MARIA Mother of Christ.


After the "Fall of Man", it became very apparent and a necessity for mankind to be saved from the impeding downfall, into the abyss of Darkness and ever be lost and never could find their way back into the Light Ray, into the Realms of the Spirit, (Paradise).

The "Savior" could only come from the "Love" of Almighty GOD, The Creator, Whose "Inborn" Son, Jesus Christ, who is the "Joyous Effulgence Supplication Unsubstantiality Salvation, coming down to the heavy gross matter as the "Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence" and dissipating the Love of Almighty GOD and also for mankind to step upon the path of a "Living Option Virtuous Existence" (Love) of GOD Almighty.

The necessity for Jesus Christ holds tangibly the significance of the deep rooted evil perpetrated by mankind through the "wrong principle" of Lucifer and thereby Darkness, which necessitates the coming down of an "Envoy" from the Luminous Heights, from Almighty GOD, The Father, out of "mercy" for the erring mankind.

Jesus Christ, who is the "Living Cross", chose to come down into the world of heavy gross matter in order to embark upon the Mission of Enlightenment for the "erring" mankind and for their benefit and through the blessing of Almighty GOD, and the "Radiation" of Queen Elisabeth, the primordial mother, the Queen of Heavens and the "Essential Light Incorrigible Substantiality Adamantine Bearing Effulgence Triad Harmony".

The earthly heavy gross material plain descent of Jesus Christ, acted as a token of a "Divine Grace" and "Blessing" for the erring mankind, in order for them to relish and cherish the profound Love of Almighty GOD, The Father, Who "sent out" a part of Him, as the "Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence", into the world of heavy gross matter, for the "salvation" of the erring mankind, who were in dire need of a savior, to set them free, out of the undergrowth entanglement dampness of the Darkness and from the wrong principle of Lucifer.

Jesus Christ "sacrificed" himself for the sake of the erring mankind, to descend in for the "hardship" of his Mission and of the heavy gross matter, for the liberation of the soul of mankind, in order for them to be able to adjust properly through the "message" from Almighty GOD, The Father, which was his Mission as the "Child of Grace" of GOD Almighty, which would also lead the soul of mankind upwards into the Luminous Heights, the final abode of the spirit of mankind, in accordance to the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The coming down of an Envoy of the Light, into the world of heavy gross matter definitely requires the "incarnation" and the "conception", into the world of heavy gross matter, both ethereal world of matter and the heavy gross matter, but in this case, an exception is made because Jesus Christ came down from the Luminous Heights, from the Divine Substantiality of Almighty GOD, and directly into the world of heavy gross matter, without having to go through the ethereal world of matter nor pass through the spiritual substantiality, he came but directly into the world of heavy gross matter from GOD Almighty.

Because of all these, Jesus Christ was not affiliated with the spirit of mankind upon the heavy gross matter, and therefore he was unable to relate to them spiritually, when he incarnated in blood and flesh.

The incarnation of Jesus Christ, the "Living Cross" of Almighty GOD, was preceded by an "Immaculate Conception", upon the heavy gross matter, between his earthly mother and his earthly father.

Thus, a profound attraction occurred between two souls of mankind and they came under the canopy of Love, the "Living Option Virtuous Existence", untarnished, without no blemish, just out of virtuosity towards one and another, which prompted this choice to be made in first place, chosen out of the midst of an earthly tribe undergoing tremendous hardship, at that time, upon the heavy gross matter.

And happened to be a "Jewish tribe of those days, during the reign of emperor Tiberius, of the ancient roman empire, who at that time subjected this Jewish tribe to hardship and slavery due to his tyranny and the despotic manipulation of the whole region.

The Jewish tribe were under the tyranny of the Roman tribe, who subjected and subdued them to tremendous hardship, which made the Jewish tribe call out to the heavens due to their tremendous suffering and hardship, which eventually led to the spiritual loyalty of the Jewish tribe, in form of prayers and petitions directed to Almighty GOD, asking and demanding daily for a savior, who will alleviate their sufferings and predicaments in the view of daily hardship.

As an answer to their daily prayer and petitioning to Almighty GOD, a messiah was sent to the Jewish tribe, they were granted the blessing of spiritual upliftment, which prompted for an Envoy of the Light to be incarnated in their midst, because they became the chosen tribe of Almighty GOD, due to their recognition of the true worship of Almighty GOD and their daily fervent prayers and petition to Almighty God, The Creator, to "alleviate" their daily suffering and daily predicaments, in the hands of the Roman tribe.

This reason gave the Jewish tribe at that time an uplift which brought them closer and nearer to the Luminous Heights and the consciousness of the soul to be open to the heavens and make the the chosen Jewish tribe of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

Jesus Christ was bound to be incarnated among this Jewish tribe, because they have provided the adequate fertile soil for Jesus Christ's incarnated physical body, to recognize and undertake the sacrifice promised by Almighty GOD for the erring soul of mankind, in order to save the soul of mankind, through the Message of GOD Almighty, in the Mission of his teachings upon the heavy gross matter.

The earthly heavy gross material Mission was meant to "dissolve" the evil perpetrated up till that time by the soul of mankind, in view of their total negation and the ignorance towards the Law of Creation and also the deployment and employment of wrong principle of Darkness, coming as a negligence and insubordination to the Light of GOD Almighty.

The descent of the Envoy from the Luminous Heights prompted an "immaculate conception", demanding the very "virtuous" of two "steadfast" loving attraction of two souls of mankind to carry upon the heavy gross matter, in order to pave the way for the "fertility" of the "Love", "Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence" to descend down into the world of heavy gross matter, directly from the Divine Substantiality, otherwise would it have been impossible for the Mission and also the incarnation of Jesus Christ to have been fulfilled and accomplished in order to save the erring mankind from their obvious downfall, out of a sacrifice, undertaken by the Light Envoy, descending directly and condescending also in order to fulfill this Mission, as it is the Will of Almighty GOD, out of His Omnipotent Mercy, towards all the creatures, in accordance with the Law of Creation.

The Jewish tribe at that time were the chosen tribe for this "immaculate conception" to take place, as at that time they were the most fervent in prayer and petition to the true worship of GOD Almighty.

In preparation for the coming of the incarnation of Jesus Christ,

two attracted couple, formed a union, under the canopy of Love of Almighty GOD, out of loyal deep rooted, inner felt attraction for each other.

Prior to this happening, and the meeting together of these chosen couple, the Roman Empire at that time had dominion over the Jewish tribe, because they were enslaved by the Roman tribe, and made to undergo tremendous hardship, which prompted Jewish tribe to be fervent in their worship to Almighty GOD, in order for their predicaments be alleviated under the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius.

Maria, Mother of Christ was an unassuming young woman of that time, when she went to fetch water at the well, where she was encountered by Creolus, who happen to be a Roman General, and had thirst and wanted also for his soldiers.

Maria, Mother of Christ was undaunted about Creolus being a Roman General, all she felt for him, was someone in need and suffering famish from thirst, because that was the exact nature of woman she was, so she opted to render a helping hand to Creolus and his dying soldiers, who were just from the battle of conquering territories for the Roman Empire.

Maria, Mother of Christ, served Creolus, the Roman General "water" from her water keg, enough to quench his thirst, and then she went ahead to quench the thirst of his entire entourage of soldiers, in spite of being enslaved into Roman Empire and she gave out profound tenderness and kindness to these soldiers and their General "Creolus", who undoubtedly was very moved by all these and fell in Love with Maria.

They both stayed together in the territory for a short while, before duty called and Creolus had to leave Maria before she learned that she was conceiving a child.

Maria and Creolus became very close affectionately in spite of the strain relationship between their tribes at that time.

Thus, Maria the Mother of Christ, did not see anything else but profound affectionate attraction towards Creolus, who also felt exact same way for her.

Their affair blossomed and led to the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ, because only out of immaculate Loving, could an immaculate conception happen or occur.

Maria never gave in to the strangeness amongst her tribe but she only portrayed kindness and tenderness towards Creolus, the Roman General, who fell in Love with Maria with a response of gentlemanliness which surpasses all levels of doubt out of profound Love for her.

Their relationship blossomed and became the talk of the town, just like the story of Romeo and Juliet, led to rumors among the Jewish tribe to rebuke Maria, which eventually led to their departure from the vicinity.

In her sleep, Angels came to Maria the Mother of Christ, and foretold her about the immaculate conception and her pregnancy, and that she was the "chosen One", to bear in her womb, the Envoy from the Light and that she should be prepared and not be perturbed because it a very Sublime Occurrence.

Meanwhile, Creolus had left the settlement and Joseph became a friend to Maria the Mother of Christ.

Maria took Joseph into profound confidentiality about her immaculate conception and pregnancy, and letting understand the "delicacy" of her situation with the involvement with the Roman General, Creolus, who had departed for duties in the Roman Empire but had gotten her pregnant out of profound Love of most affectionate attraction, towards one and another.

Joseph was able to understand, what exactly Maria stood for and at the same time wanted, and he stood firmly by her side as a "fatherly friend", to the oncoming Envoy from the Light of Almighty GOD, Jesus Christ, from the Luminous Heights.

Even with Joseph at her side, the rumors going around the settlement about Maria"s affair with the Roman General never died down.

Maria Mother of Christ became very close friend of Joseph as someone to count upon and disclosed to him about the visit of the Angels and the significance of her pregnancy, she was carrying, and that she was told she was going to be the mother of the Envoy from the Luminous Heights, from Almighty GOD, from the Divine Substantiality.

In the meantime, the word had gone out to "king Herod", who was told, that a "New King" is been born into the Jewish settlement.

King Herod became highly apprehensive to this piece of information, and told his guards to search for the baby and the mother, who had fortunately left the vicinity.

Time went by, and came the time when Jesus Christ has to be born and Maris Mother of Christ had to go into the "labor" of the infant she was carrying and about to deliver from her womb.

Upon that very day of Maria"s delivery of Jesus gn was utterly full, and there was no place to take Maria Mother of Christ, who was in labor but together came with Joseph, who had to lead into a quiet manger nearby, when it became too serious and at the verge of the deliverance of the infant Jesus.

They had to settle inside the quiet manger as a necessity, for the time was very close.

The shepherds were in the fields and in attendance, in order to witness the glorious event of the birth of the SUN, The Son of GOD Almighty, directly from the Divine Substantiality right into the world of heavy gross matter, without no spiritual intervention nor the ethereal world.

Jesus Christ was born to embark upon a Mission of saving mankind from Darkness, through the Message He brought to mankind form Almighty GOD, from the Luminous Heights.

It was a Holy Silent Night, and the Comet shone brightly right above the quiet manger where the infant was born short while ago, where Maria was and the infant Jesus, who was besought by the three wise men from the oriental, who brought wonderful gifts to infant Jesus, in form of Gold, Frankinscence and Myrr.

The three wise men had followed the glowing from the Comet to lead them to the quiet manger, where Maria was with newly born Jesus and Joseph, the fatherly friend, and nearby also were the shepherds in attendance, to witness the birth of the Light Envoy of Almighty GOD, born directly into the world of heavy gross matter from the Divine of Substantiality, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

After a short while, disquietude made Maria Mother of Christ and Joseph to leave the vicinity and went elsewhere farther away. They both left far away from the settlement, also away from the evil grasp of king Herod, who still felt threatened by every newborn.

King Herod had told his guards to kill every newborn in the Jewish settlement.

Maria Mother of Christ together with infant Jesus and Joseph decided to go far away from the settlement, away from the tyranny of Herod Agrippa.

Jesus Christ came to grow up, and His youth was not different from any other children upon the world of heavy gross matter in accordance to the Divine Law of Creation and the Will of His Father GOD Almighty.

Until the time Jesus Christ heard about the "baptism in the name of Almighty GOD" of John The Baptist, then He came to adulthood and realize to be fully aware of Who He Was.

The Jesus Christ went to Galilee and chose the Twelve disciples to deliver the Message of Almighty GOD, to twelve tribes of Israel.

Jesus Christ chose His disciples from the common lay men like the fishermen at sea.

Jesus Christ paid them a visit and embarked upon a day tour of the sea with these fishermen.

The weather suddenly became turbulent and their fishing boat was about to capsize form the wildness of the wind, and that was when Jesus Christ became aware of His inner strength, as the Son of GOD Almighty, by "summoning" the weather to calmness by praying to Almighty GOD, because the wild wind could definitely identify the Divinity within Jesus Christ, and this made the weather to become very calm and their boat stopped rocking from side to side, which invariably had saved the lives of these fishermen.

The fishermen became astonished about the event and fell at His feet,, in order to thank Him.

That was when Jesus Christ told them that He would make them "fishers of men", and chose twelve out of the which He called, His Disciples, as soon as they came to shore with Him, with all their praises and also thanking Jesus Christ for the miracle at sea.

Jesus Christ began His heavy gross world of matter Mission, by firstly choosing twelve disciples in order to go into the twelve tribes of the Jewish settlement, to "proclaim" the "Words" of Almighty GOD, to them, through the "Religion of Love", which is the "Living Option Virtuous Existence", because Jesus Christ is the "Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence" of the Love of Almighty GOD.

Jesus Christ, had heard about John the Baptist, and was why He went to him for His Baptism in the River Jordan, after which He decided to choose His followers or disciples from the ordinary lay men, the fishermen, who were entrusted with the going round the twelve tribes of Israel, for they were also twelve in number, to proclaim the "Words" of Almighty GOD, through the name and the Message of "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself".

And also that, "When mankind endeavor in going through their pleasure, they must refrain from hurting their fellowmen, who had reposed trust in them".

Just like the golden rule of "Do Unto Others, As You Want To Be Done Upon", which at the same time embraces the silver rule of "Do Not Do Unto Others, As You Do Not Want To Be Done Upon", under the canopy of the Love Religion of the "Living Option Virtuous Existence".

Jesus Christ most of the his lifetime had a congregation by the seaside of Galilee with Him always.

Jesus Christ often talked to multitudes at the beach side, in parables. He was telling and teaching them about the beatitudes. He told His believers to have faith in Almighty GOD, Who is their Creator, that He was going to ask Almighty GOD to send also to the erring mankind the comporter of truth, who will guide and lead them after His departure from the world of heavy gross matter, and that only the goodness and the kindness and tenderness towards one another would possibly bring enlightenment and procure a place for the spirit of mankind in the Luminous Heights (Paradise), the Realms of the Spirit of Mankind, now residing upon the heavy gross matter.

Who had fallen by the ignorant neglect of Love, because mankind stopped being good towards each other and this amounted to a life without a "Living Option Virtuous Existence", LOVE, instead their path upon the heavy gross matter was of a "vicious existence", through the neglect of the "Ten Commandment" and also through the lack of "Love", which directly upholds the guarantee of steadfastness of mankind couple upon the world of heavy gross matter, instead the soul of mankind had strayed way too deep into Darkness, through, the adopting and the adaptation of wrong principle of Lucifer.

The "prime" of Darkness, is the "damp" of Darkness, and this damp had intensified into the downfall of mankind up the point of "low returns", and the entire mankind was "doomed", because nothing else, could get mankind out of the "moody", and "sporadic" assailing depression, overcoming by the offered wrong principle of Darkness occasionally would "rear its head", only to after become so pronounced up to the point of "self destruction", "vindictiveness", "vanity", "conceit", and "deception" of mankind.

The kindness and the tenderness towards one and another was the only option out this disintegration, building up within mankind upon the heavy gross matter, and also only the Religion of Love could possibly save the erring mankind, to be able to pull them out of the dampness, Darkness with its wrong principle, had created for mankind through the neglect and ignorance of the Laws of Creation and the Will of GOD Almighty.

Jesus Christ during His lifetime upon the heavy gross matter, He was confronted and had to face a number of obstacles, all through His Mission and had to surmount all the persecutions and the temptations, rendered by Darkness in order for Him to fail in His Mission of Love for the erring mankind.

Jesus Christ had to "Rule Over" Darkness, by never "succumbing" to satan and his tricks, in order for the "Kingdom of Almighty GOD", to descend into the world of heavy gross matter.

During His Mission Upon the world of heavy gross matter, Jesus Christ performed a lot of miracles, which gave proof for His disciples to fully believe in Him and equally had sound faith in His teachings.

Just like the time Jesus Christ made the "blind to see", and also made the "lame to walk", and all of these miracles were performed in accordance to the Laws of Creation, and the Will of GOD Almighty, His Father.

Jesus Christ made it very clear, in His teaching, during His Mission, that the "Living Option Virtuous Existence", was His Message from Almighty GOD, and kindness was its base.

The kindness of mankind towards one another was what could possibly save the soul of mankind from the impending downfall, looming at the next generations and posterity, if they refuse to deviate from their evil and wrong principle of Darkness.

Jesus Christ was strongly persecuted and was made to suffer deliberately under the tyranny of Emperor Tiberius of the Roman Empire, who at that time started demanding heavy taxation, upon the Jewish settlement.

Most of the adherents of Jesus Christ, misunderstood His intention for political reasons, coming to liberate them solely from slavery, but they could not understand the spiritual reason behind His teachings and also for what it brings and represents.

They were the very mankind who hailed Him as "Hosannah", and were the same very ones who Jesus Christ to be "crucified", because they have terribly misjudged His position as the Son of Almighty GOD, and refrained from endangering lives of all creatures and His fellowmen.

The Jewish tribe of that time were under the rule of the Roman Empire and could only see Jesus Christ as their political liberator from the tyranny of the Roman Emperor Tiberius.

At the "Last Supper", Jesus Christ foretold His disciples about foreseeing His arraignment by Pontius of Pilate and the betrayal of Judas Iscariot and also the closeup denial of Peter, when he went under duress.

Jesus Christ was charged with "Treason", by His evil adversaries, and brought to stand fake trial, because He stood up for Love and Justice of all mankind and also because He refused to hit back at His aggressors.

Thus, these Jewish tribe totally misunderstood this for a weakness, because like the expected a leader who will send for chariots from heaven to descend and devour the Roman tyranny, for them.

Instead, Jesus Christ was later betrayed by Judas Iscariot and crucified by Pontius of Pilate, for the crime He never committed, hung among thieves, who continue makin mockery of Him, by asking Him to save them and Himself also from the "crucifix", in reference to His earlier teachings during His Mission upon the heavy gross matter.

The "Holy of Hollies" was torn into shreds, which marked the end to the Mission of Jesus Christ, Who brought the Message of the Religion of Love, the "Living Option Virtuous Existence", from the Luminous Heights, the Divine Substaantiality, directly down to the world of heavy gross matter, to mankind.

In addition to the Ten Commandment of Almighty God, Jesus Christ brought with Him, The "Eleventh Commandment", which states :--- "In Going After Your Pleasure, Endeavor Never To Hurt Your Fellowmen, Who Had Reposed Trust In You", since there is no reason for such!

During His Mission, Jesus Christ talked in parables full of wisdom in order to disclose and enclose the most important points of His Message of Love for one and another and the steadfastness of mankind couple upon the heavy gross matter.

When Jesus Christ departed the world of heavy gross matter, He went straight to His Father, Almighty GOD, in the Divine Substantiality, in the Luminous Heights, without no transitions whatsoever through the world of ethereal matter nor the spiritual Realms.

Jesus Christ went back, straight to GOD The Father, just as He Had earlier said when He was languishing under the sun upon the crucifix.

Before Jesus Christ passed-on at the Last Supper, He gave His disciples the "promise", that He was going to ask Almighty GOD, The Father, to send to mankind, the "Spirit of Truth", who Christ reiterated had always been with mankind, meaning the "Holy Ghost", to "comport", consult them through the "Holy Grail", and the "Cross of Truth".

Jesus Christ, during His lifetime upon the heavy gross matter, responded consequently to every antagonism He encountered most naturally in accordance to the Law of Creation, that stipulates the naturalness in accordance to the norms contained in the Law of Creation.

Jesus Christ lived a very normal life like any other mankind upon the heavy gross material plain, being a father also to His children and also Had a woman by Him at all times, that was faithful to Him, until the very last, when He had to pass away because of the cruelty of mankind and their evil expeditions upon the heavy gross matter, where ignorance and the negligence of the Law of Creation was very predominantly in rampart, to the detriment of the soul of mankind.

Judas Iscariot sold out Jesus Christ treacherous for "eleven pieces of silver", without knowing fully what the Darkness entailed.

Judas Iscariot divulged the secrets of Jesus Christ and pointed Him out, as their Leader, who goaded the disturbances, that took place at the temple to the henchmen of Emperor Tiberius, who had promised Judas a place in his Roman Empire as a reward for betraying Jesus Christ.

Judas Iscariot was the advocate of Jesus Christ during His "trial", and also being one of His disciples was close to Him, but He had other ulterior motives and intentions other than that of Jesus Christ.

Judas Iscariot had the imagination of the "deliverance" of the Jewish tribe from the tyranny of Emperor Tiberius, all the time in focus and totally got carried away politically in ignoring the spiritual significance of Jesus Christ.

Thus, his dubious self thought Jesus Christ was going to defend himself by sending for chariots in heaven, that was exactly Judas Iscariot had passing and saying to the Jewish settlement all along, when Jesus Christ was present and available, due to the fact he knows what miracle Jesus Christ could perform.

Judas Iscariot believed if Jesus Christ could wake the deeds, who also quake the deeds. But he was wrong. Jesus Christ could not call the heavens in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

Judas Iscariot was utterly wrong about this assumptions, because Jesus Christ had made very clear in His "sermons", that He would never hurt fellowmen, and that He brought the Message of the Religion of Love, during His Mission, from the Divine Substantiality, the Luminous Heights, at the "Right Hand" of Almighty GOD.

Jesus Christ delivered His instructions and Message from GOD Almighty in "parables".

Thus, Jesus Christ talked to multitudes at the seaside about : --

Parable of the Sower.

Parable of the Weeds.

Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast.

Parable of the Net.

These parables contain wisdom and knowledge and also a thorough enlightenment about the Kingdom of Heavens and the intricacies behind following the wrong principle of the Darkness in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

Jesus Christ descended down to the world of heavy gross matter from the Divine Substantiality of Almighty GOD, the Luminous Heights, sacrificially withstanding the density, in order to be able to deliver Mission of Love, as the "Living Cross", directly from GOD THE FATHER.