Numerous "Readers" of The Holy Grail Message, have not yet clearly "envisaged" to themselves, "The Gradations", right between "The Primordial Beings", "The Created Beings", and "The Developed Beings".

Within, many conceptions therefrom, everything still appears to be "markedly" confused.

And yet, it is all quite simple!

This "disorder", could possibly only "arise", just for the fact that, the human spiritual beings, have "confused" or "misconstrued", this expressions "somehow", "somewhat", and invariably pays inadequate, insufficient attention to the "strict boundaries" Existing, right within this "subject".

And just because of this very "reason", it would be best, when the human spiritual beings simply "imagine" Creation, just as it has been "explained" to them, so far, with "The Gradations", rightfully as follows: -




And "justifiably", it could also be described as: -




In going about this, the "thought" quite "norms naturally happens that "The Primordial Beings" are right within "Primordial Creation", "The Created Beings", right within "Creation", and "The Developed Beings", right within "Subsequent Creation".

These are actually "not" wrong designations, if it is the desire, to describe, The Whole of Creation, right within "Big Outlines" only.

When dealing with the "subject", more closely, however, the "division" must be more "precise" and "extended", even further, albeit this "changes" nothing, right within "the basic fundamental expressions.

Right within a more "accurate explanations", there also "occur", numerous "intermediate steps", which could never be avoided, whenever a "picture without gaps", is to be dissipated or given.

Currently, a refrain is exercised, not to mention, "The Substantiate Part", just for the fact that, whatever is "Substantiate", is present, right within "All Parts" anyway; except to mention that, right between "The Spiritual Part", and "The Material Part", there "exists" A Big Layer, of "Special Kind of Substantiality", (The World Of Animism, The Animistic Realm) which, however, need not be "regarded", as "A Part Of Creation, right within "itself"; because right within it"s "Activity", this "Layer" of Animistic Realm, "serves primarily" in order to "promote movement", thus in order to "generate heat", and consequently "Form" The Material Worlds; and therefore, does not, right within "itself", Form a "distinct", Part Of Creation.

This animistic level does not need to be mentioned as a part of Creation, but as a species of Creation, which through setting into motion and forming, belongs to the material part of Creation.

It is with special purpose, the foundations of Creation as had far been explained, is been spoken about once again, for the fact that the explanations about this, have not finished by a long chalk, and gradually through the Lectures, must stretch everything so far, much more further even, has it had been done, bit by bit already.

This consequently necessitates, inserting new sectors, of that which had been explained and illustrated in the past, thus extending the general view of mankind, because to have stated everything at once, would consequently have been too much for the understanding and comprehension of the human spirit!

Even with this method as prepared through the Holy Grail Message, the human spiritual beings would require all their strength, in order to be able to fathom a knowledge of it, in order to utilize it, to some extent their own!

Presently, nothing would be spoken about "Primordial Creation", "Creation" and "Subsequent Creation", but basically, and simply about "The Primordial Spiritual-Part", "The Spiritual-Part", and "The Material-Part".

Then the human spiritual beings could no longer "confuse" everything so easily!

The Holy Grail Message made mention of all the designations, possible for this, so that they may be utilized for stricter distinction and the divisions of the gradations.

Gradually, they shall "penetrate" to the knowledge of the human spiritual beings, ever more clearly and definitely, and also in spite of their "comprehensiveness", they must no longer cause any confusion!

But as foremost and the strongest in Creation, there stands "The Primordial Spiritual-Part" of Creation.

This consists of "two basic sections".

The Upper-most, "highest section" of The Primordial Spiritual realm, which carries the "actual" Primordial Beings, who "immediately" or "instantaneously" came into "Life-Existence", as "fully matured", right from the "Radiations of PARSIFAL", and did not "require" or "need" any "development".

This very section reaches as far as "VASITHA", whose activities lay solely at the "boundary" downwards.

The "second section" of this Primordial Spiritual Realm, holds the section of the "Developed-Ones" right within this Realm.

Therefore, "Children" are to be "found" there, right upon this plane for the first time, which do not appear within the "Upper Section"; because "Children" could possibly only "exist", where "development occurs".

But, both sections, however "possess" The Primordial Spiritual in "Common"

Only the uppermost section can be called "Primordial Creation", in the right sense, and only The Primordial Spiritual Beings, dwelling right therein, can be considered the "real" Primordial Beings.

With this explanation, the knowledge concerning Creation is stretched out a little, for the better understanding of the human spiritual beings dwelling within the Subsequent Creation!

It cannot therefore be mentioned of a "Primordial Creation" reaching down as far as "Patmos", as it had been done in the past, fr the sake of greater simplification.

But to be more strict, it must already be spoken of, a Primordial Creation, which is "uppermost" and which "manifested" into existence in "Full Maturity", and also of a "developed" Primordial Spiritual Creation, "following-up" the "first", while both sections, together "form" The Primordial Spiritual Realm or The Primordial Spiritual Part of Creation.

The Primordial Spiritual or the Primordial Spiritual Realm is therefore "the great collective designation", for the "uppermost part" of Creation, considered as a "species of Creation", whereas the designation "Primordial Creation" in a stricter sense, applies only to the "highest part" of this Realm.

If the wish is to penetrate further into the knowledge of Creation, then the Primordial Spiritual and the Primordial Creation must not be taken as one conception, as has been done in the past.

It is true, Primordial Creation is Primordial Spiritual, but there is also a "world of development" in the Primordial Spiritual, which stands below Primordial Creation proper and, connected with the latter, they both form the Primordial Spiritual Realm, where there are consequently "Primordial Spiritual Primordial Beings, who were immediately able to be fully matured, without any "transition", as being the "strongest" and most "powerful ones"; and then following are the "Primordial Spiritual Developed Beings", who must begin their life existence as children.

The first section, Primordial Creation, comprises of three "principal" steps or planes.

The second section of the Primordial Spiritual Realm contains four steps or planes.

Consequently, there are seven basic steps, which are again divided into many sub divisions.

This Primordial Spiritual Realm comprising of so many sections is followed by the great "Spiritual Realm".

The Spiritual Realm is not perchance a weaker species, issuing from the Primordial Spiritual, but a species "alien" to the Primordial Spiritual, which however, is really "weaker", and therefore needs a greater distance form the "Primordial Light", in order to be able to form and in part, to become "conscious".

Therefore, it sinks down further, in order to be able to form a "Realm", at a greater distance from the Light; however, it has no share in the Primordial Spiritual, but exists by itself.

Mankind must at least know so much about Creation, as to be able to adjust themselves to the Lawful swinging, which will uplift them and lead them along, or which in destroying them, flings them as chaff far out into disintegration.

The swinging is intensified at present for the purpose of the great purification, and is carried by the Omnipotence of Almighty GOD.

It therefore irresistibly forces each creature to swing along harmoniously or to perish in the wild pain of the most boundless despair, which as a consequence of wayward contumacy, arises out of hopelessness, brought about by a final recognition, that it is on the wrong path, and has no prospect of turning back.

For this reason, mankind must seek to assimilate the Knowledge of the Truth, which grants them support and leads straight to the goal.

If mankind look around them, in an alert manner, they can immediately recognize the fact that they really have the "Word of Truth" in the "Holy Grail Message"; for their entire life existence on earth in the past, as well as the new experience of every moment, outwardly and inwardly, will become absolutely clear to mankind as soon as they illuminate and regard it from what the Holy Grail Message contains.

But let us return to Creation.

The Primordial Spiritual Realm is then joined by the Spiritual Realm.

The Spiritual is to be considered as a different species and not as a weaker residue of the Primordial Spiritual.

After crossing the boundary, at a certain distance from the Light, the boundary necessary for the possibility, to form the Spiritual, there also come into "immediate" existence, in the Spiritual Realm, without any "transition for development", fully matured spirits, which must be called "Created Beings", in contradistinction to the Primordial Beings in the Primordial Spiritual Realm.

Thus, the Created Beings are the strongest and the most powerful in the Spiritual Realm, similar to Primordial Beings in the Primordial Spiritual Realm, which was already able to form itself earlier.

And just is previously in the Primordial Spiritual Realm, there is also a second section in the Spiritual Realm, in need of development, and where there are consequently children in addition to those, who have matured through development.

These two sections together form the Spiritual Part of Creation.

This Spiritual Part is then again joined by a large ring of very special animistic species, "enclosing" the Material Part, "affecting it", "penetrating it", "moving it", and thereby bringing heat and forming.

The Material Part of Creation in turn also has two sections.

The first part, is the Ethereal Matter, which forms "immediately", through the influence of the animistic, because it can easily be penetrated.

The second part is the Gross Matter, which must first, owing to its greater density, go through a process of development, with the help of the elementals.

Naturally these two basic sections also fall into many sub-divisions.

Each section of the species of Creation splits into many planes, of which each individual plane is again so "multiform", that it appears like a huge world in itself.

The Created Beings do not immediately follow the Primordial Beings of the Primordial Spiritual Realm, but first the "developed" Primordial Beings in the lower part of the Primordial Spiritual Realm, which form a big "intermediate" step.

Only thereafter follow, as the "uppermost" in the Spiritual Realm, the Created Beings, which are not Primordial Spiritual, but Spiritual, as an entirely different species, which are then again followed by the Developed Spiritual Beings.

But from there, it is still far, very far away from the Worlds of Matter, before which there swings the ring of the special kind of animistic powers, which must be emphasized upon because they work with mankind very closely and mankind could not remain in the Worlds of Matter without their help.

Without this help, mankind's development would also be impossible.

Mankind would have to remain "spirit-germs" with the burning desire to be able to become conscious through the Grace of Almighty GOD, of the Only ONE, of ALMIGHTY.

However, with the abnormal contention that mankind must come within the realm of saga and legend, because mankind blocked the ability to see and hear the elementals, mankind disdain to give thanks, for the necessary activity, of those always ready to help, from the animistic ring around the Worlds of Matter.