INTUITIVE PERCEPTION........EVERY "intuitive perception", which the human spiritual beings "have", would "immediately" and "instantaneously" "Forms a Picture".

In the "formation" of this very particular picture, "the small Brain" or "the cerebellum" actively "participates", as the "Bridge Across", which the "Soul within" the human spiritual beings, "utilize", in "control" of the gross material earthly physical body.

The intuitive spiritual perception, constitutes that very sectional part of The Brain, through which, the human spiritual beings, "receive" their "dreams".

The intuitive spiritual perception is "in-turn", consequently "connected" with the "frontal brain" or "cerebrum", through the activity of which, "thoughts" are threby "generated", which also are much "closely tied", to "space and time and that which would eventually "control" the "Intellect".

Presently, the human spiritual beings would have to pay closer atttention to the "process!

Then could the human spiritual beings be able to "discern" and "clearly distinguish", the "appropriate time", when the "intuitive spiritual perception" periodically "speaks" towards the individual human spiritual being, through the "spirit within", or whenever the "feeling" is directly "addressing", the individual human spiritual beings, through their "Intellect"!

The activity of the human spiritual beings, norms naturally "awakens" "intuitive spiritual perception" right within the "Solar Plexus" (Chonoidus Plexus), thereby "simultaneously" making (impacting) an "impression" upon the "cerebellum".

It is the "effect" of the "spirituality", which means, "a wave of Power-Strength", issuing or "emanating" from "spirituality".

The human spiritual beings norms naturally would "intuitively perceive" this "Chonoidus Wave", right in or at that very "spot", where the "spirit within", which is again within the "soul within", the human spiritual beings, is "precisely connected" with the gross material physical body, .right within, "The Center" of the so-called "Solar Plexus", which directly "transfers" or "passes-on", "the Chonoidus Waves", to the "cerebellum", where definitely an "impression" would consequently be "created"!

In accordance with specific natural-norms, of the various "impressions" being "received", would enable "the cerebellum", in just a similar form to a "photographic plate", acknowledgeably "forms a picture of the process" as "willed" by the "spirit within thew human spiritual beings, in "particular", or as "created" by the strong "Power-Strength" of the "spirit within", the human spiritual beings, through their individual "volition".

The Power-Strength of the Intuitive Spiritual Perception, thereby through the volition of the Power-Stregth of the "spirit within", the "soul within", the human spiritual beings, "A Picture Without Words" (Weaving Ordinance Rancous Dispensation), would consequently be "created"!

PICTURES, And No sound or words!

The human spiritual beings" "frontal brain" takes over, this particular picture, and "seeks" to "describe" it, in "words", thereby "generating thoughts", which then "find" the apparent "expression" in "language" idioms.

In Truth, the whole process is very simple.

It is paramount for the human spiritual beings to know that, it is with the help of the "Solar Plexus", that the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, "makes" an "impression", on the very "bridge" availably provided for it, thus meaning, "impressing" a "definite volition", in "Power-Strength Waves", directly upon the "cerebellum" or the "small brain", the most "naturally, and norms authentic instrument", for this process as well as, for this very "purposeful usage", which immediately, "tranfers" or "passes on", whatever it "received", proceedingly towards the facility of the "frontal brain".

In the process of "transmission", a "slight change", through "consolidation", has already taken place, because the "small brain" (cerebellum), naturally in accordance with it"s norms of procession, would "add" something of it"s cerebellic normal nature, to it"s "content"!

The "Organic Instruments", right within the gross material earthly physical body of the human spiritual beings, of which are, at their "disposal", concerning "the spiritual works", just like the connecting links of a chain.

But all these "organic instruments", are "normally" and "naturally" in "service" of a "forming capabilities only" because they cannot "function" otherwise.

Everything "transmitted" to these "organic instruments", they "form" in accordance with their own peculiarly essential nature.

Thus, the "frontal brain", would invariably "take up" these "picture", which are being "transmitted" to it, by the "small brain" (cerebellum), and in accordance, in "conformation" to it"s somewhat "coarser natural norms, consequently and first of all, "compresses" them into "parochial" "narrower" conceptions of "space and time", thereby "condensating" them and bringing it"s very "contents", right into the "Ethereal World of Thought-Forms", which is of a more "tangible substance.

Proceeding next, the "frontal brain" consequently "forms", the "words", and the "sentences", which also through the "organic instruments of speech", is able to "penetrate", as "formed sound waves", right into "The World of Fine-Gross Matter", and there again, "producing" a norms essential worthy (NEW) effect, consequently brought about, by the very "movement of these waves.

Thus, the human spiritual beings" "spoken words" (Speeches), is invariably the resultant effect of the "pictures" beings "transmitted", through the "frontal brain"!

The latter (frontal brain), could also "directly divert", the course of the effect, towards the "organic instruments of locomotion", rather than the "organic instruments of speech" (Bocal cavity and Broca center), whereby consequently, "words" would directly be replaced, by "writing" or "physical action".

That is the naturally normal course engendering the activity of the "spirituality" of the human spiritual beings, in the World of Gross Matter, as "Scheduled" and "Willed" by the Creator, Almighty GOD!

It is the very "right path", which invariably would have brought about, right along it"s train", a very "healthy" (Hygienic Extension Annulling Life Threatening Hazards) and "subsequent development", in Creation, making it "utterly impossible" for the human spiritual beings to "Go ASTRAY" or "Letting Themselves Go, of "A Bad principle" which preceeds, almost simultaneous in every encountered proceedings!

The human spiritual beings however, have "voluntarily" abadoned the "course" prescribed for their ascent, through the tamperable constitution of their gross material earthly physical body.

The human spiritual beings have contumaciously "interfered" in the naturally normal functioning or working of "the chain", of their individual human spiritual beings "organic instruments", by making the "intellect as their "IDOL"

Thus, the human spiritual beings "concentrated" their whole "Energy", upon the "training" of the "intellectual faculty", in an entirely "one-sided" ascorbic manner!

Consequently, "the frontal brain", having "attained" the position as "the producer", is invariably "enforced" to "exert" or "impact" or "blow" itself, naturally and normally "out of proportion", to what exactly was precisely efficacious and pernicacious, of the other "co-operating", "organic instruments".

This according to pertaining norms, naturally "incured a heavy penalty"!

The "Uniform" and "Harmonious" Co-operation of the individual "organic links", was consequently "upset" and "hindered", and to the detriment of every and all "correct" and "right development".

The excessive "strain", to which the "frontal brain" alone is been sublected to, for thousands of years, consequently forced the development of the same "frontal brain", far beyond everything else, malignantly over-blown unequivocally.

This, however, "constantly curtailed", the activity of all the "neglected parts" which for the fact, of their "lack of use" and dormant, were consequently "bound" to "remain weak".

Fore-Most, among these "Organic Instruments", is "The Cerebellum", which is the "organic instrument" use and administer by the "spirituality"!

Thus, it consequently figures, that the "activity within proportion" concerning personally individual "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, "proper-ties", was not just "severely obstructed", but frequently would it be completely "cut-off", and "remains excluded!

The possibility of the "cerebellum" (small brain) in "acquiring" the "most excellent" and "appropriate", "proper intercourse" with the "frontal brain", is been buried, along with the "bridge" of "exchange-transmission", while a "direct connection" between the "spirituality" of the human spiritual beings and the "frontal brain" is "utterly" been made "impossible", due to natural and normal nature of the "frontal brain".

The "frontal brain" of the human spiritual beings, is absolutely "dependent", upon the full activity of the "cerebellum", the "small brain", to which it stands "deputizingly", next in "succession", in accordance with Almighty GOD"S Will (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light), in order "properly", with "appropriate tenure", "fulfill the tasks" assigned to individual human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane.

The very "specific quality" of the "cerebellum" (small brain), is fundamentally required or needed, by every individual human spiritual beings, in order to "receive" the "spiritual vibrations".

It is "impossible" to "circumvent" or "bypass" this instance, because the "functions" and work of "the frontal brain", is to "prepare" for the "transition" of "spiritual vibrations" right into the World of Fine Gross Matter, and which therefore, is of quite a different and of course, much coarser nature.

In the "premise of "one-sided cultivation", of "frontal brain" (intellect) lay the "Heredirary Sin", of the human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly surface, "against" their "CREATOR", ALMIGHTY GOD, or more precisely, against the DIVINE LAWS, which could only permissively, come into manifestation, through the "mis-appropriate" dis-proportionate, wrongful "appointment" of the gross material earthly physical bodily, "örganic instruments", just as in the entire Creation!

Through the "öbservance" of the correct appointment, automatic indication of the "straight" and "right", path of ascent to the "spirituality" of the human spiritual beings.

Just as it was, however, the human spiritual beings, in mischieveous malevolent ambitions and vainglorious conceit, had interfered considerably with the working of this "machinery" of "healthy activity", consequently singled-out a particular sectional part, and went ahead to "cultivate" this very "sectional part" especially while in "disregard" of all otther "sectional parts!

This was consequently bound to bring "mis-appropriation", "disproportion", and "stagnation", in it"s array of procession!

If it occurs that, the "course of natural" is thereby "hampered" in such a manner, that would enable, "diseases" and "failure" to "ensue" obligatorily, and which would inevitably be "quenched" with a final ending of "wild confusion" and "horrible collapse.

It is not only a question of the gross material earthly physical body, which is involved in this, but in the very "first place, it is the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, which is solely involved.

Through the interference.......... "emerge", the "unequal cultivation" of the "Two Brains"........ meaning that the "cerebellum" has been "suppressed", through "neglect", consequently in "the course" of thousands of years, and thereby the "spirit within", was greatly hampered, in it"s activity.

This consequently became the "hereditary sin", just because, the "one-sidedness" and the "over-cultivation" of the "frontal brain", is "hereditarily" passed-on, to each individual human spiritual Child-Beings, through gross material earthly "physical inheritance.

Thus, exactly from the "outset", it already becomes immensely "tough" and "difficult", for the "spirit within" human spiritual Child-Beings, in order to "awaken" and consequently "grow" more and more in "power-strength", so as to become very strong in developing process, because "the bridge", which is adequately od necessity for this very purpose, "the cerebellum", is consequently no longer, "so easy", to "Cross over", and it is most frequently, "completely cut-off"!

The human spiritual beings do by no chance possess the faintest clue of idea, what "an irony" and "strong censure", lay embedded in the very "expressions"........ "The Large Brain" (Cenral Nervous Entropy) and "The Small Brain" (Third Eye Orifice) which the human spiritual beings have consequently "created"!

There is "no indictment", in regards with the "transgression" of the human spiritual beings "against" DIVINE ORDINANCE, could be set forth, in a most devastating mannerism!

Tis precisely indicates, the "gravest" of the human spiritual beings, gross material earthly "wrongfuls" termed as "sins", because during the "wanton obnoxious contumacy", the human spiritual beings, had so in fact "mutilated" this very "Fine Organic Instrument", of their gross material earthly physical cloak or body, which is been meant to help the human spiritual beings, right here, upon the gross material earthly surface, which is consequently "unable" to "serve" the human spiritual beings, any longer, in the very manner, which The Creator, Almighty God Had Ordained for this, but instead, it must even "lead" the human spiritual beings, right into the "depths of destruction"!

In this very essence, for in instance, the human spiritual beings, had "failed considerably", rather to a far "greater extent", than the "drunkards" or those individual human spiritual beings, who "destroy" their gross material earthly bodies, through becoming "slaves of their passions!

In addition, the human spiritual beings, presently have the presumptions to expect the Almighty GOD, should in fact make HIMSELF, "Manifest" and "Appear" to them, the small human spiritual beings, in a manner, they only could "comprehend", within their "wantonly distorted" gross material physical bodies!

Even, right after, the human spiritual beings have just committed, such dreadful and awful sins, they would also make this "demands", if anything at all, such a thing as the "manifestation" THE CREATOR!

How thoroughly and joyfully, the human spiritual beings, could have "ascended" the steps to "Luminous Heights", in the normal, natural course of development, when and if the human spiritual beings had not so "wantonly interfered" with the "Work of Almighty GOD"!

In the future, the human spiritual beings, would possess "normal" and "norms naturally developed" brains, which would "work" with profound "unification" of "uniformity", and thus "support each other" harmoniously.

The "cerebellum", implied to as "the small brain", just for the fact that, "it is stunted in it"s growth", would invariably obtain tremendous "cooperative support" from the "spirituality", in order to "grow in strength", as it "attains", to it"s most "appropriate" Field of activity, until it "becomes", the same "proportion" to the "frontal brain", the cerebrum.

Only, after this, could there reign harmonious symphony again, and all that is "petrified", and "unhealthy", must "disappear".

Emphasis and adequate attention should be made by the human spiritual beings, concerning "the further consequences", involving the "false method of living existence", in the past days of ancient times.

The cerebellum, which is relatively much too small, makes it difficult, for the truly serious seekers of the present time, in order to distinguish between what is "genuinely intuitively spiritually perceived", right in "the spirit within the human spiritual beings, as to what is merely "feeling"!

It is already been cited out, from The Holy Grail Message, that "feeling" is "produced" by the "frontal brain"; and the "thoughts", which are invariably sent-out, most naturally "influence" the gross material earthly physical "bodily nerves" of the human spiritual beings, in such a manner, which in "reactions", the human spiritual beings had "forcibly" incite or goad the "frontal brain", to "undertake" to take part, and "indulge in imagination"!

Definitely, the imaginations consist of pictures, consequently "generated" by "the frontal brain", but are not to be placed, in comparisons, with "the pictures", which are "formed" by "the cerebellum", which conclusively stands under the "pressure" of the "spirituality"!

Here, are the differences between the very "mode of expression", belonging solely to the "intuitive spiriual perception", which are the "consequences" of "an activity" of the "spirits within" the human spiritual beings, and the pernicacious resultant effect of "feelings", that consequently "issues" from gross material earthly "bodily nerves".

Both produce "pictutes", between which the "ignorant" human spiritual beings, would find it almost or entirely "impossible" to "disseminate" in order to be able to distinguish, although they differ tremendously.

The pictures "formed" by the "intuitive spiritual perception", are basically "genuine", and "fully furnished" with the "living" Power-Strength, while the pictures of "feeling", i.e., "the imagination, consequently "produced" by the "frontal brain", are invariably "deceptive productions", with "borrowed" Power-Strength!

But these differences, very easily, could be brought to "detection of attention" by any individual human spiritual beings, who "advancely", would have come to the very understanding the knowledge of the "process of development" in Creation, as a whole, and would then come to "study themselves very attentively"!

In the instances of "intuitive spiritual perceptive" pictures, which norms naturally arise through the "cerebellum", which conspicuously "acts" as "bridge" or "Link", for the "spirituality within" the human spiritual beings.

These pictures manifest with instantaneous, effective, immediate "first appearance", and only thereafter, would these pictures be "transmuted" consequently in "thoughts", which then "suggestively" would "constipate" an "influence" upon the gross material earthly physical body!

And when it come to the instances of "pictures produced" by the "frontal brain", then this "process is reversed", because with concerns to the "frontal brain", the "thoughts" must "precede", in order for to be able to "form" the very "basis for the pictures".

All this, takes place, most automotive and so rapidly, that it almost seems, to be one and the same thing.

But just with a little practice, however, in "observation", the human spiritual beings, could very soonest "learn to discern" and "distiguish", the very normal nature of this very "process", precisely!

A "further consequence" of this "hereditary sin", is "presented", by the "confusion in dreams".

And just because of this fact, the human spiritual beings, could at present, no longer give that value to their dreams, which is "supposedly" really the due"s worth of these dreams.

The natural and normal "cerebellum", comportably influenced by the "spirituality" within the human spiritual beings would "undoubtedly" render "dreams", very "clear" and "unconfused".

This is to say, they would not be "dreams" at all, but viable "experiences", of the "past", of the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, "received" and "reproduced" by the "cerebellum", while "the frontal brain" rests "dormantly" in sleep.

The present Radiation of the overwhelmingly, "strong frontal" or "day-brain", however, consequently makes it"s demanding influence, felt upon "the sensitive cerebellum", even during the "night"!

In it"s present "weakend", and "slackened" entropy, the "cerebellum", "absorbs", the "strong radiations" of the "frontal brain", simultaneously, with the "experience" of "spirit within", "creating" a "mixture", just like a "double exposure", upon a "photoghraphic plate".

The consequent results are the "confused dreams" of the present!

The most "excellent proof", of this very "double influential exposure", is the "frequent appearance" in "dreams" of "words" and "sentences", which solely "originate" within "the activity" of the "frontal brain".

Only, the "frontal brain" functionally in accordance to the norms of it"s nature, "forms" words and sentences, because of the fact that, by it"s norms of nature, it is consequently bound to "space and time".

And just for this fact, the human spiritual beings are no longer, or atleast very inadequately "susceptible", and "completely lost" to "spiritual warnings", "instructions", through the "cerebellum", and human spiritual beings and are consequently far more "exposed", "un-protectingly to "hazards", which the human spiriual beings, could in fact otherwise have "deluded" through "the warning of spirituality" within the human spiritual beings.

Thus, bessides the "evil consequences" afore mentioned, there are many other sort of evil consequences, especially brought about, by the "interference" of the human spiritual beings with "The Divine Ordnance, because in reality, "all evil" proceeded only from this very "failure", so apparent and clearly visible, to every individual human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane of the present day!

This "failure" (Hereditary Sin) emanated as "the fruit of vanity", which consequently developed through the "appearance of woman in Creation.

If the human spiritual Male-Beings, certainly do not "wish" to be "lost", must definitely have to "tear themselves", away", from the pernicacious effective result of this "hereditary sin!

Normally, and Naturally, since the "Male" human spiritual beings, has to "take trouble" over everything, this is no exception!

The human spiritual beings in masses should and must have to "awaken", from this "slumbering comfort of indolence", in order to become atlast, "what" the human spiritual beings "ought to have been", right from the beginning, the very commencement, as noble human spiritual beings, "the ones who are bent on progressive, advancing, furtherance of Creation, as well as "the mediator" of THE LIGHT to all creatures of The Subsequent Creation!