Proper Staffing



Treatment shifts should be spaced 10-12 hours apart. Most medications used need to be spaced 8-12 hours apart, but volunteer time must be taken into account. 8AM and 7PM work well -if a PM shift lasts 4 hours, volunteers will be out by 11pm. A minimum of two medical personnel (volunteer or staff), and three medical personnel during peak parvo season (>15 dogs in the ICU) should be scheduled per shift. New volunteers (first 6 months) are expected to volunteer twice weekly, with some flexibility. Experienced volunteers (>6 months) are expected to volunteer weekly with slightly more flexibility when needed.

The Parvo Medical Schedule is made weekly by the manager. Volunteers submit their availability for the upcoming week, and the manager arranges the schedule before the start of the week. This allows for volunteer flexibility and thus better retention. The volunteers with the least availability (i.e. Tuesday only) should be scheduled first, and the volunteers with more availability can be used to fill in the remaining open shifts. Send a friendly text to volunteers that forget to send in availability. It’s important to ensure volunteers/staff are viewing their scheduled shift every week as soon as the schedule is sent out to prevent last-minute schedule changes and no-shows.

Don't be afraid to contact volunteers individually if someone needs to change shifts, especially for doing a more complicated shift switch (A covers B’s shift, B covers C’s and C covers A’s). Look back at the week’s availability to find a good person/option to text. Beware of, as the manager, being the on-call person that covers all shifts that can't be covered - this is a common cause of manager burn-out.


Austin Pets Alive! Schedule Example

See and for current APA! forms.


Shift Length

Shifts should be 2-4 hours. When medical treatments take longer than 4 hours for volunteers this should be taken seriously not only for ensuring proper patient medical care (most medications can’t be administered again sooner than 8 hours) but also for ensuring volunteer retention. Contact the volunteers that were on shift to identify any issues and provide assistance. Common issues may include:

It is important to clarify whether shifts were long due to treatment times or non-medical responsibilities. See Triage Mode Protocols for efficiency training.

Potential Issues

Alternative Scheduling Procedures

Self-scheduling options such as Doodle and allowing editing on Google Docs are possible. However, these methods are not conducive to optimally scheduling all volunteers based on availability because they often result in people being available fewer times due to the feedback they receive when looking at other people’s schedules. For example, Volunteer A is available Mon-Fri and schedules herself on Monday and Tuesday. Volunteer B looks at the schedule one hour later and is only available on Monday, so she can't volunteer now.


Quality Over Quantity 

These are words to live by when it comes to recruiting and training a parvo medical team. One well trained, efficient and reliable volunteer is more valuable than two volunteers that are not, and they will create a much more stable team and program. Don’t sacrifice quality training of volunteers to mass-recruit/train volunteers. With that in mind, it is also important not to stack the team with only a few superstar volunteers such that when one leaves, the team becomes unstable.

Team Size 

A proper team size depends on frequency of work per medical personnel (staff vs volunteers) and season (representing number of patients in the ICU). In a 7 day week there are generally 14 shifts to cover. Generally, 16-25 volunteers is sufficient, assuming they are a good distribution of AM, PM and Weekend volunteers.

Recruiting should be prioritized prior to the peak season, i.e. in late winter and early spring. However, especially keep in mind "Quality of Quantity" in the peak season. While 28 medical volunteers is the "ideal", one volunteer that can treat 10 patients in two hours is far more valuable. 



Recruiting can, and should, be done via email. Recruit specifically for shifts that are hardest to cover, and make this a stipulation for starting volunteering, keeping the need for volunteer scheduling flexibility in mind. Typically, this includes asking new volunteers to take weekend shifts and/or morning shifts. In your email template, require that prospective volunteers be generally available to volunteer on weekends (+/- AM vs PM if needed) for first 6 months of volunteering.

Recruiting Avenues

It is important to have a healthy mix of local volunteers and not too many students that go out-of-town during school breaks (especially summer break). 

 Different towns will have different recruiting avenues. Some examples include:

Selecting Ideal Volunteers

Professionalism and responsibility are the two vital qualities to recruit for, as medical knowledge can be trained. Medical background is NOT essential when recruiting new volunteers. Professionalism and attention to detail can be evaluated in email correspondence. For example, a candidate who responds to all recruitment questions thoroughly with attention to organization, grammar, and detail is likely to take the position and responsibility of a medical volunteer seriously. The recruiting email should be “intimidating” enough to deter un-ideal candidates while exciting for the highly motivated candidates. The Parvo program is a unique opportunity and should be presented as such. Interviewing would be ideal but is time-consuming and not essential as issues with volunteers will often be revealed during the first day or two of training. 

If a candidates will be going out of town(1+wk) within the first month of volunteering/training, post-pone training until after the vacation. If going on a 1+wk vacation (such that they'd miss two consecutive weeks of volunteering) within the first three months of volunteering, postponing training until after the vacation may be best. These guidelines may not apply to volunteers who already have medical experience (vet techs, nurses) as they dont have as steep of a learning curve nor need the frequent practice.

Cultivating Team Environment

The following are suggestions for cultivating a friendly team environment which will make volunteering more enjoyable and increase volunteer retention:

Handling Volunteer Complaints

Volunteer complaints are inevitable and expected. Handling complaints in a professional and responsive manner is vital for maintaining a healthy working environment. The detailed handling of all scenarios is beyond the scope of this document, but the following is a short outline of types of complaints which may occur.

If there is a particularly complex case, try reaching out to other volunteer managers in other programs of the organization for advice.

Mentoring Future Parvo Program Leadership

Plan to spend 2-4 weeks training the incoming parvo program manager at the end of your tenure. This document should serve as a good template for training.