Overall 2019 Evaluation of Intentional Living Plan

If I were to die on January 31, 2020

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD

January 21, 2020

If I were to die on January 31, 2020, what will I do?

First thing to do is ACCEPTANCE. We will pass away like the flowers in the field. Also, I have reached 70 years old. I am not part of the premature death statistics of the World Health Organization anymore. I have successfully reached the first target of WHO to stay alive up to 70 at least. I have lived a full life. I have accomplished what I set out to accomplish by age 70. See my Memoir at 70. https://sites.google.com/site/rojoson70memoir/

February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020 is my Bonus Year 1.

During this Bonus Year 1, I have accomplished the following (milestones):

  • Full recognition of my contribution to Zamboanga Medical School Foundation (now Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine)

  • UPMAS 2019 Distinguished Alumnus Award

  • Full recognition of my being a dexterous surgeon

  • Holy Land Pilgrimage

  • Started formally the ROJoson Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning on Intentional Living Course

See details in ROJoson’s Milestones – 2019

Although I still have an Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83 that is not yet completed, I am already contented with what I have accomplished in Bonus Year 1 and can die on January 31, 2020. I have always conditioned myself to be contented every day, to be ready to die anytime any day and to accept the reality that I may not be able to accomplish everything that I formulated in my Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83.

Last December 2019, I have already made a comprehensive evaluation of my 2019 Intentional Living Journey and I am contented and happy with the results and I am on track and satisfied.



ROJoson Intentional Life Plan Evaluation – 2019 – Staying Alive and Not Crippled


ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Being Productive


ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Peace of Mind


ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Contentment in Life


ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Enjoyment in Life


Aside from the abovementioned milestones (for me), I like to say that another happiest moment during my Bonus Year 1 is when my son, Rey Benjamin I. Joson, was voted most favorite first-year surgical resident by his co-residents in the Department of Surgery of the Philippine General Hospital. This is another major slice of contentment, enjoyment and happiness for me and I am ready to die.

See Rey Josons’ Residents’ Awards – UP-PGH Department of Surgery

Second thing to do is to constantly remind myself and to continue to MAKE PEACE WITH MY CREATOR (believe, surrender and ask forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my whole lifetime). At the same time that I make peace with my creator, I will make peace with my neighbors (ask forgiveness and forgive for past conflicts).

The other things I will do are the following:

  • Bonding with Family (continue and maximize)

  • Material Endorsement (review)

  • Advance Directive (review)

  • Clutter Management (continue)

  • Enjoyment of the remaining time (particularly on helping other people particularly my patients)
