Eventually we all die despite everything

Tuesday with Morrie

Memento Mori

We will all die eventually in spite of our prevention and mitigation of death and disease program. Causes of death are usually one or combination the following: accident; age-related diseases; infections; and gene-related diseases.

Despite these, continue to have healthy lifestyle and prevention and mitigation of disease program to have a better chance of avoiding a premature death, death before age 70. Target 70 years initially. If you live beyond 70, be thankful and grateful.


Despite my prevention and mitigation of disease program and healthy lifestyle effort, I cannot avoid having the following:

1) Eye problem - error of refraction in early years and presbyopia in my mid-40s and worsening at age 65 and up to now. (Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects. It's a natural, often annoying part of aging. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65.) [2022 update: still with adequate eyeglass-assisted vision; no cataract yet - a lot of my classmates and colleagues my age have been operated for cataract already.] {2023 update: still with adequate eyeglass-assisted vision; don't think I have cataract yet,}

2) Back pain whenever I stand up from sitting - on and off - but still tolerable (despite my daily stretched-flexed exercises and walking for more than 3 years now) - [will continue my stretched-flexed exercises and look for a good exercise that will target this back pain] [2022 Update: NO MORE BACK PAIN FOR ALMOST ONE YEAR AND A HALF AFTER DOING STAND_UP COMPUTERING and AVOIDING SITTING FOR A LONG TIME. https://rojosonfacebooknotes.wordpress.com/2020/08/08/stand-up-computering-to-avoid-flank-pain/] [2023 update: no recurrence of left flank back pain in 2022 - resolved in September 2022 when I placed a pillow on my back when sleeping - see write-up on history --https://rojoson.wordpress.com/2023/01/04/history-of-my-left-flank-back-pain-2002-to-2022/}

3) Lipoma on the ulnar (inner) side of my left forearm, 2cm - just appeared more than 25 years ago; don't know the cause; still there, not increasing in size; using it to teach my patients on palpating for a mass. [2022 update - still there - not increasing in size] {2023 update - still there - not increasing in size; but there appeared in 2020 another lipoma, 1 -1.5 cm in size on the back of my left arm, 2 inches above the elbow - did not increase in size from 2020 to 2023 January}

4) "Mass" on the radial (outer) side of my left forearm, 2cm - which I think is an organized hematoma which appeared more than 15 years ago, a few days after I donated blood in MDH. Will just observe. [2022 update: this turns out to be another lipoma based on an ultrasound in 2019 or 2020 before the pandemic.]{2023 update: still there - did not increase in size}

5) Mucus cysts on my left thumb (2013) and left fourth finger (2017). Don't know the exact cause up to now. Mucus cyst on my left thumb kept on recurring after aspiration until 2017 (has been silent since then). [2022 update: no recurrence since 2017] {2023 update: no recurrence since 2017} Mucus cyst on my left fourth finger still active up to now. Will observe further. Hope it will resolve soon. [2022 update: last recurrence was on October 19, 2021 - resolved spontaneously again - silent as of January 19, 2022; have an updated report as of January 19, 2022 - https://rojosonfacebooknotes.wordpress.com/2019/10/18/mucus-cyst-on-my-4th-finger-rojoson/] {2023 update: on and off - last recurrence: 4 months ago - Sept 2022 - as of January 27, 2023 - silent now - 3 months now}

6) Hypertension - noted in 2011. Have been taking antihypertensive since then up to now. [2022 update: controlled - taking amlodipine 5 mg twice a day as maintenance; coupled with stress management program and healthy diet] {2023 update: still taking amlodipine - BP controlled at 140 / 90}

7) Nail problems - discoloration, distortion, etc. Don't know the exact cause. Observing up to the present. Stable. [2022 update - stable] {2023 update - stable}

8) Carpal tunnel syndrome on the left hand - for more than 20 years now, relieved with rests from long operation. - I think this is part of wear and tear from operations for the past 38 years. Hanging on. Tolerating it. Will continue watch and wait approach. [2022 update: great relief of numbness of hands, particularly on left hand from March 2020 up to now, January 16, 2022 - period of COVID pandemic - where I don't operate during this period.] [2023 update - on and off - tolerable despite resuming operations in May 2022 - at rate of 2 operations per month}

9) Hemorrhoids - 19oct20 - acute mild attack - despite my high fiber diet. Reducible. Will observe further. Hopefully, it subsides completely in a few days. [2022 update: no recurrent attack since 2019.]

10) Herpes Zoster - 1st week of January 2019 - spontaneously resolved without medication. [2022 update: no recurrence.] {2023 update: no recurrence}

11) Dental problems - decay and fracture - hanging on with some missing teeth, no dental prosthesis yet except some capping, still can eat and chew (though preferred soft foods now) [2022 update: had extraction of 2 teeth in August 19, 2021 during the COVID pandemic - unsalvageable anymore.] {2023 update: hanging on - seeing dentist as needed}

12) Accidents - I have bouts of accidents before. Fortunately, I survived them without any crippling medical conditions. Recalled 2 big accidents - boat capsizing in Jomalig Island (1975) [survived it - did not drown] and severe vehicular accidents. In 2015 on the day of my birthday - slept during driving - fortunately, did not get hurt or hurt anybody - just hurt my financial pocket. [2022 update: No major vehicular accidents involving my driving since 2015 - most likely, because the 2015 was a wake-up call and I became more mindful and vigilant.] {2023 update: no major vehicular accident or breakdown on the road - thanks God}

13) Herpes simplex labialis [2022 additional report] - I have bouts of herpes simplex labialis (singaw in the mouth) - 1st recorded bout was in 2016, spontaneously disappearing. 2nd bout was in April 2021, again spontaneously disappearing without medications. No recurrence yet as January 19, 2022] {2023 - no recurrent bout}

I REPEAT - Despite my prevention and mitigation of disease program and healthy lifestyle effort, I cannot avoid having health problems.

Causes are usually one or combination the following: accident; age-related diseases; infections; and gene-related diseases.

I have reached 70 last January 31, 2019. If I die now, I will not be registered as dying a PREMATURE DEATH.

I will continue my healthy lifestyle effort and prevention and mitigation of disease program even after age 70 and even if I know there is a limit to these programs.

Hang on - continue to be productive - continue to have peace of mind, to be contented, enjoying and happy - continue to prepare for a happy death - final graduation day.



January 16, 2022 - by January 31, 2022, I will be 73.

I have reached 73 years old with 3 complete bonus years after January 31, 2019 (age 70).

I will continue my healthy lifestyle effort and prevention and mitigation of disease program and even if I know there is a limit to these programs.

Hang on - continue to be productive - continue to have peace of mind, to be contented, enjoying and happy - continue to prepare for a happy death - final graduation day.


January 27, 2023 - by January 31, 2023, I will be 74.

I have reached 74 years old with 4 complete bonus years after January 31, 2019 (age 70).

I will continue my healthy lifestyle effort and prevention and mitigation of disease program and even if I know there is a limit to these programs.

Hang on - continue to be productive - continue to have peace of mind, to be contented, enjoying and happy - continue to prepare for a happy death - final graduation day.
