Jamboree 2010
Celebration of Scouting's 100th anniversary
Scouts come together for state's largest celebration of Scouting's 100th anniversary. Scouts from throughout Northern California kicked off the Northern California 100th Anniversary Jamboree opening ceremony with their own chant at the Pleasanton, Alameda County Fairgrounds, CA. The main event is for the 17-Apr-2010. Members from as far south as Yosemite to as far north as the Oregon border belted out. An expected 16,750 people preregistered for the event, but organizers expect possibly thousands more to show up over the weekend
Kim Grandfield, of Livermore, left, owner of Sunrise Mountain Sports teaches Raghav Kaushik, 13, of Cupertino, right, a Boy Scout with troop 493 some whitewater kayak techniques during the 100th Anniversary Jamboree held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif., on Friday, April 16, 2010.
Adnan Hamwi, 17, top left, and Timothy Fisher, 16, bottom left, with Cupertino's Boy Scout troop 493, is given instructions from dive instructors Dale Stone, top right, and Richard Mork, bottom right, both of Livermore, during the 100th Anniversary Jamboree held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif., on Friday, April 16, 2010.