Scheduling & Shift Changes

Please honor your commitment to your shift.  As individuals responsible for critically ill patients, you are expected to take this position as seriously as you would your job.  If something comes up, please contact the parvo team as soon as possible. If you are signed up for a training shift and can no longer attend, please contact the parvo team so the trainer on duty is not waiting for your arrival. 

Thank you for your understanding!


Shifts are every day at 8am and 7pm. Shifts last somewhere up to 4 hours, depending on how many dogs are in the ICU, how many volunteers are signed up for the shift, and how efficiently volunteers work.

Just like a hospital never closes on holidays, neither does Parvo Puppy ICU. However, sometimes (rarely) we don’t have any patients in the ICU. See the Empty ICU Protocol when this occurs.

Inactive Volunteers

A volunteer becomes inactive after several months without completing a shift.  To become active again, sign up for a shift and/or email the team manager to participate in any required retraining shifts.