Here you will find links to other pages that point out the basics of those paranormal questions and other bits of information that the paranormal investigator might find useful.
Also from time to time I will be asking for ideas and themes for future blogs from you good people out in the paranormal world... believers and sceptics alike.
Just 'click' on the title links to
5th October 2020
"Just how do you go about checking that the photo someone asks you to look over is the genuine thing? Well there are some things you can do to see if it is the original... and also have a bit of fun in the process"
Using a Paintshop program you can really edit and check those claims, just to check on the small things...
Do your own small editing to scratch that itch of doubt...22nd September 2020
“Sometimes looking at an image and seeing that spooky capture can be too good to be true. One has to ask certain questions and also need to check that the image is the exact original and not an overly edited version”
Question everything...
Well there is a simple check you can do on photo file images...
It is called EXIF...5th July 2020
The Ovilus - Just a high-priced 'Speak-and-spell'?
“The Ovilus is a great piece of ghost hunting kit. Ghosts and spirits can communicate with us via the device even to the extent of responding to actual questions”
Well there is no viable proof of this at all. Even the manufacturer claims so...
It is a device for "entertainment only"...9th June 2020
If ghosts are not souls/spirits of the dead, then what are they?
“It has been hundreds of years that many have considered that ghosts are of the dead... but keeping to the mainstream theories regards to the paranormal can and will cause everyone not to see the actual truth”
We can no longer keep fuelling the fires of one particular theory just to appease the masses...
Just because a theory seems too far 'out-of-the-box' we must not dismiss it...10th May 2020
“The Spirit Box can communicate with the dead. It can't be just random radio chatter as real names and real responses have come through when I've used it!”
One can not just believe that the dead can talk to the living via a radio designed and/or adapted to scan through frequencies...
Again we find ourselves on the cusp of the Spirit Box... whether it is the SB7, SB11, Shack-Hack or other...25th April 2020
Photograph Anomalies - What causes them?
"We believe in spirits and ghosts and have taken many photos and in every one of them we have captured something. The place is a known haunted location so they must be ghosts!"
There are just too many variables and environmental conditions to absolutely say you have captured a ghost or spirit!
Just because a location is 'allegedly' 'known' to be haunted it does not mean that ghosts are always present and waiting to pose for your camera...NOTE:
The above blogs are only what we - Pitch-Dark Paranormal - deem as our opinions and view points on the associated topics and only iterate what we have found during investigations, trials and testing of any equipment, etc. Needless to say not all PDP members have the same view points... after all we are all individual with our own beliefs and experiences. But we always try to emphasise on realistic and common sense approaches within the boundaries of the paranormal...We always encourage persons to understand how any and all equipment (like Camcorders, EMF meters and SLS Cameras, etc.) works and to experiment with it in accordance with their operating manuals and user guides.Remember that the paranormal is an unproved phenomenon and cannot be proved or disproved. All view points are open to discussion and interpretation until such times that valid insurmountable evidence proof has been established.Pitch-Dark Paranormal is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims any and all liability for, damages of any kind arising from the use of, reference to, or reliance upon any information contained within the website. While the information contained with the site is periodically updated and amended, no guarantee is given that the information provided within the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.Although Pitch-Dark Paranormal occasionally reference other websites and provide links to those sites, we are not responsible for the accuracy or content of the information contained within those sites, and also do not endorse any information, services or links to advertising on those sites.