Intake Protocol

The following procedure should be followed when admitting a dog into the Parvo ICU. 

1) Verify and/or Test

Verify a positive diagnostic test was performed before entering the Parvo ICU with the dog. 

2) Medical Paperwork

Bring copies, not originals, of any medical and intake paperwork.  Read the dogs medical records thoroughly before they are brought into the ward.

3) Transfer Dog Into ICU

Wearing gloves/smock to protect street clothes as needed. Do not bring crates into ICU unless absolutely necessary.

Puppy will be handed to a Parvo Staff member by one of the receptionists.

The parvo ward is divided into 3 Wards and 2 groups. Adjust to population needs. We are required to re-vaccinate all puppies on intake with the exception of Austin Animal Center, Ft. Worth Animal Center,  Dallas Animal Services, Palm Valley Animal Center, and Emergency clinics.

Dogs must be placed in the appropriate Group, unless vet approves to be moved elsewhere due to space. Leave dogs in their Group for the entirety of their stay. 

4) Intake Paperwork

When Medical Reception creates their SL profiles, they will be placed in ‘Location: Parvo waiting to be assigned’. You will be responsible for changing their location by clicking on ‘Edit Record’, and changing their location to the correct Ward and Cage. 

5) Vaccinate

Administer intake vaccines if not previously vaccinated (for DAPP if not vaccinated in the last 2 weeks).

We are required to re-vaccinate all puppies on intake with the exception of Austin Animal Center, Ft. Worth Animal Center,  Dallas Animal Services, Palm Valley Animal Center, and Emergency clinics.

6) Flea Treatment

Apply flea treatment (Frontline (0.05ml/lb) or Vectra) for fleas/ticks and note on chart. 

7) Wrap-Up

Fill out the dog’s ‘Parvo Treatment Sheet’ following the ‘Treatment Flow’ down below for the next 3 shifts (For Panacur, mark down all 5 doses). Give first treatment.

PDF versions of Intake forms are available to download below.