What to do with my things before I die and when I die

I wrote this document in August 10, 2018. I updated it on September 23, 2020 as part of my continual improvement / updating program of my Disaster Preparedness Program; Death Preparedness Program; Endorsements to my Family Program; and Clutter Management Program.


Before I die:

  • I will do clutter management before I die.

  • I will keep everything to the most minimum before I die.

  • I will endorse all material resources to the family members.

  • I will endorse all the documents which the family members have to keep.

  • I will endorse all my digital files (USBs, external drives, etc.)

  • I will endorse all my online writings.

When I die:

  • Donate all my remaining books and writings to anybody and to any institution who can benefit from them (You may keep them if you wish).

  • Donate all my clothing apparels and other material possessions not needed by the family to the underprivileged.

Documentary evidences of fulfillment of resolutions:

Clutter Management - Documents, Files, and Books (Facebook)

