The dignity of leadership integrates through courage the countenance of humanity in heroic conformity to humility and simplicity in accordance to the Laws of Creation, through the "Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light of Almighty GOD. And the Rule of Queen Elisabeth, the primordial mother, the Queen of Womanhood and also above all, the Divine Substantiality yielding "Lifeness" of a "Virginal Origin"!

The consequence of the "Likeness" of the "True Image" of GOD ALMIGHTY.









The stagnation succumbed to "Slowness" and "Sluggishness" due to the cooling off.

World of Matter is both Ethereal Matter and Gross Heavy Matter. The ethereal world of material Leprechauns and the heavy gross world of material seeking chords designated in time reel space expansion of Seconds at 0.9 count into the reality of existence in the Al-quantor of the Existential-Quantor of the material manifestation of the Laws of Quantum Physics subject to the Laws of Creation through the Will of Almighty GOD.

Thus consequently into the Furthering Lake Assertive Motion Exertion of second counting into the reality of the Fibonacci 1.9846 as the quantum value of the calculus in the quadratic and simultaneously a disposition of Laws of motion, Newton"s deposition of atomic Law, principled in reality to the reciprocal attuned action together with the Law of Homogeneity of Species: "Do Unto Other As You Want Be Done Upon You" as the "Golden Rule".

And the "Silver Rule" which is "Do Not Do Unto Other As You Do Not Want Be Done Upon".

The Lepriconds and the Celliconds are evenly distributed through,






6. ETA.

7. IOTA.


9. ZETA.

10. KAPPA.

11. LAMDA.

12. MU.

13. NU.

14 PHI.

15. Psi.

16. Pi.


18. RHO.

19. SIGMA.

20. OMEGA.

and the celliconds are distributed further into the Central Nervous System:-

1. Voluntary Nervous System.

2. Involuntary Nervous System.

3. Endocrine Glands.

The Universe is distributed by Almighty GOD into:


2. DIOS.



The subsequent Creation is comprised into two worlds of Ethereal Matter and Heavy Gross Matter. In the world of heavy gross matter.

There are four forces of interaction involved with the maintenance, retaining, sustaining the World of Heavy Gross Matter (Earth).

The Strong Interaction of the atoms binds the nucleus to the atom and having the "Gluons" as the medium of the interaction.

The Weak Interaction is the path of decay, where everything is decayed and also having as the medium, the "W-Z Bosons" as the medium of interaction. the third force is the Electromagnetic Interaction, who is mainly concerned with the binding of the electrons to the atom and having the photons as the medium of interaction.

The fourth is the Gravitation force that is responsible for the overall evaluation of the three other forces, having the gravitons as the medium of interaction .

The most ethereal form of "Gluons" the medium of strong interaction due to their activity are the "Salamanders":- Strong Interactor.

The ethereal form for "Photons" the medium of the electromagnetic interaction due to their activity in the universe are the "Male Elves and Female Elves. These are the electromagnetic interactors.

The most ethereal form likened to the "W-Z Bosons" the medium involved with the weak interaction are the "Gnomes and Trolls". These are the decaying interactors basically due to their activity in the universe.

The ethereal form for the "Gravitons" the medium involved with the gravitation interaction are the "Sprites and Nixies" due to their various activity in the universe.

The wave compressed baseline is commonly called the cosmic microwave background . It is responsive as the "Rope", cascading later into "Threading" and later "currents".

Darkness is the original base point of all wrong principles. It runs as a shadow over the Light Rays" surface.

Shadow falls like a spell of murky shaal dampen ring of inflammable effrontery over the Light and duly distorting the phase expression of the Light surface. It is a manifestation projected at a shade-line reflection and transition upon the cosmic microwave background as a product of matter and it's antimatter.

Shadow is a manifestation of outward composition of the impression as the shade expressed right upon the surface, just as a reflection under an umbrella caused in relation to the object involved within the stream rays of the Light.

Both Gross Matter and Anti-Gross Matter. A shall-Low superficial association with magnetic reflection of the Light Rays.

It is trailing as waves, totally diminishing away when not been supplemented from electro photon absorption of the Light rays.

Particles are re-absorbed with the waves permeating as a shallow frequency from a parent reflection relatively projected to impudent

a diminishing into trailing and vanishing into re-absorption of the Light particles into anti-matter of the parent-matter, mirrored to retain

the original image particle of swiftness at an expenditure of a slower sluggish, lowered also into a state of reproductive or regenerating a virginal soothing state in reflection of the particles concerned to also collapse under lower temperature as the past port reception from the earlier entry of the "true image" through the electromagnetic resonance of the magnetic direction of the Light Ray particles within a "trickle" in the distance of the further projection as tantamount to shade's penumbra particle formation, coming as a natural consequence, forming also with the parent generic umbra particle around every material substance like a shroud of shadow whose elemental components are situated within spectrum of the "Sun Ray". The nature of the spectrum denotes the visible rainbow colors forming up from ----> "Infra Red" ------> "Ultra Violet" ---------> "X-ray" ------------> "Gamma" cascading and adjusted within the Heavy Gross Material Earthly surface.

At the boundary of the Ethereal World of Matter

At the "Dawn of Eve" of the Arch of Covenant, commencement started and beginning of the selection towards the human couple steadfastness with approach to existence of sex, female and male disposition in accordance to the Will of "GOD Almighty" through the Laws of Creation.

The arch of Covenant is the "Binding" between mankind and GOD Almighty . This Covenant is solely meant for mankind to fully understand the true meaning of "coupling", of "arching" into steadfastness in accordance to the Laws of Creation

Lucifer the "Arch Angel" ordained to give mankind the "Rope" and equally show them the true path to "thread" in accordance to follow the "Current" of the "Light Ray" and not of "Dark Current".

Lucifer gave the human couple, the wrong principle of "Temptation" and the action of "Letting Oneself Go", by not waiting for the human couple to come to recognition in the significance of the choices made in the application of "uniting themselves", in accordance to the Laws of Creation. The "Soul" of the animals came this "recognition of laws of creation they were able to "Cross themselves", within the principle of "Vertical" and "Horizontal", which represents the two sides of the "Living Cross", into the animistic world, by stepping hand in hand into the Arch of Covenant of Almighty GOD, in two's as a male and a female.

The biblical Noah's Arch augments the simultaneous ethereal occurrence of this "sorting" of the species most homogeneously within their steadfast obligation with the loyalty towards one another, whether be it animal or mankind.

The homogeneity of the species of the animal soul were in norms natural conformity with the stipulation of these "crossing" in accordance with the reproduction and regeneration of incarnation, providing opportunity of self assessment and improvement towards chastity and purposeful endeavor of all creatures in subsequent creation of World of Matter and also to enrich posterity ennoblement.

The second is too late for function of the first thought because the time keepers of the universe within the Ethereal World of Matter.

The second regulates the time scope within the reality exposure of the Heavy Gross Matter and the "Lepriconds" regulates the time space reality of the Ethereal World of Matter.

Sequent Creation: consists of the Isle of Roses, roseating in a ring of Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence, LOVE : a living option virtuous existence for all creatures.

The Isle of Lilies is of virtues in "Purity" and the Isle of Swans is also fundamentally of Justification and virtuosity.

The Subsequent Creation: consists of the Worlds of Matter, mainly the Ethereal Plains of Matter and the Heavy Gross (Earthly) Plain of Material substances.

After the "Fall of Man", both Worlds of material substances, Ethereal Matter and Heavy Gross Matter, became primarily plains of incarnation fodir souls of mankind to regain strength and soar back upwardly.

At the boundary of the Ethereal World of Matter, came the souls in direct descending projection, further down right into the

denser Matter of the Heavy Gross Matter with the intension and the desire or volition to descend voluntarily undertaken prior before their suspension also from the descent into the Animistic Rings of "God Olympus" and later down into the pltoain of "God Valhalla", with the helping hands and support of two "Fairy Mothers" in accordance to the Laws of Creation as the Will of Almighty GOD stipulates in order to accompany the "spirit-germs" during their journey downwards shortly after the "fall man" into the World of Matter as a direct consequence of their inability to come to consciousness and directly responsible to their immediate surrounding nature: i.e, that is to be directly immediately responsive to the recognition of God Almighty in their nature and be matured therein.

The Fall of Man necessitates the furthering and lowering down of the spirit-germs firstly into the Animistic Realms, where

two fairy mothers were waiting in attendance just as the souls of animals with the support of the Animistic Rings, lowered down

into the Ethereal World of Matter, the Spirit-Germs of Mankind.

The Animistic Realms acted as a transition between the Spiritual Realms and Worlds of Matter, for the souls and also the elementals, lowered down, into the Worlds of Material substances to mature and be accessible to more facilities for further development of the

elements and the elemental beings and also for the group of souls of the unconscious animals together with the unconscious individual souls of the spirit-germs Mankind into the Worlds of Matter, both Ethereal Matter and Heavy Gross Matter.

THE ETHEREAL Matter: consists,

1. The Fine Ethereal Plain.

2. The Medium Ethereal Plain.

3. The Gross Ethereal Plain.

4. The Fine Gross Material Plain.

5. The Medium Gross Material Plain.

6. The Heavy Gross Material Plain.............> Heavy Gross Matter.

In the World of Matter both the Ethereal Matter and the Heavy Gross Matter, where Lucifer was working in the dawn of time, before he had a volition and acted contrary to the Will of Almighty GOD in accordance with the Laws of Creation.

Lucifer put to test the steadfastness of the coupling of mankformind. Lucifer could not wait, with a supporting assistance, until mankind couple come to maturity and blend into the true essence of matrimony, into a harmonious symphonic union but instead, Lucifer set

snares which led to the principle of "Temptation", which certainly precedes the other principlke of "Letting Oneself GO".

Snares and Traps of alluring lustful ventures, in form of gifts and presents, as snakes given as fish and stones given as bread,

not until opened to see what is inside, shall it reveal exactly what it is. The principle of temptation had defiled the "manklind couple" and had split them into slavish servitude of selfishness and discontentment towards each other, up to the extent of dissatisfactory and disloyalty towards a common interest and goal.

In accordance to the Laws of Creation through the Will of Almighty GOD.

Lucifer ought to have given mankind couple "supporting Serving" which would have prompted supporting service towards one and another and complimentary attitude and true benevolence and responsibility through the "Worship and Recognition" of their purpose in Living within the auspices of the Worlds of Matter, in accordance to profound obedience to the Laws of Creation, which holds the

mankind couple in bound and also binding to the "Worshipping" truth of Almighty GOD, their Creator.

The Inner voice of the intuitive perception took a back row in all these because the intellect propounds its dominance quite clearly

in the Worlds of Matter , maintaining frequent leverage over the consciousness of mankind, setting distortional parameters to the contrary of Laws of Creation because of its limitation and earthbound inclination and tendencies.

The soul retain the mediumistic efficacy towards the spirit-germs of mankind in exchange relation in navigational exp.eriencing,

back and forth from the "Intuition of Perception" to the "Intellect" in orderliness of the spirit-germ concerned in order to

further their development within the World of Matter.

How the intellect works in conjuction with the intuitive Perception:

1. Intellect coupled with intelligence = Basic Instinct.

2. Intellect coupled with basic instinct = Excitement.

3. Intellect coupled with Excitement = Enthusiasm.

4. Intellect coupled with Enthusiasm = Imagination.

5. Intellect coupled with Imagination = Fantasy.

6. Intellect coupled with Fantasy = Idea.

7. Intellect coupled with Idea = Conception.

8. Intellect coupled with conception = Volition.

9. Intellect coupled with volition = Desire.

Every desire out of a strong volition towards a goal is transmitted both ways, "upwardly" and also "downwardly" through the medium of "thought forms", during moments of thinking, which and when the transmission is "upwards", would influence the intuitive perception of the spirit involved and when the transmission is "downwards", this would influence the intelligence of the intellect in question towards an accomplishment within the earthly heavy gross material sense.

The "intellect" being the "generative power" is the highest in the heavy gross material plain. The "deeds", the "words" and the thoughts are what mankind rely upon to facilitate their earthly experiencing on the heavy gross material plain, in order to live accordingly to the Laws of Creation. Mankind must heed to keep their thoughts, their words and their deeds or action, good always in accordance with the Will of Almighty GOD. When all three are kept clean of "wrong principles", then mankind shall be in conversant affiliation with the "intuitive perception" of the spirit of mankind, because the deeds and actions are emanations of the heavy gross matter, the words lay emphasis upon the model of their environmental surroundings with a linear lineage to the "medium and gross matter and the "thoughts" go far beyond into the "Ethereal World of Matter", where every thinking definitely becomes a deed.

When mankind thinks, it transforms it into words, and invariably into action of deeds as a manifestation of its ideals, volition and desire impressed upon the heavy gross material surface earth, this makes the thought a medium between

the spirit and the physical body, here on earthly plain. This makes the soul the intermediary in between.

The hearth of all the thoughts, when kept pure (loyal), would promote peace within the surrounding inhabited by mankind on earth and also would give a personal orientation towards adjustment during every predicament and natural obstacles in order to strengthen the spirit of mankind towards an upward soaring in the direction of the Light in accordance to the Laws of Creation. In compliance the ethereal world adjustment of the "Soul", the physical body owes majority of these to the intellect and also to the "norms-natural existential worthiness" of the "essential ratio adjustment of its intelligence as a prerequisite for personal quality towards the acquisition of personal "grace" as "bliss", pro claiming the sensitivity of a "new era" from the soul for the spirit of mankind.

In the Medium Gross Matter, the "workshop" of the "Elemental Beings", the "word" precedes the action or deed in order to proceed in weaving and shaping the surrounding environ of mankind on earth.. In the medium gross matter, the choice is deliberated towards "amalgamation" into "maturity", the two souls of mankind in order to motivate their spirits into consciousness of their "responsibility" in existence so as to possess the ability of consciousness which is "mobility", that takes them away from their initial "lair" of "non-responsibility" i.e; two legs provide a good mobility for the physical body.

Mankind require two legs to facilitate their movement around in attendance to their duties and obstacles on earthly surface. The physical body without no limbs would remain "immobile" and would not up to the task for all purposes until the limbs are back in operation again, if with special aid applicable.

The size of the soul is as big as a "thousandth of a pinhead". The function of the soul is to leap into the warp towards upliftment and to sojourn through the Worlds of Matter, both ethereal matter and the heavy gross matter.

The journey has been nothing but cumbersome and difficult for the soul, due to unilateral detention of the union between the two limbs in order for them to cooperate together in expiating in potentiality towards the common goal for the spirit of mankind.

In order for the spirit and soul of mankind to "unify" the complimentary parts into one single harmonious unit, in order to function as a sphere of compatibility of the human spiritual countenance, which is the "horizontal" beam and the "vertical" beam.

This is meant as to ennoble the natural mobility of the steadfastness of the spirit of mankind within its sphere; i.e; only two souls can occupy an orbital sphere within the spiritual realms. "

Just as with orbital electrons where only two electrons can occupy an orbit here on heavy gross material earthly surface plain.

The spiritual spherical compulsion mitigates every value of compliance to the resolve of its dominion capacitation to active and passive, vertical and horizontal, cathode and anode, ca-ion and anion of all matter.

This indicates the true value of all matter in cognizance to their capacity in real mobility of their spherical value.

The ejection out of the "Spiritual Realms" (Paradise), downwards enquires upon the search and recognition towards the fulfillment and acquisition of the steadfastness of "mankind couple", both "male" and "female", which is heavy densely seen upon the heavy gross material earthly plain.

The two hemispheres signifies a combination adjustment in order to coordinate a "double arch", single "orbital" spherical formation, in accordance to the Laws of Creation, that demands, the "right" and the "left", into a combination to the "I-center" formation, the "positive" and "negative" to turn into a combination of a "megative" formational spherical mobility, of the two hemispheres as "one unit", in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD.

Spiritual mobility is an adaptation out of the adjustment for two souls shortly after the "Fall of Man". Mankind came as far all the way down to the heavy gross matter, so as to "find" the "right" partnership, for the ascent back into the Luminous Heights, because then they are a complimentary unit back to the abode of the spirit of mankind (Paradise), after coming to consciousness and responsibility of their existence in accordance to the Laws of Creation, which vehemently demands the steadfastness of mankind couple and righteousness of loyal coupling upon the heavy gross material earthly surface, in order to gain strength of harmonious symphony together, which is paramount for their upliftment, out of the "dampness of darkness", that had overshadowed their souls with "wrong Principle" of Lucifer, who had mischievously lured mankind couple with deliberate snares and traps in order to destroy them, because Lucifer "despises" their unconscious irresponsible exposure, without support, instead Lucifer servitudes and enslaves their souls through the principle of "Temptation".

The "Rope", lowered down by the "Stream" of The Light of Almighty GOD, all the way down into the World of Matter by Lucifer, which was eventually taken over by "Amfortas", who was a "knight" at the last outpost of the "Grail Castle, who must also weave the "good threads" of ascent out of the "rope", for the benefit of the souls of mankind couple, in, order to pave their way back into the direct stream of the Light Ray of GOD which came only as far as "Valhalla" within the "Ring of Animistic Substantiality".

The Worlds of Matter, both the Ethereal Matter and the Heavy Gross Matter are "interwoven" into one, except for their "constituencies" are different from each other, which means that the "material particles" differ from one another.

Everything visible under the naked eye the strongest microscopic lens are still part of this world of Heavy Gross Matter, and possesses the tendency of even getting denser, as the density gets further, right into the "densest of dense in the "deepest of depths", in the World of Material substances.

Just as mankind couple is unable to penetrate the "Highest of Heights" , are also unable to penetrate the "Deepest of Depths".

The Ethereal World of Matter is right inside Heavy Gross Matter, "tightly interwoven", "invisible", "un-seeable", to the naked eyes of mankind couple.

Both Worlds of Matter, Ethereal Matter and Heavy Gross Matter are presumably the same, made up of "particles", where "High Rope Genes" occupy and participate very strongly towards generation in this part of the material world of Heavy Gross Matter, where the manifestation is a cascade downwards into layers of "Plasma", "Gaseous", "Liquid", and "Solid".

Plasma possesses no definite form, unless contained, just same way as it is contained and retained in the blood.

The composition of the blood is maintained and sustained with a fifty percent plasma and the other fifty percent is water, given the blood composition, the compound molecules of "plasma + H 2 O".

The deoxygenated blood possesses the blue color while the oxygenated blood has the red color.

Since everything is interwoven into each other, both the Ethereal Matter and the Heavy Gross Matter, it is quite clear that plasma is a preceding "link" from the Ethereal World of Matter, through a sort of "mezzanine" from the Ethereal World of Matter, into the Heavy Gross World of Matter and vise versa.

Plasma can also be found in the "sun" and the "neon tube lightings", right here upon the earthly surface in conformity with daily earthly physical experiences, being the first of the four stages of matter, upon the Heavy Gross Matter.

Four stages of matter comprises of "plasma", "gases", "liquid" and "solid" states of Heavy Gross Matter,

The two Worlds of Matter both the Ethereal Matter and the Heavy Gross Matter are "Worlds of Trickles".

They both stand out of the "direct" stream of the Light (Life Infinite GOD"S Holy Transmission) of Almighty GOD, which stops at "Valhalla", The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, and streams back up from there, upwards.

The Ethereal Matter and the Heavy Gross Matter, being "worlds of trickles", require "external warmth", in order to "warm them up".

The elemental beings, mainly the "elves" male and female, the "gnomes" and the "trolls", the "nixies" and the "sprites", and the "salamanders" and the "sylphs", these elemental beings "cooperate" to perform the tasks of warming up the two worlds of matter from the outside, from Valhalla, the turning point of the Light Ray of Almighty GOD.

The elemental beings of "fire", "air", "water", and "earth", all combine in unison to the "warming up" of worlds of matter, both ethereal matter and the heavy gross matter together.

The Ring of Animistic Substantiality is the "Turning Point", of the "Direct Stream" of the "Life Infinite GOD"S Holy Transmission", The Light of Almighty GOD.

The curvature point, at the "turning-point", made way for the "trickles", be "launched" out of the main and direct stream of the Light Ray of Almighty GOD, on its way back to the "Source", Almighty GOD.

The Ring of Animistic Substantiality is that "Turning Point" of the "Direct Stream" of the Light of GOD Almighty.

The Ethereal World of Matter is a "trickle world", so also is the World of Heavy Gross Matter, both requiring the outside influence of the elemental beings, to furnish warmth both from inside and outside..

There are four states of matter, which is also applicable within the ethereal world of matter and also remain the same for the world of heavy gross matter, only in "constituency", do they differ from each other, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

The two worlds, exist totally within different constituencies but both possesses the same four states of matter, both in the beyond and here upon the heavy gross material earthly surface plain, in manifestation of a precipitation towards a condensation of the "evidence", imprint (Heavy Density) of the "preceding" Ethereal World Matter occurrence of its four states of ethereal matter happening in the ethereal beyond form and similar four states of matter is equally represented heavy gross materially upon earthly surface plain, interwoven right into each other, just as the "umbra" and its "penumbra", just as an "object" and its accompanying "shade".

The soul resides in the ethereal beyond and simultaneously in the physical body upon the heavy gross matter, then it remains nothing but egoistically, a ghost of the ethereal matter in the beyond, until the transitional period of a break-away of the uniting aura, from the physical body, upon the heavy gross material earthly plain, which up till that time, the physical body acts as an insulator to every consequential retribution, in order to possess enough time of thinking before acting, so as to be able to adjust to the adaptation of the Laws of Creation, in accordance to the responsibility of the soul towards both the physical body and the spirit of mankind alike, in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD, just because in the ethereal matter of the beyond, every thought becomes a deed.

Firstly, the vase line of the world of matter is located at the summit of the ethereal world of matter in the beyond, with a replica, in a downward cascade as a base line of the photosynthetic, chloroforming, photonic manifestations as a carbon copy and similarities of same happenings in the ethereal matter of the beyond, where the ego / ghost, takes on and goes on further as a soul, after transition from the heavy gross material earthly plain.

It is a general knowledge that when a limb out of the physical body is no longer there, the ethereal part of the limbs, would still be felt, here upon the heavy gross material plain earth and the blind could still be able to visualize there surrounding through their thought formation which they gather along the line in order to comprehend there environment, through their nearest and closest encounters within their immediate habitat.

Every wound and disease here upon the heavy gross matter, earth, then has its origin right from the ethereal matter of the beyond.

If at all, there would be a comprehensive healing for every wound and disease upon the heavy gross material plain, the profound healing, magnetically would begin from the ethereal matter of the beyond, of the wound and disease.

Hereditary wound and hereditary diseases, would be tackled ethereally for a pernicacious (desired-effect) and efficacious (required effect), results of corrective amendment and also impeccable adjustment for hereditary cure as a profound healing magnetically for the soul of mankind concerned, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

Matter is that substance which gives both ethereal material forms and heavy gross material forms within the subsequent creation and they are both also in trickle manifestation within the existential condensation of all the elements, into the two material worlds, basically the ethereal form of matter and the heavy gross material form of matter, which forms the alquantor of the atomic density straight into the heavier density of the existential quantor, that as gulf between the Light Current and the current of Darkness.

The Worlds of Matter is the "gulf", between the Light and the Darkness, and only upon these two worlds of matter, could the "wrong principle" of Lucifer manifest its dominion right upon mankind couple upon the heavy gross material earthly surface plain, where the Light Current and the Current of Darkness, dwell side by side, permissibly up the point of hindering the natural course of events, in contrary to the Will of Almighty GOD, and also not in accordance with the Laws of Creation.

Matter is that substance which gives form, but liable to decay and also go into disintegration, in order to regenerate and become refreshed and ever renewed perpetually in accordance to the Law of Diminishing Returns and Recreation, in order to "regenerate" and become "anew" again, in accordance to the Will of GOD Almighty.

Matter provides the much needed insulation for the mankind couple against direct rays of the Laws of Creation, most especially, the Law of Reciprocal Action together with the Law of Homogeneous Species, in order to facilitate much given opportunity for the soul of mankind couple, so as to muster their activities for them to be channeled towards a good path and towards the Luminous Height (Paradise), the final abode of the spirit of the mankind couple.

Matter being in trickles, is in four stages of "plasma", "gases", "liquid" and "solid" forms, which are liable to decay and regenerate again in order to become anew and fresh for a new beginning in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

The soul of the animals emanates from the Ring of Animistic Substantiality, lowered downwardly to grow in the ethereal world of matter and later to develop upon the heavy gross material plain, together with the elements of "fire", "water", "earth", and "air". These elements also in different constituency belong also in the ethereal world of matter, who in turn, are being prompted by the little elemental beings of "elves" male and female, "sprites" and "nixies", "gnomes" and "trolls" and "salamanders" and "sylphs", from the Ring of Animistic Substantiality.

The soul of the mankind couple acts as a medium between the spirit of mankind and the physical body of mankind, in order to be able to fully operate and undertake every occupation required of the spirit of mankind, here upon the heavy gross matter in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD and the Laws of Creation.

The elemental beings prompted fire, water, air, earth, and the soul of animals, which the soul of animals the fifth of the elements. The sixth of the elements is invariably the physical body of mankind.

The spirit of mankind is at present submerged right into the fifth element, called the soul of animals, where the spirit of mankind continued and ennoble it to the physical body of mankind, that was after the soul of animals had attained the apex, which then enabled the spirit of mankind to come in to develop the physical body of mankind from the embryo later into foetus, the exact period when the soul of mankind begin to grow into a child. The foetus is an extension out of the sanctity of Rings of Animistic Substantiality, adjusted in adaptation by the spirit of mankind and vise versa also their needs upon the heavy gross material plain, for their demands and utility engagements and also for their existential accomplishments here upon the heavy gross matter.

The physical body of mankind has to develop firstly in the womb and begin growing, only after the heavy gross materially earthly birth, while the animal soul, firstly grows and also only could develop after heavy gross material earthly birth, in accordance with the Laws of Creation.

The fifth element coordinates and cooperate with the four other elements in education, co-existence, with the rest, right here upon the heavy gross matter, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

The elemental beings, mainly the salamanders and the sylphs, the gnomes and the trolls, the elves, male and female, and the sprites and the nixies, all combine under the auspices of the "Lord of The Elementals and the Elements", "Mercury", for expedite and expiate undertaken with executions of all conditions and its "entropic enthalpy", within the two worlds matter and progressively with all alacrity and vigor to their tasks towards assistance and support for the spirit of mankind.

The physical body of mankind, thoroughly combines with the other elements and the animals, here upon the heavy gross matter. The physical body of mankind needs to rely upon nutrients in the combination of "vitamins", "biotin", "zinc", "copper", "frolic acid" and "amino acid" as "nutrition", in order to "metabolize" and maintain an equilibrium of mental and physical health homeostatis for sustainable and maintainable existence upon the heavy gross matter.

The soul of mankind initially sank further, from the ethereal world of matter, into the heavy gross matter, in order to become "mature" in their "responsibility" towards consciousness, of the "Recognition", of the "True Worship", of GOD Almighty, in accordance to His Will and the Laws of Creation.

Nature lays much required emphasis upon "responsibility", out of "maturity", which is the fundamental factor towards any spiritual consciousness of the soul of mankind couple, in order to "soar" upwards, back into the direct stream of the Light Ray of Almighty GOD.

Spiritual consciousness is the only conscientiousness which paves the way back to the Luminous Heights (Paradise), the Realms of the Spirit of Mankind.

The Worlds of Matter, both the ethereal world of matter and the heavy gross world of matter, play significant key role in the resolution of mankind upon the world of heavy gross matter and also in the world of ethereal matter, where the fact remains that of these two worlds, possess similarities, which makes it possible for the souls of the mankind couple could "incarnate" initially and later "re-incarnate", for the possibility of making back to the Luminous Heights.

Matter is that substance which gives form and liable to disintegrate in order to become anew and begin with a fresh start.

Matter, ever building up, disintegrating, decaying and becoming ever anew with a fresh start in accordance to the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

