Profiling about Major
With the understanding that the choice of academic school you indicated is not binding, explain why you are applying to that particular school of study. (Characters available 2000)
If you have applied or expect to apply to other colleges or universities this year, please name them: (Characters available 250)
What motivated you to apply to Rice University? Please be specific and limit your response to 200 words. (Characters available 1500)
The Committee on Admission is interested in getting to know each candidate as well as possible through the application process. The following essay question is designed to demonstrate your writing skills and facilitate our full appreciation of who you are.
Architecture applicants should skip (A) and respond to (B).
A. The quality of Rice's academic life and the Residential College System are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What perspective do you feel that you will contribute to life at Rice? (Most applicants are able to respond successfully in two to three double-spaced pages.)
Essays for Architecture Applicants Only
B. Please respond to each of the following: 1) What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue the study of architecture? 2) Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find most challenging? (Responses to each section should be approximately one page.)
Rice university undergrad admission status.