Just as, it has bee mentioned: At the desire of the human spiritual beings, are they consequently allowed to wander through the Creations, thereby becoming or awakening into "self-consciousness, but in so doing, the human spiritual beings, must abstain from "causing harm and injury" to other human spiritual beings, in order to "satisfy" some personal "desire"!

There is nothing in Creation, the human spiritual beings would not be allowed, to "enjoy", in the very sense in which, Creation dispenses it to the human spiritual beings, i.e., exactly for the same purpose, as that, for also exacttly which, it was developed.

However, the human spiritual beings do not khow the actual purpose of so many things, and erroneously commit many "excesses", which are bound to bring "harm and injury", instead of benefits.

Thus, the very "desire to taste", "to get to know and "enjoy", would often increase, until it becomes a "propensity", which would finally, consequently keep, the human spiritual beings "enchained'", and very "quickly enslaves", their "free volition", so that, through their own efforts, they consequently became "servants" instead of "masters"!

The human spiritual beings should never let themselves be "subjugated" through "the act of enjoyment", but "only" to endeavour and take "what is necessary", in life-existence on the gross material earthly plane, for the "maintenance" and "development", of the "good things" entrusted to the human spiritual beiing.

The human spiritual beings "hinder", all and every development, by "excess", no matter whether the physical body or the soul within, is involved.

Just as the human spiritual beings would "hold-up" things, through excess, so also through negligence or "imperfection" (incompletion)!

The human spiritual beings "disturb" the great Almighty GOD-Willed, sort of developmeent.

Everything, which the human spiriual beings, presently wish to do with "the best volition", in order to adjust, and compensate for such "mistakes", consequently remains nothing but "patch-work", leaving traces of "repair", which do not look nice, and wwhich can never be the same, as one "uniform" and "unpatched" work!

The "fulfillment", in the "Promise" that: "everything must have to become natural, new", does not contain the "sense of remodelling", but rather of forming, "anew" naturally, everything, that has been "distorted" and also "poisoned", by the human spiritual beings, after, their "collapse".

And as, there could be nothing, which has not yet been "touched" and "poisoned" bu the human spiritual beings, in their "conceit", consequently everything must collapse, in order, afterwards to become "new" and "natural" again!

But, however, not in accordance with the volitions of the human spiritual beings, as hitherto, but strictly in accordance to The Will of Almighty GOD, which has never yet been "understood" by "the soul within" human spiritual beings, which has "begun to decay", through "contumacy".

The human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly surface, has "touched everything", created by The Will of Almighty GOD, but they have not recognized it, as it should have been, the very "task" of every human spiritual beings to involve in.

The human spiritual beings in their presumptuous imagination, about being the "master", consequently "touched" everything, but thereby, "only devalued" and "soiled all purity"!

What do the human spiritual beings, in reality understand, from the conception of Purity!

What have the human spiritual beings already made of the "boundless sublimity" of true purity, in their "attrocious pettiness!"

The human spiritual had "dimmed" and also "debased" the conception of "purity", dragging it down, right to their own low and dirty cravings, where-in, the human spiritual beings no longer kmows "the intuitive perception" of their "spirit within", but only to follow the parochial, superficial limitations of their "feelings", which is produced by their "intellectual faculty" through the "retrospective" effect of their "thinking".

But in the future, the "feeling" shall once again become Loyal out of purity.

The feeling in relation to the "intuitive perception", is exactly what the "intellectual faculty" should become, in relation to "the spirit within" the human spiritual beings - a tool for the outward activity of gross material life-existence!

Presently, however, the "feeling" has been very much "debased" and "dragged-down", to be the "implement" of the "intellect", and has consequently become "dishonored".

In the similar way, just as the "spirit within" that "bears", the "intuitive perception", with which to express it"s natural working nature, has already been "forced down" and "fettered", by the "hereditary sins" of "intellectual domination", so also "the coarser feeling", conseqquently produced by the "intellect", was "simultaneously" and "automatically" bound to "triumph" over the "loyalty out of purity", of the spiritual intuitive perception, "suppressing" the latter, and "cutting-off" from the very possibility of naturally wholesome working in Creation!

In the natural course of things, a single fault, is that which, consequently brought the other in it"s train.

Thus, it is like that, at the present in that particular instance, the human spiritual beings must consider themselves holding only "lead" in their hands, instead of "gold", without realization of this error, imagining this "lead" to be "gold", although the human spiritual beings no longer possess any knowledge, whatsoever of "pure intuitive percepetion".

However, as "the spirit within" the human spiritual beings must be "rightly-balanced" or "justly-stabilized" and connected with the intellect, i.e., "the spirit within" dominating and leading, and the intellect becoming as an "implement" serving, preparing the path and also bringing about possibilities, for carrying the volition of "the spirit within" the human spiritual beings, into effect, in the World of Matter, so also must the intuitive perception, at the very same time, have a "leading" and "animating" influence, while the "feeling", consequently in "following" this very "lead", invariably "transforms" the activity, into gross material.

Then atlast would "the feelings" also very so on and speedily, "take-on" nobler forms, quickly effacing, by it"s effectively "upward-soaring", all the "wretched moral" breakdown, in "conceptions", which could only arise, out of the "domination", presently of "feelings"!

If the activity of the "feeling", is "guided" by the "intuitive perception", all thinkings, doings and deeds are "filled-up" with "consistent beauty", "balance" and "ennoblement".

There is never any "desiring", only "the sacred" wish "to give"!

This must be taken to heart by the human spiritual beings, in all things, including "marriage" and "Love" (Living Option Virtuous Existence)!

With the short-sightedness of the human spiritual beings and superficially parochially minded attitude, the human spiritual beings are "impure", yet that which "radiate with purity", while many things, which are assumably considered pure by them, are actually and in all Truthfulness, "impure".

The very "purity" of "the intuitive perception", bneneficially "uplifts" many an action, considerably to heights, "undreamed-of", by the human spiritual beings, yet which, over here, they wish to "soil" with their "scorn" and "mockery".

Exactly for this reason, the human spiritual beings, should firstly, "liberate" their "intuitive perception", in order for them to be able to stand to "judge aright" in everything and also to "weigh" the good and the evil, otherwise the human spiritual beings are consequently bound to "go astray", or "letting-go" of themselves!

Besides, the human spiritual beings should not deliberate in the sense that they have "overcome" this very factor, or that, right within the human spiritual beings, as long as they have not been put in "danger", and "faced" the possibility of "yielding" to their weaknesses, in the certainty that, no one would hear about it!

Neither, does an "escape into solitude", bring true and real benefit to anyone!

This merely only proves that such human spiritual beings, feel themselves, "too weak" or "they are too tired", for "the struggle", and perhaps, very much even "afraid" of themselves, "falling" at any given opportunity!

Being "strong" is a lot "different", because it manifests in a very "different way"!

The "strong ones" naturally "pursue their path", most unswervingly and unerringly, "amid all dangers".

These particular human spiritual beings cannot be "upset", nor do they deviate, out of their own accord, but these human spirtual beings "know" and "see", their "high goal", the personal "attainment" of which, is invariably more valuable than any thing else, that may present itself before the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane.

Therefore, the human spiritual beings must "become new" (Naturally Existing Wisely) and also "strong" within themselves!

Giving some advice regarding this very "New Activity" and also an "Admonition" for the human spiritual beings:

...........The human spiritual beings, "No Longer Must Cause No Harm, To Their Fellow Human Spiritual Beings"..................."In Order To Fulfill Or Satisfy Their Personal Desires Thereby!"

The human spiritual beings have certainly not been able to comprehend, everything that this entails and contains.

This New (Naturally Existing Wisely) Activity, is "the best staff", for the human spiritual beings, through their individual "journey", in Creation, right into "Paradise".

In addition to the first, this another piece of advice and also "admonition":

The human spiritual beings must "take care" of the "good things" entrusted to them, upon the gross material earthly surface, which also "include the physical body", in "the right manner, in order for it to "naturally exist wisely", in activity.

The human spiritual beings, should endeavour never to allow "pleasure become a propensity", then shall they become "free" of the "chains" holding them down!

It should be a condition for every individual human spiritual beings, who are striving seriously, upon the gross material earthly plane, that in the fact of "addressing" personally, an individual human spiritual being, as "Thou" (Du in German language), must and should be kept "strictly sacred" among one and another.

Only in exceptional instances, may and could "Thou" be used or "offered".

This is different in The Ethereal World, the so-called "beyond"!

Over-there, in "the beyond", barriers concerning "spiritual maturity" are "strictly established" and cannot just be "transgressed"!

There, in the Ethereal Beyond, the "real homogeneous species" live strictly together, in accordance with The Law of Creation, and it is "solely" the homogeneous species, which rightly justifies, "the address of "Thou" or "Du"!

In the Gross Material World, however, these "barriers" must firstly be established.

On the Gross Material Earthly Plane, the physical body makes it possible, for "the spirits within", the human spiritual beings, of all "degrees of spiritual maturity", to dwell and live closely "together", in such way, which could never occur nowhere, on another plane again.

Therefore, the human spiritual beings are urged to "establish" a "barrier" of "spiritual-maturity" for themselves, individually, for the "future", the necessity and great value of which, the human spiritual beings, probably cannot quite fathom.

Already, once before in The Holy Grail Message, had it been pointed out, in the lecture: "The Kiss Of Friendship", Part of which is this very "poison-spreading-attitude", of "calling each other".........."Thou" or "Du", and thus, bursting through and "trangressing", one of the most "necessary barriers" of "spiritual maturity", upon The Gross Material Earthly Plane.

The very "barrier" of "spiritual maturity", which offers the human spiritual beings "support", the value of which also, they are incapable of measuring!

Thus, it must become a "Command" for every individual human spiritual being, "striving" for The Light, that they should follow, the "attitude" and "habits" of "offering", the familiar "Thou" or "Du", to their fellow human spiritual beings, "sparingly", if not at all!

Best of all, the human spiritual beings should "avoid it entirely"!

In fact, it ought to be "firmly rejected", if "offered" to any human spiritual beings, except ofcourse in those particular instances, where "a serious union" for gross material earthly life-existence is firmly most intended, i.e., in marrIage!

Years later, the human spiritual beings, shall recognize the value, resting in this "Command".

A shuddering shiver perspires aways, whenever this address is heard, because it is consequently acknowledged, the very "corruption", contained in this very attitude or habit.

But no human spiritual being has no "prior idea" of it!

With the German linguistic syllable of "Du", or the English version of "Thou", "embodies" a very "special conception", which every "soul within" the human spiritual beings", "enters into", which is also a "bond" capable of reaching "beyond" the gross material earthly "grave"!

These are "special threads", which are by no means, "harmless", immediately "link" one to the other, with the very "use" of this "Thou" or "Du" - threads which may "hold" the spirit within the human spiritual beings "down", even those others capable of ascent!

Because, very seldom would it occur that, "two spirits within" two human spiriual beings, of "similar maturity", concerning all things, who are thereby homogeneously "linked together", "two human spiritual beings", which actually "stand", on the "spiritual maturity" and "barrier", step spiritually.

And wherever, two human spiritual beings, "link-up", who cosequently are "unequal", The Law ordains that, the "higher one" of the two, is consequently "pulled-down", but the "lower one" also consequently never ascend!

Because in Creation, "the higher one, can descend to lower planes, but no "spirit within", could ever succeed in "raising itself", even a single step, above where it"s "spirit within" stands, in accordance with the "barrier" of "spiritual maturity" (Spiritual Gravitation).

Thus, in the instance of a voluntary and close union, between two "spirits within" the human spiritual beings, who are "unequal", in their "spiritual maturity", would make it for the "higher one" either to "descend" or be "retarded" by the other, who consequently remained "backward", in it"s individual spiritual maturity, and "hangs" upon it, just as a weight, through this "tie" or "joint".

Not every m individual human spiritual being possesses the strength to "lead" the "less matured one", in such a way, they both "soar" upwards together, to the level of the higher one.

These are exceptions, which should not seriously be taken into accountabilty.

And a "complete severance" from a voluntary union is not "easy"!

This definitely contains a fact, the dreadfullness of which, the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, have never yet taken into accountability.

The human spiritual beings frivolously passes over this, unfathomably, deep in gross material earthly life existence, and they are consequently "hampered" in every instance, without an exception, as soon as they "trespass" against The law.

Like a swimmer, who dives into the water, at places not known or conversant to it"s knowledge, would often be "hampered" by "invisible creepers"!

The time shall come, when the human spiritual beings would one day be free from this danger, to which, many human spiritual beings "fall victim", daily and every available hour, upon the gross material earthly surface.

The human spiritual beings would definitely become "free" through "knowledge"!

But then, "marriages" would also in all truthfulness be different, just as well as "friendship" (Amistad), and other "unions", all of which, also quite distinctly "bear" the name "binding".

Then all "quarrels" between "friends" would definitely be ended, all "spitefullness" and "misunderstanding" would also disappear.

In observing Naturally, Existing Wise Law, which up till the present, has not been understood, would invariably turn everything into "fullest harmony"!

Until then, however, the human spiritual beings can only be helped by the "advice" at the same time an "admonition", to be very careful with the familiar "Thou" or "Du"!

If the human spiritual beings observe this, they will be protected from great suffering!

The human spiritual beings can "shorten" their individual personal "spiritual ascent", by thousands of years!

The human spiritual beings must always remember this, even when presently the do not understand it.

The human spiritual beings are hereby given thee best "weapon", with which "creepers" of an ethereal nature could be "avoided"!

The human spiritual beings would in fact require more "Commandments", in The World of Gross Matter, than is actually necessary, in the Ethereal Worlds, where all "the spirits within" the human spiritual beings, cannot but to definitely associate with their homogeneous species, even if and when this very species, carries many gradations and also therefore show very many varied forms.

In truly tail-gating and heeding to this "advice", the human spiritual beings presently, would consequently "become free", from "heavy" and "unnecessary" load, with which mankind, burden themselves repeatedly with as recidivist.

The human spiritual beings should not look at all, for exemplary hypotheses or for example, to the "beyond", which has been subject to "simpler laws".

Those human spiritual beings, in "the beyond", must firstly also, learn for themselves, in the new (Naturally Existing Wise - Wonderful) times, in the "promised Millennium".

And those in the beyond are no "wiser" than the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane themselves, because they can but only "know", what is requisite and consequently necessary for their Ethereal Plane.

Therefore, the "bond" will still have to be "torn asunder", for "spiritists", wherever it produces nothing, but "harm", consequently caused by "misunderstanding", and stupid "conceit"; the conceit which has already brought in, so many "wrong interpretations" about much, that is "valuable", thus leading the "masses" of human spiritual beings "astray" or "preventing" them, from as at present, recognizing The Truth!

The human spiritual beings should not let themselves be "misled", but to "adjust responsibly" to this "advice"!

This "advice" is significantly to extend a helping hand, to the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly surface, and they could easily recognize it"s consequent value, even at present, when they scope an observation around them more attentively!

The human spiritual beings do not have to "break away", what is already in existence, without cause or reason!

That would definitely offer no solution!

It would rather be an attempt, at "false" and "unhealthy transformation!

But, presently, the human spiritual beings must act differently and decisively in these instances, and no longer delve into them, "thoughtless" and "frivolously"!

The human spiritual beings must "build up", entirely "afresh", "anew"!

And whatever is "old" shall "fall away" by itself!

And also when it is now been mentioned to the human spiritual beings that: "Man shall never live together, with another, who cannot respect himself", then the human spiritual beings, have for their gross material earthly life-existence, that which will consequeently "enable" them, "stay free" from "karma"!

The human spiritual beings should endeavour to take these "principles", right along with them, on their path!

In order for the human spiritual beings may "ascend", there are requisitably, in addition to all of this, could only be the "inner yearning" for the "pure" and Luminous Realm of Almighty GOD!

The "yearning" for "pure, Luminous Realm of Almighty GOD", "carries" "the spirit within" the human spiritual beings only "upwards"!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings should "think" and seriously "solemly deliberate" upon The Sacredness of Almighty GOD, and His WILL (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light), at all times!

But, the human spiritual beings must "abstain" from "making a picture" of it, bt themselves, and for themselves!

It would prove certainly very wrong, because the human spiritual beings, cannot just "grasp" The Conception of Almighty GOD.

Therefore, the reason why, it is been given to the human spiritual beings, "to grasp" The Will of Almighty GOD, for which, they must "seek" in honesty and humility.

If and when the human spiritual beings have to find, The Will of Almighty GOD, they will then come to recognize, ""Almighty GOD"", there In!

That is the only "path" to Almighty GOD, through His Will!

So far, however, the human spiritual beings, have not yet "exerted" themselves, in the "right manner", in order to "grasp" The Will of Almighty GOD, to "find It", but the human spiritual beings, have always given, "precedence" to their "volition", which had "originated" from themselves, "embodying" the "wishes" of the human spiritual beings, and also the "instincts", for "self-preservation".

This is not in harmony, with the automatic, upward swinging, of all The Primordial Laws of Creation.

Therefore, find the "right route" and "path", to the "true" WILL OF ALMIGHTY GOD, in Creation,............... the human spiritual beings would come to recognize "ALMIGHTY GOD" There In!