Ramesh Damani, Member BSE 17 Jun- 16:00hrs
jack_22 : if im goin to lock in my money for 3 years with a bank FD, i might as well purchase basket of stocks that we discuss here and sit patiently for 3 years?? any comments?
Ramesh Damani : yes, but if you are vey close to retirement or need the money without losses go for fixed deposits..you can lose in equity
bvittal : Dear Ramesh: How do you like the prospects of JBF industries. Dividend yield of about 4%. Market Cap for this company is around Rs 600 Crs [with sales of Rs 5000 Crs], while it can generate cash of Over Rs 350 Crs in FY ‘11.
Ramesh Damani : good co.but at also a commodity producer..
shashankss07 : Sagar Cements is at 52 week low..ur comments on that?
Ramesh Damani : it is a very illiquid share so it does not have much meaning..small buying can lift it
nehamathur : Godrej Properties: Adi Godrej feels that property will contribute 30% in next 3-4 years. Now that means sales of 5000 crores plus. Do you think margins of 30% is achievable? If 30 % can be done then we have 1500 crore net profit and on PE of 20 we have 30000 market cap. Am i too bullish or there is a flaw in calculation?
Ramesh Damani : over time this co will produce considerable cash flow...but i do not think they will be at 5000 cr turnover in 3 years..that is a bit optimistic
sudz_123 : PLEASE DO ANSWER THIS ONE QUESTION, SIR.Sir, what are your views on BIOCON, NOW AT CURRENT LEVELS? Now that it is trading well above 300, is it a must buy?? A month ago, we bought it at current levels, but when we saw it going below 290 levels, we did book loss as it wa a technical trading call. Do we take another try, Sir?? As u say, because whatever profit or loss we make, we are happy with your guidance. Kindly guide us on this today. Thanks.
Ramesh Damani : i am bullish and trading in biocon
sagararora1234 : very difficult to earn in share market.I have bought shares only recommended by you.After buying HITACHI @ 150 I sold at 250.But now everyone is advsing to buy HITACHI on tv channels .When we trade in a scrip than it shoot up and if we do not sell on top it comes 10-20% down .latest godrej property 10% less from week high and TCI 20% less than high rate.A MARKET THAT CAN NOT SATISFY-BUYER,SELLER OR SILENT INVESTOR.ALWAYS CONFUSIO SELL OR NOT SELL OR NOT.but always charming since last 15 years I had.
Ramesh Damani : making money is never easy you have to have your own conviction....nobody rings a bell and helps you make money
nehamathur : We create a portfolio say with 10 lakhs of money with 5 stocks. One stock outperforms and takes up 50% of the portfolio value. How do you generally deal with this kind of situation. Do you sell and reallocate or continue if there is value.
Ramesh Damani : not a great idea to sell the flowers and hold the weeds..i would guard my winners carefully
jack_22 : hi ramesh,first of all thanks for making time and chatting with us today. Heard from a friend that small cap and many midcap companies manipulate BS,IS etc.. so can the same be said for precision wires,tci etc.
Ramesh Damani : that is for u to decide..cannnot make a blanket statement
52weekhigh : UBL- For a tropical country like india wot per capita consumption of beer do you forsee from current 1.3 litre in next 2 years...how much sales can ub beer achieve in next 2 years?
Ramesh Damani : look at it over 10 years...per capita consumption will have to go up...as younger population joins work force and gets disposable income
hnalluris : Any new stock ideas?
Ramesh Damani : i recently bought Atul Auto.. (80)..with a dividend of Rs 2 and prospects of a good rights issue...stock looks attractive ..(my office trades in it)
r_chetanjain : Hello sir, There are many intl renowed analysts being bearish on markets now like Richard Russel, Robert Pretcher, Jim Rogers, Dr Doom.. Do you think this could well be either a start of new fall or start of bull as people seem to be too bearsih...
Ramesh Damani : richard russell is very bearish on the Dow..that does worry me
Ramesh Damani : that is for you to decide..but i am holding as of now
mumbaiwarriorss : OIL DEREGULATION - once again govt not being able to decide on this issue. your thoughts?
Ramesh Damani : that is sad
gf : Dear sir, any new BOOK recommendations?
Ramesh Damani : No One would listen by Harry Markopolos on Madhoff scandal..great read
uppaimappla : Is it the right time to enter brokerages like Indiabulls Securities, Geojit etc.? They seem cheap. Could brokerages offer an opportunity for the long term investor to log into the next bull market, whichever sector is going to lead? This seem to be a long term opportunity since Indian equity investor base is largely untapped (like telecom revolution was 10 y ago.)
Ramesh Damani : it probably is..go with the great brand names..
richu18 : Sir, If i want to purchase shares today, what will you recommend for a period of holding around 1 year. i am not very much into markets but interested in buying shares.
Ramesh Damani : no such limit..it is a very individual decision
sekurikrishna : sir-just an observation that recent gains is not broad based just few stocks inc ADAG co stocks moving-do you see it as sign of MARKET tiring and not interested to move up and therefore sign of TOPPING OUT??
Ramesh Damani : undertone and breadth of the market is positive at this point..I remain bullish
afzala : haldyn glass still a buy
Ramesh Damani : yes it is fairly cheap..and good dividend
OILMANN : Heidelberg Cements (mysore cements), VIP have not seen the kind of traction as some of your more famous picks in recent months? Any new views? I have to admit, your overall views are pragmatic and candid.
Ramesh Damani : both will do well...VIP may be sooner..heidelberg is still maturing
nehamathur : Godrej Properties: Management feels 10 million sq feet every year need to be achieved. Any rough idea about the average rate per sq feet? Can we expect average rate be 6000 per sq feet? Can 6000 crores sales possible in next few years?
Ramesh Damani : maybe in 5 or so years ...yes
nileshgambhava : I am right now 45 and I want to buy one fertilizer stock for my retirement. Which stock? Chambal, RCF, Mangalore Chem & Fert or any other?
Ramesh Damani : rcf has lots of land..which IF unlocked could prove to be very benificial..typically i would not buy a fertiliser stock for retirement
nehamathur : Banco Products: No dividend has been announced. What percentage they can give as dividend? 100% possible?
Ramesh Damani : thye have announced a Rs 2 dividend on Rs 2 paid up share...as i remember
dhannanis : adi godrej says-goderj ind is a deep value stock,do u think going ahead it can touch 600 levels
Ramesh Damani : it offers value..price is what the market decides
horse_73 : why is natco pharma looks attractive to you...is there a property angle to it??;;please answer!!!!!!!!!!!
Ramesh Damani : not to my knowledge
kanupriyaa : Dear Sir, as you say, “Ramesh Damani : the time has come to take a look at the omc stocks particularly hpcl, bpcl and Indian Oil....i think the Kirit Parikh report will be implemented soon. “And now what we see is the govt. has the fear of inflation and crude oil price is again on rise. Do u see OMC getting respect at CURRENT LEVELS? Can we accumulate??When do u see deregulation happening?
Ramesh Damani : when dereg will happen even the PM does not know...but the OMC offers value...and ultimately value should pay
52weekhigh : sir few months ago...u said u r keeping an eye on Sical Logisitcs....Prime Focus and Karuturi Global.....any fresh views on them?...thanks
Ramesh Damani : no new views on them
vin786 : Sir Whats your view on Persistent system , Bilcare & igarshi. Can these be multibagger in 2 years ? Please guide.
Ramesh Damani : persistent is doing well..well run co..igarshi is a dark horse,,no view on bilcare
ninkit1 : sir, can we justify karur vysys bank cheap stock on the basis sales to market cap. Its market cap is 1.57 times to its sales while other small banks trading on 2 times its sales
Ramesh Damani : the stock is cheap..compare it on price to book with some of the big private banks
drpbala : In your chat, you often refer to TCI - is it Travel corporation of India or some other company?
Ramesh Damani : transport corporation of india....that is the listed one
pune_swengineer : Hi Sir, recently godrej industry came out with a presentation. did u go through it?
Ramesh Damani : yes
malayakumar : Another success story By Just following advice I have purchased TTK prestige at Rs115 some 2.5 years back. Now reaping the benefits. Thank you so much sir. Sir wanted you views on INGERSOL RAND and INT.TRVL HOUSE. Specially holding to INT.TRVL HOUSE is testing our patience. You advice is highly required for your followers.
Ramesh Damani : sometimes we need to think for ourselves..good going...no great insights into the co`s you mentioned..but buy good business` at good valuations and let them mature
narendrankb : Whats your view on centurytextiles.Will it gives good return over 2 years
Ramesh Damani : i would think so
navid_badan : Hello Sir, Ur view on reliance power i hold at 175, PSL i hold at 173, Welspun India at 92, Banco at 78.
Ramesh Damani : i like banco in that basket
massomyshah : your view on linc pen
Ramesh Damani : stock needs to mature,,but it has potential
cheentoo : Sir, been a fan of you!!! Sir looking at the way 3G Capex is going to happen.. what companies are going to benefit from the 3G Capex? & whats ur view on telecom??
Ramesh Damani : no great view on telecom at this point..would avoid it
sagararora1234 : GODREJ PROPERTY-shoot up last week 52 week high 580 and than again 540.any selling pressure from those who entered on higher earlier or any other news
Ramesh Damani : volatility is a part of the game
rajshah1522 : GIC has paid double advance tax. is it worth to buy?
Ramesh Damani : do not confuse GIC with GIC hsg finance
pkjjalora08 : Sir, Ramesh will you plz tell me will i hold or quit. i have 100 tatasteel @ 588.30.
Ramesh Damani : i do not give individual trading advice..sorry
singaraju : Sir, what is your sense says reg. 31000 sensex for Mar 2012 by Ajit Dayal?
Ramesh Damani : actually no