Intestinal Parasites (Worms)

Different intestinal parasites can require different medications to treat. Identification of the type of worm is important to determining what medication is needed. Dead worms may be seen in the stool after medication is administered.


Roundworms are long, white worms that look like strands of spaghetti. They are extremely common. Adult worms live in the small intestine, where they steal nutrients and irritate the digestive tract. Large numbers of roundworms can GI obstruction. Coiled-up white worms can sometimes be seen in vomit or feces. Puppies will have trouble gaining weight and may have "potbellies" and a dull hair coat. Strongid (Pyrantel) is used to treat, which should be given on intake to all dogs and cats.

Panacur will also treat for hookworm infestation.

File:Canine roundworm 1.JPG

Photograph by Joel Mills under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Hookworms are small parasites that latch onto the intestines feed on blood. They are very small and go unnoticed in fecal material. Infected pets develop diarrhea that has black/tarry or bloody spots.

Hookworms can cause severe anemia, especially in smaller dogs.

Strongid (Pyrantel) is used to treat, which should be given on intake to all dogs and cats.

Panacur will also treat for hookworm infestation.

File:Anterior end of A. caninum.jpg

Photograph by DPDx - a Web site developed and maintained by CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license.


Whipworms have long, very slender bodies that are capped with small, club-like ends. 

Panacur (Fenbendizole) is the only typical dewormer that can treat this worm. See med chart for details.

Panacur is re-dosed at 3wks and 3 months from the initial dose due to the drug only killing at certain stages of the lifecycle of the worm.

File:Whipworm egg crop.JPG

Photograph by Joel Mills under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Tapeworms infection most commonly occurs when the dog or cat ingests infected fleas. They look like rice grains in the stool.

Praziquantel is needed for to treat tapeworm infestation. Ask the Med Clinic for this, as we dont carry this in the Parvo ICU as it is rarely needed.

File:Dipyl can worm1.JPG

Photograph by CDC's Division of Parasitic Diseases (DPD) under public domain.