Children's Message 3/22/20

A favorite pair of old shoes that have been worn for many years. They appear to have served their purpose. Scuffed up, coming loose at the seams, the soles are smooth and they have holes. They have been good shoes, not flashy, but quite useful; not Sunday shoes, but Monday through Friday shoes. The getting things done shoes. Is it time to retire them or throw them away? Maybe so. But it is so hard, because the shoes have gone in the rain or sunshine, snow or ice.

Shoes are a good servant symbol. A pastor was installed in a new church and was given a pair of shoes. The giver said, "I want you always to remember the need for you to walk where your people walk, to serve them where they are. Jesus came not to be served but to serve. (Matthew 20:28) ; to go to places and to do things with people.

Can children like you be servants or are you only to be served? Of course not! With all abundant energy and busy feet, you are not only served by your parents, other relative, teacher, etc. - but YOU can serve others.

YOU CAN * Run errands for your parents and others who need help

* Carry out the garbage

* Visit someone who is shut in or in the Nursing Home

* Pray for someone who is sick

* Or serve in your favorite way

Yes, we are ALL to be servants in Christ Jesus our Lord.