Children's Message 4/5/20

"Good King Jesus"

What would a king put on his head? Yes, a crown is the answer. We have heard much about crowns in our world today. The Latin for crown is corona. Many think that the corona virus looks like a crown under a microscope. The crown I am talking about is a jewel encrusted crown that a person would wear on their head. There are good kings and there are bad kings.

A bad King is only concerned about himself. He doesn't care for his people. He may even hurt his people or take things away from his people

Jesus came to be the good King. When it was almost time for him to die on the cross, he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, just as humble kings who served God would to do in Bible times. When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus if He was a King, Jesus sais yes He was. Jesus' kingdom is not of this world. His kingdom is in heaven. Jesus left that kingdom, came into this world to die and pay the price for our sins. The crown Jesus would wear was a crown of thorns. He is our King who won the battle for us. Then He came alive again on Easter. Because He saved us from sin, death and hell, we, along with all the people in heaven, bow before Him and thank Him for being our King. Just like the people in Jerusalem who shouted, "Hosanna" on that first Palm Sunday. We praise Him because He IS the best King of all. Our good King, Jesus, did many things during His ministry to bless people. He helped people. He healed the sick and fed the hungry. He continues to bless us with many good gifts. Hosanna to our good King!