May Newsletter

Come and Worship the Risen Lord

The custom of the church in the weeks after Easter is to celebrate the joyous news, “He Is Risen, Alleluia.” In the past, the church would celebrate Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday with extra worship services. Easter could not be contained to just one day. Some employees still are given Easter Monday off to serve as a reminder of those traditions. Easter transcends one, two or even three days. The resurrection continued to be celebrated as Jesus ascended to heaven forty days later. The Easter season goes for fifty days. It culminates with the day of Pentecost. Peter’s sermon that day brought 3,000 members into the New Testament Church. That sermon was based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus had opened the minds of the disciples to the past promises of the Old Testament and to have a vision of the future in the Great Commission. Easter is to be an everyday celebration for the Christian Church. The same Holy Spirit of Pentecost fills us today. The objective was to make disciples of all nations. The goal is still before us today. How are we going to make this happen? The answer is still in the message, “He Is Risen.”

What was normal in the past isn’t normal in 2020. Members keep asking, “When are we going to have church again?” The reality is that church has not stopped. Luther’s Small Catechism asks the question, “Where is this holy Christian Church to be found?” The answer is, “Where the Gospel is preached in its truth and purity and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel.” Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, congregations have had to find other ways to share the Word. Many have chosen to put the sermon on facebook. Here at Lincoln, we are not setup to offer the sermons by this medium. I have chosen to have my sermons printed out on the church’s website. People who have internet can access this easily. The problem is that we have many members who are not on the internet. The sermon is offered in hard copy form to be picked up at the church. For those who have poor eyesight, Aaron has included a play button on the website so the computer will read the sermon to you. For those who say, “It’s not Pastor Bohm’s voice,” I say, “the validity of the sermon is not because it is my voice, but that it is God’s Word.” How many pastors have you had in your lifetime? All those voices are of under shepherds. We are to listen to the Good Shepherd. His voice offers the life and salvation we need. Many are struggling with how to offer the Sacrament of the Altar in a society that is to practice social distancing. I have chosen to offer communion in small family groups. The early church met in these groups. The attendance threshold is where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. I have communed individuals, couples and families. I have taken every effort to provide a sterile environment to distribute the sacrament. There is confession and absolution, the Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, the Words of Institution, the distribution, a short message, the Prayer and Benediction. For those who miss the music, I have included the hymns for the day in the bulletin. I would encourage you to go to youtube and type in the hymn name and listen to the hymn. The one thing I miss and have not found an alternative is the fellowship of the members. My hope is that Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday, April 27th will announce that current restrictions will be loosened so we can meet together as the St. John congregation.