ROJoson Life Expectancy

ROJoson's Life Expectancy based on Sun Life Life Expectancy Calculator

At 70 years old (2019) - if I put in answers in my lifestyle (smoke - never; alcohol - occasional; active - moderate; diet - moderate; stress - low), I get a life expectancy of 86 (2035). [16 more years to live at 70]

At 70 years old (2019) - if I put in ideal answers in my lifestyle (smoke - never; alcohol - non-drinker; active - active; diet - healthy; stress - low), I get a life expectancy of 87 (2036). [17 more years to live at 70]

Use of life expectancy calculator is based on actuarial science.

Life expectancy calculator just gives me an estimate. The answers are not absolute. I can die before the estimated life span or I can live beyond it.

Although I will have the results in mind, I will just use them as a guide in my Intentional Life Plan.

My realistic longevity target at 70 is to live 5 years at a time. I formulated an Intentional Life Plan for 5 years. Thus, ROJoson@70to75 (2019to2024). I will focus on the implementation of this 5-year plan.

However, my stretch longevity target at 70 is to live up to 83 years old or 13 years more (which is possible, based on Sun Life life expectancy calculator - 86 to 87). My justification for this stretch longevity target:

My personal stretched longevity target is 13 years or 2032. Reason for this is I want to stay alive and not crippled until my wife reaches 70 years old (I want to support her in her intentional life plan to reach 70). My wife is now 58 years old. By the time she reaches 70, I will be 82 to 83. Thus, 2032 (13 years from 2019).
