ROJoson Intentional Living Plan 2019 - 2024 using the Template

My Intentional Living Plan (ILP)

PART I. Owner and Number of Years to Target for the Intentional Living Plan.



From: Year 2019 to 2024 with a stretch to 2032

From: Age 70 to 75 to 83


5 years with a stretch to 13 years

If with STRETCH TARGET, specify the reasons below:

I have reached my first target of 70 in 2019. I consider every year thereafter as bonus. Despite this, I have decided to make another Intentional Life Plan for the next 5 years with a stretch to 13 years.

Reasons for my making another Intentional Life Plan for my bonus years:

- I don’t know when I will die. During the time that I am still alive, I like to maintain my productivity, peace of mind, contentment, enjoyment and happiness on earth.

- I am formulating a realistic Intentional Life Plan that is good for 5 years (2019 to 2024) as the risk of dying is definitely higher at age 70 and above (regardless of medical status) compared to an age before 70. A general rule that I follow is to make a plan good for 5 years after 70 years old in the absence of a dreaded medical disease. After 5 years, if I am still alive at 75 years, I will make another Intentional Life Plan good for 5 years.

I am formulating an Intentional Life Plan that is good for 5 years but with a stretch goal of 13 years. Using actuarial studies and calculation, I may be able to reach 86 years old. ( Two, having a stretch goal adds value to the realistic Intentional Life Plan of 5 years. There is a greater chance of successful and satisfying accomplishment of one’s Intentional Life Plan at 5 years because of a longer-ranged strategic plans, not to say the accompanying inspiration and motivation. Specifically, I have a stretch target of 13 years (or 83 years old or 2032). Here are my reasons: One, I want to be with and to support my wife in living her life to the fullest up to 70 years old. She is now 58 years old (as of 2019) without a dreaded or serious medical condition. She will be 70 in September 2031 (12 years). I make my stretch longevity target of 13 years because my birthday is on January 31. In January 31, 2031, I will be 82 years old but since the 70th birthday of my wife is on September 2031, I adjust the stretch longevity target to January 31, 2032. Thus, 13 years or up to 2032. Two, for my children. I will strive to stay alive and not crippled up to 2032 to support them until they are most stable in their professional life.


PART II. People to include in Intentional Living Plan

Enumerate the names of other people (spouse / partner; children; and significant others) you want to include in your Intentional Living Plan (ILP).

SPOUSE / PARTNER to be included in the ILP:

NAME: JJAIJ Current Age: 58

CHILDREN to be included in the ILP:

NAME: RBIJ Current Age: 30

NAME: CMTIJ Current Age: 29

SIGNIFICANT OTHERS to be included in the ILP:

NAME: Immediate Families (Brothers and Sisters) Current Age: Varying Ages

NAME: Extended Families (Sisters-in-law) Current Age: Varying Ages

NAME: My Classmates in Xavier School and UP College of Medicine and my Brothers in Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Current Age: Varying Ages

NAME: My Patients Current Age: Varying Ages

Part III. Legacies (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT ARE THE LEGACIES THAT I WANT TO LEAVE BEHIND FOR MY FAMILY AND FOR MY COMMUNITY? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline.]

The 43 legacies that I want to leave behind for my family and for my community are the ones that I recorded when I reached 70 years old on January 31, 2019.

I will refine and strengthen some of these and I will add more (see Focused Projects below).

List of ROJoson’s Legacies (as of January 31, 2019)


§ ROJoson’s Facebook Project as a Legacy to the Filipino People

§ MDH Cancer Crusaders Club – A Legacy

§ Cancer Survivor Registry – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Surgical Oncology Program in the Philippines – A Legacy

§ Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Program in the Philippines – A Legacy

§ No Queuing – No Long Waiting Time in Clinic – A Legacy

§ Beware of Santol Seed Swallowing – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ No to Routine Circumcision in Children – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Problem-based Learning in Medicine and Surgery – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Zamboanga Medical School Foundation – A Legacy

§ Innovative Medical Curriculum – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Telemedicine – A Legacy

§ Medical Photography and Slide Preparation – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Medical Anecdotal Reports – A Legacy

§ Teaching Hospital Administration in UPCPH – A Legacy

§ Hospital Disaster Preparedness – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Legible Physician Handwriting – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Avoiding Unnecessary Operations and Procedures – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Hospital Quality Management System – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ ROJ Legacy for OMMC Department of Surgery

§ Problems and Rehabilitation of Filipino Stoma Patients – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Managing Transient Nonspecific Medical Conditions – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Distance Education in General Surgery – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Debate in General Surgery – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Management of a Patient Process Framework – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Medical Records and Medical Recording – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ 4th Asia-Pacific Problem-based Learning Conference in Health Sciences- An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Thyroid Surgical Diseases – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Continually Publish Your Writings on the Net – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ ROJ Legacy for Xavier School

§ ROJ Legacy for University of the Philippines College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital

§ ROJ Legacy for Manila Doctors Hospital

§ ROJ Legacy for Zamboanga City Medical Center

§ ROJ Legacy for Ciudad Medical Zamboanga

§ ROJ Legacy for Salubris Medical Center

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Husband

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Father

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Man

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Teacher

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Physician

§ ROJoson as a Role Model in Healthy Living – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ ROJoson as a Role Model in How to Live Life – An Advocacy – A Legacy

I will refine and strengthen the following legacies that I recorded in January 31, 2019:

§ ROJoson’s Facebook Project as a Legacy to the Filipino People

§ Cancer Survivor Registry – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ No Queuing – No Long Waiting Time in Clinic – A Legacy

§ Problem-based Learning in Medicine and Surgery – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Innovative Medical Curriculum – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Medical Photography and Slide Preparation – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Hospital Disaster Preparedness – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Legible Physician Handwriting – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Avoiding Unnecessary Operations and Procedures – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Hospital Quality Management System – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Managing Transient Nonspecific Medical Conditions – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Distance Education in General Surgery – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Management of a Patient Process Framework – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Medical Records and Medical Recording – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ Thyroid Surgical Diseases – An Accomplishment – A Legacy

§ Continually Publish Your Writings on the Net – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Husband

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Father

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Man

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Teacher

§ ROJoson’s Legacy as a Physician

§ ROJoson as a Role Model in Healthy Living – An Advocacy – A Legacy

§ ROJoson as a Role Model in How to Live Life – An Advocacy – A Legacy

I will have 8 focused projects for my legacies from 2019 to 2024. See below.

8 focused projects from 2019 to 2024 (will start as soon as possible, latest July 2019 – will formulate a project plan with timelines and evaluation criteria):

§ How to Live Life in the Context of Health

§ Tips for General-Surgeons-to-Be

§ 100-Bed Level 2, Private General Hospital Design and Operations Manual

§ Quality and Safety / Risk Management System for Hospitals

§ Medical Curriculum Enhancement

§ Options for Medical Management – Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures

§ Clinical Research

§ Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Programs For All

Part IV. FOR SPOUSE / PARTNER (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT WILL I DO FOR MY SPOUSE / PARTNER? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline. Place NA if not applicable.]

§ Will assist and support her in her intentional life plan @70; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

§ Will assist and support her in her house managership (2019 to 2024).

Part V. FOR CHILDREN (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT WILL I DO FOR MY CHILDREN? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline. Place NA if not applicable.]


§ Will assist and support him in his intentional life plan @70; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

§ Will assist and support him in his surgical residency training in the Philippine General Hospital (2019 to 2024).


§ Will assist and support her in her intentional life plan @70; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

§ Will assist and support her in the career growth and administrative education (2019 to 2024).

Part VI. FOR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT WILL I DO FOR MY SIGNIFICANT OTHERS? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline. Place NA if not applicable.]

For my immediate families (brothers and sisters and their families):

§ Will assist and support them in their intentional life plans @70; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

For my extended families (sisters-in-law and their families):

§ Will assist and support them in their intentional life plans @70; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

For my classmates in Xavier School and UP College of Medicine and my Brothers in Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity:

§ Will assist and support them in their intentional life plans @70 or beyond; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

For my patients:

§ Will assist and support them in their intentional life plans @70 or beyond; (to be able to reach 70 years old at least and living life to the fullest with contentment).

§ Will provide them with education for health development for all Filipinos; empowerment on health; and how to live life in the context of health.

Part VII. FOR MYSELF (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT WILL I DO FOR MYSELF? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline. Include the following goals as applicable: health; contentment; enjoyment; God or Creator; financial; career; professional; social and relationship goal; etc. Most important, include the following areas, outlined below.]


2nd Phase of Life (after 70 years old) – next 5 years (70 to 75)

The 6th Wave (Refining and Further Strengthening Legacies @70) – 2019 to 2024

Strategic Goals:

§ Staying alive and not crippled up to 2024 (next 5 years)

§ Continuing to refine and strengthen further the legacies that I have left behind at age 70.


Tactical Goals:

§ 5 More Years Alive and Not Crippled @70to75


§ Financial Well-being Maintenance

§ Family Bonding

§ Journey to Performance Excellence for Hospitals

§ Medical Anecdotal Reports

§ Surgical Education

§ Medical Education

§ Public Health Education

§ Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Programs For All

§ 8 focused projects from 2019 to 2024:

§ How to Live Life in the Context of Health

§ Tips for General-Surgeons-to-Be

§ 100-Bed Level 2, Private General Hospital Design and Operations Manual

§ Quality and Safety / Risk Management System for Hospitals

§ Medical Curriculum Enhancement

§ Options for Medical Management – Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures

§ Clinical Research

§ Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Programs For All

The details can be seen in


My GENERAL STRATEGIES to staying alive up to 75 years old will consist of the following:

1. Resolution with definite action plan to stay alive up to 75 years (contained in the life plan documents @70to75)

2. Implementation of the action plan with annual evaluation and review at least and continual refinements

The definite action plans on how to control the preventable factors for disease and death in order to stay alive up to at least 75 years old essentially will consist of the following:

§ Avoid accidents.

§ Avoid stroke as I have the genetic predisposition.

§ Not to commit suicide.

§ Control whatever diseases that I may have so as not to cause or promote death.

§ Avoid stress (Stress Management Strategies).

§ Live a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid accidents.

§ Be wary of risks of accidents in all types of activities that I would undertake.

§ Forego those activities with high risks for accidents.

§ Take the necessary precautions in avoiding accidents.

§ Be vigilant against accidents.

Avoid stroke as I have the genetic predisposition.

My strategies will include the following:

§ Control stress (see ROJoson’s Stress Management Strategies)

§ Diet (healthy diet – no frank poisons; eat in moderation; vary foods with more of vegetables and fish; avoidance of processed foods)

§ Exercise (daily walking for 45 minutes or 3 km and stretching and flexing exercises for 15 minutes)

§ Work (in moderation – slow down with controlled pace)

§ Relaxation (movies, travels, appreciation of nature, blogs, sports, socializing, etc.)

§ Medicines to control my hypertension and other metabolic diseases like hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus that are considered risk factors for stroke

Not to commit suicide.

I should avoid depression. I should keep myself busy with something to do every day, at least 16 to 17 hours a day, doing major, medium and small stuff.

I have learned in the past that the most important deterrent to committing suicide was my value – I consider committing suicide is a sin and a shame to do so. I would manage depression by writing down my problems and analyzing them to find solutions; meditating; walking, swimming; going away for a while; keeping myself busy with some stuffs; and telling my depressed feelings to my wife, son and daughter who would then listen and provide upliftment support.

Control whatever diseases that I may have so as not to cause or promote death.

Control of hypertension with diet, exercise, normal weight, stress management and medicine

Control of diabetes with diet, exercise, normal weight, stress management and medicine

Control of hypercholesterolemia with diet, exercise, normal weight, stress management and medicine

See Medical History and Medical Records of ROJoson:

Avoid stress (Stress Management Strategies).

















A profile I want for ROJoson (@70to75):

§ Happy, contented, and enjoying life!

§ Unstressed!

§ No more rat race!

§ Still productive!

Live a healthy lifestyle.

Clear direction in life (formulate an intentional or purposeful living plan with operational definition of end-points of contentment and indicators of happiness and enjoyment; action plans for a healthy living to reach a certain age target).

Daily healthy eating or diet (no frank poisons; eat in moderation; vary foods with more of vegetables and fish; avoidance of processed foods)

Regular exercise (daily walking for 45 minutes or 3 km and stretching and flexing exercises for 15 minutes)

Regular work (work regularly but modulate it; productive daily; enjoy work but control the stress related to it)

Regular relaxation (daily relaxation regimen; vary relaxation activities)

Stress management (avoid stress to have a peace of mind and to have a peaceful and restful sleep; avoid stressful work, people, and activities; be contented; manage stress with it comes)

Minimalist approach in life (acquiring things that are only essential and needed to living a simple comfortable life; keeping things to the minimum or essential)

Avoidance of anything in excess (do, eat and drink in moderation)

Avoidance anything that will be harmful to the physical and mental health (like smoking, alcohols, drugs, chemical exposure, pollution, interaction with evil and unscrupulous people, etc.)


Accomplish at least 3 tasks per day as my criterion for contentment:

• Medical practice

• Medical education – blog

• Hospital administration –lectures

• Public health education – blog

• Family bonding

• Exercise-relaxation

• Social networking

My 8 focused projects from 2019 to 2024:

• How to Live Life (started – Intentional Living Project)

• Tips for General-Surgeons-to-Be

• 100-Bed Level 2, Private General Hospital Design and Operations Manual

• Quality and Safety / Risk Management System for Hospitals

• Medical Curriculum Enhancement

• Options for Medical Management – Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures

• Clinical Research

• Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Programs For All


Strategic Plans and Goals:

· Always be at peace with God.

· Always be at peace with every other human being.

· Always be at peace with authority.

Proactive management of possible stresses (anxiety, challenges and problems)

· Prevention plan

· Mitigation plan

· Preparedness plan

· Response plan

· Recovery plan

· Contingency plan

Management of actual stress on hand

· Use of contingency plan

· Think positively

· Don't worry too much

· Think: everything will come to pass


In January 23, 2015, I made this statement or resolution:

Determine the end-points in all the programs and projects you want to do in your life that will be considered as criteria for “contented enough.” After you have achieved the end-points, retire completely and just cherish the memories of what you have done.

I also made the following resolutions:

Contentment means the following:

• Peace and relaxation of mind.

• No rat race.

• No such sayings that I have too much to do; too many responsibilities to shoulder; too many deadlines to meet; too many achievements to be achieved; too many money to earned and to be saved; too many promotions to be earned; too many calls to be made; too many letters to be written; etc.

• Strivings for more in anything have ceased.

• No thinking that if I’m content, people might think I have lost my ambition.

• Saying such things as good-bye schedule; see you later, routine; come back tomorrow, deadlines.

I will follow the above guidelines on CONTENTMENT.


I have categorized enjoyment into:

1. Sensual pleasure

2. Ego pleasure

3. Accomplishment pleasure

4. Appreciation pleasure

I will try to acquire these pleasures every now and then (at least one pleasure a day) and in a varied and balanced manner.

Sensual pleasure (examples):

· Eating and enjoying good foods prepared by my wife and during blow-outs and meal-invitations from relatives and close friends

Ego pleasure (examples):

· Delightful feedback to ME from patients, colleagues and friends

Accomplishment pleasure (examples):

· My accomplishments in life; programs and projects accomplished; my legacies

Appreciation pleasure (examples):

· Plants appreciation

· Bamboo appreciation


OTHERS (not included above):


Part VIII. PREPARING FOR A HAPPY DEATH (Answer the following questions as indicated)

IF I WERE TO DIE AT 75 YEARS OLD (AGE) OR IN January 31, 2024 (YEAR),

WHAT WILL I DO TO PREPARE FOR A HAPPY DEATH (CONTENTED AND READY TO LEAVE THIS EARTH)? [Be as specific as possible and include a timeline or deadline. See sample answers as guide.]

§ Accomplish completely my intentional living plan @70to75.

§ Be prepared to die anytime with the following conditioning and preparedness:

§ Try my best to stay alive and productive up to my last moment on earth (condition and prepare myself to stay home and still be productive, particularly blogging).

§ Make peace with God everyday – stay in the grace of God everyday (done on January 31, 2019 – will maintain this).

§ Make peace with everybody (forgive and ask forgiveness) [done on January 31, 2019 – will maintain this].

§ Endorse my material possessions (done on January 31, 2019 – will continually update this.)

§ Make clutter management of my stuff (done on January 31, 2019 – will continually update this.)

§ Make an advance directive on how my family or guardian will manage me when I am near death and after I die (done on January 31, 2019 – will continually update this.) See

§ Bond or maximize bonding with my family and /or significant others (done on January 31, 2019 – will maintain this.)

§ Enjoy myself to the maximum or fullest (done on January 31, 2019 – will maintain this.)


Date First Accomplished: February 1, 2019

Date Reviewed and Updated:

ROJ@20jul10;23jan27 (maintained - refined typos and spacing)