CPD in your school
Post date: Mar 8, 2014 5:53:19 PM
If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you're quite interested in the teaching of maths, or you're the teacher with responsibility for maths in your school, or both. If, as part of this interest and/or responsibility, you also organise maths CPD for your staff (perhaps as part of Croke Park hours) then this might be of interest to you.
The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), in the UK, publishes a series of online magazines, covering Early Years, Primary, Secondary, and Further Education. Their Primary Magazine is for those working in, or interested in, primary and early years education. The issues of the magazine include articles on The Art of Mathematics, A Little Bit of History, Focus On... and, of most relevance to this post, Maths to share. Maths to share has many articles on particular issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These articles are designed for mathematics subject leaders who may wish to deliver at staff meetings or INSET sessions, and as such even suggest/provide activities that could be used, ways to stimulate pedagogical discussion etc.
However, this doesn't mean that they're only useful to teachers who co-ordinate mathematics CPD in their school; rather, they are very useful to any teacher wishing to improve their practice.
If you want to check out any of their other articles, all those from the Primary Magazine are now organised according to type. If you are looking for specific articles to support the teaching and learning of mathematics, this page is for you.
You may be required to register with the site before getting full access, but this is free and well worth it.