Children's Message 4/10/20

"The Light Dimmed?"

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15

Have you ever used a light connected to a dimmer switch? You can start with a very bright light and then gradually get dimmer and dimmer. In fact, you can go so dim that it looks like the bulb is no longer connected to any electricity. It looks like the power is completely cut off.

We're in the middle of Holy Week. Perhaps Jesus' disciples felt like the power in Jesus was getting dimmer and dimmer. On Palm Sunday, Jesus looked very powerful. People were praising Him in the streets. But on Thursday He was arrested, and the power looked a little dimmer.

The power continued to dim when Jesus went to trial and was sentenced to death. The soldiers made fun of Jesus, whipped Him, and forced Him to carry His cross to the hill of execution. Jesus' power and light must have looked pretty dim when He was nailed to the cross. When He died, His disciples must have thought that the power was totally out.

Even today, some people think the account of Jesus dying on the cross shows how weak God was. But God tells us that He works in mysterious ways. When He looked the weakest, He was at His strongest. Jesus' death defeated the devil and enables us to live. Jesus' death means that we can live forever in heaven.

There are times in everyone's lives when they feel like God is very dim. It isn't easy to see Him working. Perhaps it even seems that His love, light, and power are totally gone. But God works in mysterious ways that we don't always understand. He never cuts us off from His power and love. When we trust Him, He will always brighten our lives, when the times is best to show His power.