________________________ DATE REQUESTED ___ / ___ / _____

SIGNATURE _________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________

PHONE # __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ _____ CONFERENCE ROOM ($60)

_____ FLC ($200) _____ BBQ PITS ($25) _____ COOKING PORCH ($25)

$ _____ TOTAL AMOUNT (Received __ / __ / ____ )