Overall 2020 Evaluation of ROJoson Intentional Living Plan

If I were to die on January 31, 2021

If I were to die on January 31, 2021, what will I do?

First thing to do is ACCEPTANCE. We will pass away like the flowers in the field. Also, I have reached 71 years old. I am not part of the premature death statistics of the World Health Organization anymore. I have successfully reached the first target of WHO to stay alive up to 70 at least. I have lived a full life. I have accomplished what I set out to accomplish by age 70. See my Memoir at 70. https://sites.google.com/site/rojoson70memoir/

I am now living my BONUS YEARS (2 years bonus - 71 and 72).

February 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021 is my Bonus Year 2.

During this Bonus Year 2, I have accomplished the following (milestones):

  1. Surviving the COVID19 lockdown by staying home and being productive to patients and community

  2. Innovating my brand of ROJoson Telemedical Consultation as early as March 17, 2020

  3. Accomplishing the ROJDonors x MU Relief x HelpThru Philippines in providing personal protective equipment to at least one rural health unit / provincial government hospital in all provinces in the Philippines from March 2020 to July 2020.

  4. Accomplishing with flying colors the first virtual meet of the Cancer Crusaders Club on December 6, 2020.

  5. Being given recognition by the Philippine Medical Association through the Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Award for my Education for Health Development in the Philippines program on September 17, 2020.

  6. Launching the Search for Excellent Community Health Programs Amid COVID19 for Rural Health Physicians (Doctors to the Barrios and Municipal Health Officers) to recognize their heroism and contribution in the COVID19 Fight on October 10, 2020.

  7. Successfully moderating the virtual 50th Anniversary reunion of Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Batch 74 in June 20, 2020.

  8. Successfully moderating the virtual Christmas reunion of Xavier School Class 66 in December 27, 2020.

  9. Successfully organizing and moderating the first ROJosonZooMustahan20dec31 for Syquio Joson Clan in December 31, 2020.

  10. Continuing with the Intentional Living Plan Project with additional mentees.

  11. Continuing with ROJ-OCIL-OLETE (ROJoson – Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning – Online Learning cum Evaluation Test Exercise) – OLETE on Novel Coronavirus; Nipple Discharge; Hospital Administration; Management Algorithm for Breast Complaints.

See details in ROJoson Milestones – 2020

First, although I still have an Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83 that is not yet completed, I am already contented with what I have accomplished in Bonus Years 1 and 2 and can die on January 31, 2021. I have always conditioned myself to be contented every day, to be ready to die anytime any day and to accept the reality that I may not be able to accomplish everything that I formulated in my Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83.

Second thing to do is to constantly remind myself and to continue to MAKE PEACE WITH MY CREATOR (believe, surrender and ask forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my whole lifetime). At the same time that I make peace with my creator, I will make peace with my neighbors (ask forgiveness and forgive for past conflicts).

The other things I will do are the following:

  • Bonding with Family (continue and maximize)

  • Material Endorsement (review)

  • Advance Directive (review)

  • Clutter Management (continue)

    • Enjoyment of the remaining time (particularly on helping other people particularly my patients)
