Overall 2021 Evaluation of ROJoson Intentional Living Plan

If I were to die on January 31, 2022

If I were to die on January 31, 2022, what will I do?

First thing to do is ACCEPTANCE. We will pass away like the flowers in the field. Also, I have reached 73 years old. I am not part of the premature death statistics of the World Health Organization anymore. I have successfully reached the first target of WHO to stay alive up to 70 at least. I have lived a full life. I have accomplished what I set out to accomplish by age 70. See my Memoir at 70. https://sites.google.com/site/rojoson70memoir/

I have lived my BONUS YEARS (2 bonus years - 71 and 72; February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2022).

February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 is my Bonus Year 2. February 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 will be my Bonus Year 3 (upcoming).

During this Bonus Year 2, I have accomplished the following (milestones):

  1. Surviving the COVID19 pandemic by staying home and being productive to patients and community.

  2. Accomplishing my Mission COVID19 for the year 2021 with flying colors - giving free medical services to more than 300 persons with COVID19 symptoms on a personal level as well as volunteer of PGH COVID TeleGabay and OVP-Bayanihan E-Konsulta; giving free medical certificates or clearances to more than 100 persons for COVID vaccination; assisting patients procuring emergency COVID19 drugs like tocilizumab; completing the Kilos Kommunidad Kontra COVID (a search for excellent community-based initiatives against COVID - in cooperation with the Department of Family and Community Medicine of UPCM and PGH - December 14, 2021).

  3. Continuing my unique brand of ROJoson Telemedical Consultation from March 17, 2020 up to now (January 2022) - almost 2 years now.

  4. Establishing the ROJoson PEP Talk for laypeople in May 15, 2021 and continuing up to present with 29 Saturday Talks and with 45 graduates on the CORE COURSE.

  5. Accomplishing the second virtual meet of the Cancer Crusaders Club on December 5, 2021.

  6. Accomplishing the second ROJosonZooMustahan21dec31 for Syquio Joson Clan in December 31, 2021.

  7. Continuing with the Intentional Living Plan Project with additional mentees (total of 54 as of January 16, 2022).

  8. Accomplishing targets of ROJoson Bible Reading Project for 2021 (practically read the whole Bible, some through listening). Prominent was reading St. Luke’s Gospel Chapters 1 to 24 from December 1, 2021 to December 24, 2021.

See details in ROJoson Milestones – 2021


First, although I still have an Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83 that is not yet completed, I am already contented with what I have accomplished in Bonus Years 1 and 2 and can die on January 31, 2022. I have always conditioned myself to be contented every day, to be ready to die anytime any day and to accept the reality that I may not be able to accomplish everything that I formulated in my Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83.

Second thing to do is to constantly remind myself and to continue to MAKE PEACE WITH MY CREATOR (believe, surrender and ask forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my whole lifetime). At the same time that I make peace with my creator, I will make peace with my neighbors (ask forgiveness and forgive for past conflicts).

The other things I will do are the following:

  • Bonding with Family (continue and maximize)

  • Material Endorsement (review and continue)

  • Advance Directive (review)

  • Clutter Management (continue)

  • Enjoyment of the remaining time in my lifespan (particularly on helping other people particularly my patients) [continue]
