
Online Activities for 3rd & 4th Classes

Interactive online chance tools: No dice at home? Don't want to have to make up a spinner? There are lots of interactive tools and random chance games here.

What are the odds? Interactive dice simulator, choose from 12, 20 or 30-sided dice, simulate making hundreds of rolls at once, and log the results automatically for analysis. Or just use it to play games!

Matholia - Chance: A simple video, for 3rd class, on will, won't or might happen.

The Slushy Sludger Use your knowledge of probability to predict what kind of slushy you are likely to get from the choices on offer.

The Vile Vendor Probability Game Use your understanding of chance to work out the likelihood of getting these vile drinks!

Climber Probability Game: Help the climber reach the top by clicking on the colour that you think will win the spin.

Bobbie Bear: Explore combinations using this virtual tool; how many different outfits can Bobbi Bear wear on holiday - Probability Quiz: What is the probability of the spinner landing on certain letters?

Probability & Statistics: a selection of games from Choose the games from your class level. You can do a number of free quizzes each day without having a subscription.

Math Games - Probability: games to practice predictions and probability skills; go to the activities for your class level.

Mathwire: Check out this page for more games that focus on probability.