Bulletin 1/3/21


1020 Private Rd. 8012 Giddings, Texas 78942


January 3, 2021

Pastor: Rev. Dale Bohm

Home: 512-253-6933 Cell: 979-492-3859

E-Mail: stjohnlincoln@yahoo.com

WEB: sites.google.com/site/stjohnlutheranchurchlincoln/

Organist: Calvin Patschke Choir Director: Lois Marburger

WELCOME TO ST. JOHN: We are glad that you are worshiping with us today. We pray that your worship will be blessed and that our fellowship together will be beneficial. If you are a guest we ask you to sign the guest book in the narthex.



HYMNS: 625, 133, 99, 408

SCRIPTURES: Old Testament Reading 1 Kings 3:4-15

Epistle Ephesians 1:3-14

Holy Gospel Luke 2:40-52

SERMON: "The Christian Household" Luke 2:40-52



Today 9:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - In the Church

Today 10:06 A.M. Board of Christian Education - Conference Room

Tuesday 6:30 P.M. Trustee Meeting in the Office

Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Church Council Meeting in the Conference Room

Wednesday 5:30 P.M. Mid-Week Confirmation in the FLC

Next Sunday 9:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - In the Church

Next Week 2:00 P.M. Quarterly Voter's Meeting


STEWARDSHIP: The Use of His gifts 12/27 - 1/1

General Fund $ 9,784.00 Missions $ 150.00

Collection Plate $ 246.05 Parking Lot Fund $ 50.00

Total $10,030.05 Playground Fund $ 20.00

Attendance: Sunday 70

New Year's Eve 16

New Year's Day 38


PRAYER LIST: Nelson Friedrich,Gage Collins, Matt Favila, Shelby Stueber, Vince Stewart, Craig Patschke, Bethany Lara, Olin Ehler, Diane Lundsford, Sonkey Walther, Leonard Boriack, Monroe Schulze Jr. Annie Beasley, Family of Billy Walther

FLOWERS: Given by Gladys Schneider in thanksgiving for blessings given by God.

OFFERING ENVELORES: The 2021 offering envelopes are in your mailbox in the narthex. If you have more than one giving unit in your household, such as youth or college students, then their envelopes are on the table in the narthex. Remember to pick up yours today.

FLOWER CHART: The new 2021 flower chart is posted on the bulletin board by the men's restroom. Sign up to enhance our worship service.

BIRTHDAYS: Kasey Birnbaum, Stephanie Milburn, Warner Mize, Laura Behrens, Fritz Kieschnick, Floyd Urban, Eden Moreton, Madalyn Moreton

ANNIVERSARIES: Michael and Leigh Ann Iselt

Elmo and Adeline Kieschnick

INDIVIDUAL or SMALL GROUP COMMUNION IS AVAILABLE. Please schedule an appointment with Lisa today or call Pastor. We will meet in the Church.