Heuchera longiflora
This species occurs on calcareous rock outcrops along the Cumberland. Disjunct localities in the Appalachian mountains in extreme western North Carolina and adjacent Tennessee have been called H. longiflora var. aceroides.
H. longiflora "var. aceroides"
This variety (not now generally recognized) is distinguished by having more elongate leaves, with the terminal lobe obviously longer than the others. Depauperate leaves are likely to cause misidentifications since they resemble var. longiflora. It is also usually intensely variegated in silver and red, whereas the typical variety is obscurely variegated. The leaf photographs are from the wild; otherwise these pictures are of cultivated material. The last photo shows a smaller individual -- these generally do not display the acute lobes well. It occurs in a disjunct portion of the species' range in the vicinity of Hot Springs, North Carolina.
H. longiflora "var. longiflora"
This variety is found across the Cumberland, north to a calcareous patch of southern Ohio in the Shawnee National Forest. The leaves are never elongate, hardly variegated, and never prominently marked in red (the leaf picture shows the most ornamented leaf I have found so far). The two macro shots are from a northern Kentucky population in cultivation; all other shots are from wild material from various stations in northern Kentucky and southern Ohio. The habitat shot is a calcareous boulder in southern Ohio, and a typical site for this species.